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1. 尉 [wèi]2. 尉 [yù]尉 [wèi]古代官名,一般是武官:县~。都~。卫~。太~。军衔的一级,在校以下:~官。少~。上~。〔~氏〕地名,在中国河南省。姓。尉 [yù]〔~迟〕复姓。〔~犁〕地名,在中国新疆维吾尔自治区。……
汉语拼音:tài wèi
秦 至 西汉 设置,为全国军政首脑,与丞相、御史大夫并称三公。 汉 武帝 时改称大司马。 东汉 时太尉与司徒、司空并称三公。历代亦多曾沿置,但渐变为加官,无实权。至 宋徽宗 时,定为武官官阶的最高一级,但本身并不表示任何职务。一般常用作武官的尊称。 元 以后废。
If I were those swordsmen from the militia, I'd have refused to die. All their lives were worth only the value of an egg!
如果我是那群太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,原来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。If I was those swordsman from the militia, I'd have refused to die. Their lives were worth only an egg!
如果我是太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,原来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。There was an official named Wang Yan. He appreciated Guo Xiang's eloquence very much.
当时有一位太尉,叫王衍,十分欣赏郭象的口才。If you're serious, you must pay. No one's going to take on those swordsmen for a mule.
如果你有心替你弟弟报仇,你要筹一笔钱,没有人会为了一只驴子去得罪太尉府的刀客。Pi altai wei his, into the Grand Shoukunxiang hou , after the death of its posthumous title, "Su-Hou. "
曹丕拜他为太尉,进爵魏寿乡侯,死后谥号“肃侯”。Xia Cao Cao father Hou Song (Tai Yu office) for the eunuch Cao Teng child, with Cao Cao Shen Han to Tang after.
曹操父亲夏侯嵩(官职太尉)为宦官曹腾养子,曹腾为汉相曹参之后。Ling to AFu after officials, to a TaiWei, for the quarter the shame.
陵后以阿附宦官,致位太尉,为节者所羞。Mr. Yu denied that the move constitutes a trade restriction.
俞太尉否认这一举动构成了贸易限制。Cao Song Han Tai Yu, who, to take bribes property giant, there are hundreds of gold volume.
Mr. Yu denied that the move constitutes a trade restriction.
在此种场合下, 太尉是作为武人的尊称。
In such occasions, Qiu as Taketo the honorific.
There was an official named Wang Yan. He appreciated Guo Xiangs eloquence very much.