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He must, if he would triumph, attain as clear an understanding as possible of the nature of the enemy that abides in his subconscious.
他必须、如果他能够胜利、获得尽可能明确的一个关于居留在他的潜意识的敌人的性质的认识。He told himself that his wife's stay abroad had done her no end of good and made her far more amenable to reason.
他私下想,妻子的国外居留对她起了无限好的作用,使她大为通情达理了。Because of compassion for her terrible suffering they allowed her to stay.
他们因为同情她的悲惨遭遇而准许她居留。You will not normally be allowed to submit an application in a country where you are based as a visitor or other temporary basis.
4你将不允许在一个作为来宾或另外的暂时居留的国家提交一个申请。Besides everything else, Egypt has always been a type of the world and that was not the place for God's people to remain indefinitely.
除此以外,埃及一直是一个拜偶像的国家,并非神的百姓长久居留的理想地。Certified victims also can apply for a T visa, which enables them to stay in the United States and bring their families over as well.
被证明的受害者还可申请“T”签证,使他们能合法在美国居留,并可将他们的家属迁来美国。Rather, migration agents found that the system allowed these courses to be a back door to gaining Australian residency.
而是移民中介发现系统有个后门,人们能通过参加这些课程就获得澳洲永久居留权利。having stayed in China without approval for a period less than three cumulative months a year or less than a cumulative year in five years.
未经批准每年在中国累计居留不满三个月或者五年内在中国累计居留不满一年的。These individuals are guilty of immigration violations for failing to leave the country when their residency applications were rejected.