


圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……







汉语拼音:zhōu ér fù shǐ





循环往复,一圈一圈地运转。《汉书·礼乐志》:“阴阳五行,周而复始。” 周:转一圈。复始:重新开始。



  • 【解释】:周:环绕一圈;复:又,再。转了一圈又一圈,不断循环。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·礼乐志》:“精健日月,星辰度理,阴阳五行,周而复始。”
  • 【示例】:季节的春夏秋冬,植物的生长荣枯,~,年年如此。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语;指循环往复


  1. Again and again, she asked the bank to put an alert on her account, but when she checked, it wasn't there.


  2. The cycle of good and bad fortune is like the rise and fall of a roller coaster: What goes up inevitably comes down.


  3. He planed to have a rest for a period of time, as he used to work six days a week, eleven hours a day, and it's cycling for a decade.


  4. More often than not, the children of child workers are also trapped in poverty, perpetuating the cycle.


  5. Hogwarts has always stood for equality, in the face of such a cycle of confrontation, there is no measures to improve it?


  6. The only real solution to the poor return on China's reserves is to stop accumulating them.


  7. Time for individuals is consecutive and irreversible, but for the universe, just a repetitive circle.


  8. As far as social justice is concerned, it is often reflected in the cycle process from liberty to equality and again to liberty, and so on.


  9. He had a feeling that he was playing a part from memory of something that he had read or had dreamed , and felt it all moving in a circle .


  1. 这个循环周而复始。

    The cycle then repeats itself.

  2. 周而复始,报应不爽。

    The wheel have come full circle.

  3. 季节在周而复始地变换。

    The seasons revolve.

  4. 周而复始,我渐渐习惯了。

    Cycle, I gradually got used to.

  5. 该循环周而复始,永无止境。

    This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.

  6. 第九季,第十一集,周而复始

    It's a big day.

  7. 今天是1月1日,一年周而复始。

    Its January 1st, the year has come full circle.

  8. 地球周而复始地绕着太阳旋转。

    The earth goes round and round the sun.

  9. 周而复始,挣脱梦的壳,面对天气。

    Time to break out of one's dream shell, and here's weather.

  10. 轮流依照次序一个接替一个,周而复始。

    Rotation take turns or recur in particular order.

  11. 在星辰下你得 周而复始地循环。

    You will put the star in starting over, and over.

  12. 这是一种周而复始, 生生不息的循环。

    This cycle will always repeat itself.

  13. 他本应该做一个周而复始的太阳。

    He should have been the sun of a circle.

  14. 我的生命周而复始就像是个呼啦圈

    What goes around, comes around like a hula hoop

  15. 相的决心年复一年,周而复始地出现。

    The same old favourites recur year in year our with monotonous regularity.

  16. 但是当你回来后, 这个过程又周而复始。

    But when you return, the process starts all over again.

  17. 童工的孩子亦在贫困中挣扎, 周而复始。

    More often than not, the children of child workers are also trapped in poverty, perpetuating the cycle.

  18. 恋爱周而复始的过程。我竟没有把任何留丅。

    Love cycle of the process. I was not leaving any Xia.

  19. 生产者、消费者、分解者之间周而复始的不断循环着。

    There exists an continuous cycle among those producers, consumers and decomposers.

  20. 然后润滑油滴落回润滑油箱。润滑油周而复始如此循环。

    The oil then trickles down into the sump, whereagain and the cycle repeats.

  21. 不稳定细胞循细胞周期周而复始地进行有丝分裂。

    Labile cells follow the cell cycle from one mitosis to the next.

  22. 我认为只有一种情况, 那就是循环不已, 周而复始。

    I could not imagine any other than a cyclic volume, circular.

  23. 秋天的叶子提醒着他,夏天周而复始的来了又走。

    And the autumn leaves reminded him another summer's come and gone.

  24. 如此的周而复始,完成向日葵的锈病的整个生活史循环。

    So went round and round, and completed the whole life cycle.

  25. 人生自有其韵律和节奏,其内在的成长与衰亡周而复始。

    It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay.

  26. 上述行动引发了报复,形成了一个周而复始的暴力循环。

    Such acts provoked retaliation, resulting in an endless cycle of violence.

  27. 流行时尚周而复始,演绎了一拨又一拨关于头发的传奇。

    Popular and fashionable go round and round, deduced batch another batch of legend about the hair.

  28. 流行时尚周而复始,演绎了一拨又一拨关于头发得传奇。

    Popular and fashionable go round and round, deduced batch another batch of legend about the hair.

  29. 我想必定是周而复始的, 它使人们一直处于高度紧张中。

    I think, again, it puts people on alert all the time.

  30. 我想到这只能是一本周而复始的书,一部首尾衔接的卷帙

    I could think of nothing other than a cyclic volume, a circular one


  1. 问:周而复始拼音怎么拼?周而复始的读音是什么?周而复始翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周而复始的读音是zhōu'érfùshǐ,周而复始翻译成英文是 come full circle


