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1. 疑 [yí]2. 疑 [nǐ]疑 [yí]不信,猜度(duó):~惑。~问。~心。~团。~虑。~窦。~点。~端。猜~。怀~。半信半~。不能解决的,不能断定的:~案。~难。~义。存~。疑 [nǐ]安定,止息。古同“拟”,比拟。……
汉语拼音:cún yí
清 崔述 《唐虞考信录》卷一:“故今於 唐 虞 之録尤致慎焉,必其详审无疑,乃敢次经一等书之,否则寧列之备览,甚或竟置之存疑。” 瞿秋白 《房龙的“地理”和自己》:“因此,他不能够自信,他只能够存疑。”
For the avoidance of doubt, the Company do not accept any special instructions given on this Request Form.
为免存疑,任何在本申请表格上的额外指示,公司将不予处理。For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any other instructions given on this Reply Form.
为免存疑,任何在本回条上的其他指示,本公司将不予处理。Even the $917 billion in savings that have already been agreed by Republicans and Democrats are not guaranteed in the long term, he said.
他称,即使9,170亿美元预算削减计划已然获得共和党和民主党的支持,但对其长期可执行性存疑。Some analysts doubted any intervention would be effective, given past experiences by the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank.
一些分析师鉴于过去日本央行和瑞士央行的经验,对干预是否有效存疑。For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not accept any special instructions written on this change request form.
为免存疑,任何在本更改表格上的额外手写指示,本公司将不予处理。Doubt about Europe's ability to contain the debt crisis has once more sent markets into a spin and put Italy firmly in the firing line.
投资者对欧洲遏制债务危机的能力存疑,使市场再次下跌,也将意大利置于风口浪尖之上。For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this Change Request Form.
为免存疑,任何在本变更申请表上的额外手写指示,公司将不予处理。For the avoidance of doubt , we do not accept any special instructions written on this Election Form.
为免存疑,任何在本选择表格上的额外手写指示,本公司将不予处理。For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this request form.