


别的,以外:~外。~行(xíng )。~议。~眼看待。~起炉灶(a.喻重新做起;b.喻另立门户,另搞一套)。……





汉语拼音:lìng kāi








  1. Do you think it would be worth while to open up somewhere else in the neighbourhood?


  2. e mixed or administered simultaneously with calcium-containing solutions or products, even via different infusion lines.


  3. If more than 50% of your email is spam or junk, I recommend canceling your email account and starting fresh.


  4. Teams cannot have one rule for players they don't mind fining and another rule for the players they really, really like.


  5. "It's a trick, " said Hurstwood. "That's all. They'll start another place there all right. "


  6. Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times daily.


  7. He proposed another meeting.


  8. You needn't write me another cheque. Just change the date and initial it.


  9. He is thinking of starting another firm in Paris.


  1. 我将另开一个需求,更详细地描述我的要求。

    I'll open another request to address my requirements in more details.

  2. 你认为在这附近别的地方另开一家酒店值得吗?

    Do you think it would be worth while to open up somewhere else in the neighbourhood

  3. 在我们开另一瓶酒之前,先把这瓶干掉!

    Let's off this bottle of wine before we open another.

  4. 她和另一个开货车私奔了。

    She's off with another trucker.

  5. 当神有另一个好主意,他便会关上门和开另一扇门。

    God closes the door when He has a better idea, then He opens another door.

  6. 我们开了另一个会议

    We hold another conference.

  7. 昨天当他要停车的时候, 另一个司机开到了他的前面。

    was trying to park his car yesterday when another driver got in ahead of him.

  8. 美容城在三楼,二楼是另一个老板开得洗浴中心。

    Beauty City on the third floor, second floor is the boss of another bath center.

  9. 美容城在三楼,二楼是另一个老板开的洗浴中心。

    Beauty City on the third floor, second floor is the boss of another bath center.

  10. 若比用他的铁棒撬开了另一个门。

    Jobic took his bar of iron and broke open the other door.

  11. 我给你开一些另一种抗菌素药丸和咳嗽药。

    I'll give you some another antibiotic pills and cough medicine.

  12. 如果有必要的话我们可以随时开来另一辆汽车。

    If it is necessarily we can drive another car here at any time.

  13. 如今,我开着另一台贴着蝎子车标的菲亚特。

    Now I have been driving another Fiat bearing the scorpion badge.

  14. 他又扯开了另一个用气泡膜包着的东西。

    He slits open a second bubblewrap package.

  15. 病人医生给我开了另一张处方,请您看看这一张好吗?

    P My doctor has given me another prescription. Could you please have a look at it.

  16. 三周后她又回来再次复查, 卡斯给她开了另一种添加剂。

    After three weeks she went back for more tests and Cass prescribed additional supplements.

  17. 这个程序还开了另一个专门往那个端口发送数据的线程。

    The program creates another thread exclusively for writing data out the port.

  18. 这个程序还开了另一个专门往那个端口发送数据得线程。

    The program creates another thread exclusively for writing data out the port.

  19. 由于适逢风暴,飞行员将我们乘坐的飞机转开往另一个机场。

    During the storm, the pilot diverted our plane to another airport.

  20. 当一扇快乐之门是关着的时候,另一扇是开着的。

    When the door of happiness closes, another opens.

  21. 他们在边界另一端的墨西哥开了家新工厂。

    They had opened a new factory across the border in mexico.

  22. 在我们等候另一辆汽车开来的同时, 发动机在轻轻地空转着。

    The engine ticked over softly while we waited for the other car to come.

  23. 好了, 睁开你的另一只眼吧。

    Now open your other eye.

  24. 比尔进了屋,我走开去看望另唯一病人。

    Bill disappeare nota inside, and I left to visit anotIT patient.

  25. 比尔进了屋, 我走开去看望另一个病人。

    Bill disappeared inside, and I left to visit another patient.

  26. 餐室里早点早开过,另花钱叫了两客早餐。

    Breakfast had already been served in the dining room, so they ordered and paid for two extra servings.

  27. 另可依客户要求开版定做各种专版袋子。

    Another version is available upon request to open a variety of customized Zhuanban bag.

  28. 你能用你的篙子把另一条船撑开吗?

    Can you fend off the other boat with your pole

  29. 如果另一台电脑已经开了机, 它会看到那讯息并且也关机。

    Is the other machine turned on, it will see the message and also shut down.

  30. 所以我开车去城另一边的医院

    So I drove across town to another hospital.