


1. 晕 [yùn]2. 晕 [yūn]晕 [yùn]太阳或月亮周围形成的光圈:日~。光影色泽模糊的部分:霞~。墨~。头发昏,有旋转的感觉:~眩。~车。眼~。晕 [yūn]昏迷:~倒。~厥。头脑不清。……


1. 眩 [xuàn]眩 [xuàn]眼睛昏花看不清楚:~晕。~瞀。头昏目~。迷惑,迷乱:~于名利。~惑。古同“炫”,炫耀。……



汉语拼音:yùn xuàn




1.眩晕。感觉本身或周围的东西在旋转。鲁迅《书信集·致许广平》:“大约因年老力衰,而饮食不慎,胃不消化,则突然精力不济,遂现晕眩状态。”茅盾《子夜》一:“从晕眩的突击中方始清醒过来的 吴老太爷 吃惊似的睁开了眼睛。”

2.眼睛昏花。许地山《萤灯》:“原来这洞是一条暗河,难胜 许久没与强度的阳光接触,不由得晕眩了一会。”杨朔《潼关之夜》:“突然,我的眼睛受到强烈的电光的照射而感到晕眩。”



  1. 眩晕。感觉本身或周围的东西在旋转。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致许广平》:“大约因年老力衰,而饮食不慎,胃不消化,则突然精力不济,遂现晕眩状态。” 茅盾 《子夜》一:“从晕眩的突击中方始清醒过来的 吴老太爷 吃惊似的睁开了眼睛。”

  2. 眼睛昏花。

    许地山 《萤灯》:“原来这洞是一条暗河, 难胜 许久没与强度的阳光接触,不由得晕眩了一会。” 杨朔 《潼关之夜》:“突然,我的眼睛受到强烈的电光的照射而感到晕眩。”



  1. If you feel light-headed or nauseous at anytime during the race, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.


  2. Sucre seems to be hurting and Michael appears to be very dizzy.


  3. He was feeling better since the water and he knew he would not go away and his head was clear.


  4. His heart gave him a great deal of trouble. He could feel its thump, thump, thump; and the painful beats choked him and made him feel faint.


  5. "He had some nausea and dizziness. That's what was the irritating thing, " Jackson said. "He had his bell rung. "


  6. However, it seems that it had come so fast that I've been made confused even before I could get ready for all this.


  7. Sam was at the depot, and said she just had a little spell, and got all right soon after they telegraphed.


  8. Afterward, she says she feels a little dizzy but energized enough to run around the block a couple of times.


  9. Particularly after each Physical Education class, when he looked at the sweat-soaked back of a boy he liked, he felt dazed.


  1. 晕眩检查室

    mieroscopy room.

  2. 令人晕眩的高度

    A dizzy height.

  3. 令人晕眩的景物

    a swimming sight

  4. 而你感到恶心,晕眩

    The queasiness, the dizziness.

  5. 令人晕眩的高处

    a giddy height

  6. 它使人晕眩, 使人作呕。

    It can make you dizzy. It can make you nauseous.

  7. 一阵极度晕眩的感觉

    A sensation of extreme giddiness

  8. 使人晕眩的旋转舞

    the dizzying wheel of the dance

  9. 她一阵晕眩,跌倒在地。

    She slumped to the ground in a faint.

  10. 秋天使我晕眩, 使我不安, 使我快乐。

    Autumn makes me bedazzle, setup and also happy.

  11. 意外的, 忽然的, 令人晕眩的

    Of the sudden out unexpected unanticipated unforeseen stunning foudroyant unlookedfor blue

  12. 主要症状头痛, 晕眩, 困倦, 呕吐。

    Major Sate headache , dizziness , vomit and drowsiness

  13. 恍惚, 晕眩处于晕眩或迷惑的状态

    A stunned or bewildered condition.

  14. 勒奈特,你有恶心晕眩的症状。

    Lynette, you were dizzy and throwing up.

  15. 勒奈特,你有恶心晕眩的症状。

    Lynette, you were dizzy and throwing up.

  16. 勒奈特,你有恶心晕眩的症状。

    Lynette, you were dizzy and throwing up.

  17. 我试着爬但增长晕眩, 入睡。

    I tried to crawl but grew giddy and fell asleep.

  18. 藉由对晕眩的人一连串的泪滴。

    With a string of tears to the people in qualm.

  19. 他感到晕眩,只得靠在栏杆上。

    He had to lie over the banister because he was getting dizzy.

  20. 健康危害效应头痛,晕眩,困倦,呕吐

    Hazard Warnings for Health Headache , Qualm , Vomit and drowsiness.

  21. 我突然感到一阵晕眩, 只好躺下来。

    A feeling of faintness came over me, so I had to lie down.

  22. 使发昏使晕眩,如因重击或震惊

    To stun, as with a heavy blow or shock stupefy.

  23. 他们可能会感到冷, 晕眩, 意志模糊。

    They might feel cold, dizzy and unable to think clearly.

  24. 恶心, 晕眩突然感到恶心, 眩晕或反胃的

    A sudden feeling of sickness, faintness, or nausea.

  25. 雪上反射的阳光使滑雪者晕眩

    Skiers temporarily blinded by sunlight on snow

  26. 起身时则感到晕眩,必须再躺下来。

    Standing up, you get dizzy and must lie down again.

  27. 我在船上觉得有点晕眩想呕吐。

    I felt a little queasy on the ship.

  28. 眼或耳的疾病, 晕眩, 癫痫, 语言缺陷?

    Disorder of eye or ear, dizziness, epilepsy, speech defect ?

  29. 我连站起来都 伴随着晕眩的感觉。

    I could barely stand up without feeling like I was going to faint.

  30. 冲锋晕眩效果持续1。5秒。这个效果不会递减。

    Charge Duration of stun effect now lasts 1.5 seconds. This effect no longer has diminishing returns.


  1. 问:晕眩拼音怎么拼?晕眩的读音是什么?晕眩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晕眩的读音是,晕眩翻译成英文是 daze

  2. 问:晕眩的拼音怎么拼?晕眩的的读音是什么?晕眩的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晕眩的的读音是,晕眩的翻译成英文是 light




【汉语拼音】yùn xuàn



【近义词】眩晕 (头晕(此处读第一声)) 头昏

