




1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……



汉语拼音:jiàn jiàng







  1. 英勇善战的将领。

    《后汉书·吕布传》:“﹝ 吕布 ﹞与其健将 成廉 魏越 等数十骑,驰突 燕 阵,一日或至三四,皆斩首而出。”《新唐书·李希烈传》:“ 洽 ( 刘洽 )得书,喜曰:‘健将在西,吾何忧?’” 清 冯桂芬 《上海纪事》:“ 德昭 为 张忠武公 麾下健将。”

  2. 喻某种活动的能手。

    陶曾佑 《中国文学之概观》:“他如 郝伯常 之豪於诗词, 虞伯生 之擅於古文, 金履祥 之贯通经史,均足称文坛之健将焉。” 邹韬奋 《患难余生记·离渝前的政治形势》:“他叫 郑代巩 ,原来是全国学联的一位健将。”

  3. 运动健将的省称。运动员等级中最高一级的称号,由国家授予。如:跳高健将,游泳健将。



  1. Kabaraijian set the collection box down on Munson's desk and opened it. "Not a bad day, " he said.


  2. She used to be a great player, but now she's only shadow of her former self.


  3. Okay, okay, you know I'm a master sportsman. There's really nothing to it. I have a way with it.


  4. Not wanting to be a burden on his hard-working family, he was a diligent student, a talented athlete, and class leader.


  5. Campaign to master, using your strength, using your spirit, and develop out of a run of your world!


  6. As a Chicha stadium was once famous wrestling master, Hao Cheng Guang this point is very clear: no fewer than FireWire minor injuries.


  7. For Obama, Julius Erving, better known as Doctor J, was a hero--a gentlemanly, smart, and thoughtful African--American sports figure.


  8. Student Teacher in the class are referred to me as the sports master!


  9. He is a fast runner and none of his classmates can run so fast as he.


  1. 某项体育的健将

    a dab at

  2. 某项体育得健将

    a dab at.

  3. 他是个篮球健将。

    He is a dab hand at basketball.

  4. 汤姆是个游泳健将。

    Tom is a pretty good swimmer.

  5. 汤姆是位游泳健将。

    Tom is a very powerful swimmer.

  6. 你真是个游泳健将。

    You're a really good swimmer.

  7. 天生一个滑雪健将!

    Fuer Snowboard bin ich ein Naturtalent!

  8. 大牛健将大牛出场。

    Now, here is Master Sportsman Daniel.

  9. 你们是感情中的长跑健将

    You're longdistance runners.

  10. 真是个美女, 英雄, 游泳健将

    Quite a beauty, hero, swimmer

  11. 他是名优秀的体育健将,

    He is a good sportsman

  12. 我哥哥是一名足球健将。

    My brother is a football ace.

  13. 贝利是举世无双的足球健将。

    Pele was in a class of his own as a footballer.

  14. 她会成为我们家的足球健将的

    She's gonna be our Mia Hamm.

  15. 他是短跑健将,而不是游泳选手。

    He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.

  16. 竭克是个网球健将。他天下无敌。

    Jack was an excellent tennis player. He was able to beat anybody.

  17. 在空中, 海鹦也是惊人的飞行健将。

    In the air, puffins are surprisingly fleet flyers.

  18. 看起来你在大学里是个运动健将吧。

    You look like you were a jock in college.

  19. 影星或体育健将等收到的崇拜者的信

    fan letter

  20. 成为一名游泳健将曾是我的理想。

    Being a good swimmer was my dream.

  21. 他们两个都是很厉害的游泳健将。

    They are both very strong swimmers.

  22. 剑桥总是为有运动健将而感到骄傲。

    Here in cambridge, we've always been proud of our athletic prowess.

  23. 多数一流的足球运动员都是天生的健将。

    Most firstclass footballers are natural athletes.

  24. 那么,她的意中人也会是个体育健将么?

    So, must her dream guy be a sportsman too

  25. 我们会成为全民皆是跑步健将的国家。

    We'd turn into a whole nation of great runners.

  26. 她以前是个健将, 现在已不及当年了。

    She used to be a great player, but now shes only a shadow of her former self.

  27. 约翰是个游泳健将, 他常常在比赛中获奖。

    John is a good swimmer. He wins more often than not.

  28. 她是一名游泳健将, 泳姿优雅而动作矫

    She is an agile swimmer, full of grace and speed.

  29. 他生性会水,长大后一定是个游泳健将。

    He could swim ever since he was born, and will definitely become a good swimmer in the future.

  30. 我年轻的时候是个相当优秀的游泳健将,我说。

    I was a pretty good swimmer myself when I was a young man,'I said.


  1. 问:健将拼音怎么拼?健将的读音是什么?健将翻译成英文是什么?

    答:健将的读音是jiànjiàng,健将翻译成英文是 great sportsman



英勇善战的将领。也指 喻某种活动的能手。也指运动健将的省称。运动员等级中最高一级的称号,由国家授予。