




1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……



汉语拼音:niàn jīng







  1. 朗读或背诵宗教经文。

    五代 齐己 《和郑谷郎中幽栖之什》:“相对惟溪寺,初宵闻念经。”《水浒传》第四回:“员外放心,老僧自慢慢地教他念经诵咒,办道参禪。” 张天翼 《儿女们》:“走过佛堂的时候他瞟了那边一眼,瞥见五姨太太在敲着木鱼念经。”



  1. There was one bird in particular that came whenever the monk chanted sutras. It would perch on a branch near by and listen carefully.


  2. When a mimo is not doing ceremonies for healings or funerals, he goes off to a quiet spot at the edge of a village.


  3. Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey, joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.


  4. There was my aunt preaching away as if reading a sermon.


  5. She was also the author of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.


  6. A farmer requested a Tendai priest to recite sutras for his wife, who had died.


  7. Jet: Thanks for asking . Yes , everyday I chant and meditate . I pray for a peaceful world and positive energy to all.


  8. If he does go down that road, just stick to the same reason, like a mantra.


  9. Japan celebrates Kii Mountains as a world Heritage site with meditation, vegetarian foods and Buddhist sutras.


  1. 和尚们正在念经。

    The monks are chanting the sacred texts.

  2. 花和尚念经,有口无心。

    He has much prayer but little devotion.

  3. 他们哪还有时间念经?

    When do they find time to pray?

  4. 他们哪还有时间念经?

    When do they find time to pray?

  5. 那里是和尚念经的地方。

    That's where the monks pray.

  6. 远来的和尚会念经

    A man from other city, and the further away that city is, the greater the expert

  7. 殷对他们视而不见, 继续念经。

    Yin ignored them, and kept reciting his sutra.

  8. 阿姨又在像念经一样说教。

    There was my aunt preaching away as if reading a sermon.

  9. 或是念经, 拿着权杖裸体跳舞

    or we can chant and dance around naked, you know, with sticks.

  10. 嘘, 小声点儿。佛爷正在念经哪!

    Hush, be quiet. The monk is reciting sutras!

  11. 念经, 祷告机械含混地诵读祈祷文

    To mumble prayers in a mechanical manner.

  12. 念经念累了,梳梳头,头脑清醒。

    To chant buddhist scripture reading tired, comb hair and a clear mind.

  13. 我不会念经, 还是你比较重要, 小和尚。

    Let me go, don't say no.

  14. 和尚非常恐惧,于是戒掉酒肉,好好念经。

    The monk fears very much,hence quit the wine meat, liking to like to Buddhist scripture.

  15. 僧人们被一根绳子连接起来, 开始念经和做法。

    Monks connected by a rope is chanting in sacrificial ceremony.

  16. 这里, 蜡烛照明一个巨大的建筑物的念经堂。

    Here, candles illuminate one of the giant building s chanting halls.

  17. 你注意到和尚都是一再反复地念经了吗?

    Did you notice that monks chant scriptures over and over Reciting the speech again and again can give you peace of mind.

  18. 每日清晨,喇嘛叩击108响,僧人开始上殿念经。

    Early each morning, 108 lamas tapping sound of chanting monks began Shangdian.

  19. 当参加者躺在棺材内时, 僧侣们就开始念经祈祷。

    While the participants lie in their coffins, monks chant prayers.

  20. 殷为驴子的灵魂念经, 还做法事减轻它的痛苦。

    Yin recited sutras for the dead donkey's soul, and performed ceremonies to release it from its suffering.

  21. 都说外来的和尚好念经, 大概这句话是不错的。

    Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.

  22. 农夫死了妻子,邀请天台宗师傅给她念经超度。

    A farmer requested a Tendai priest to sutras for his wife, who had died.

  23. 我每天都为他的灵魂念经祷告二他就会升天堂。

    I prayers for his soul every day so he go up there.

  24. 我每天都为他得灵魂念经祷告二他就会升天堂。

    I prayers for his soul every day so he go up there.

  25. 诸多儿童入寺念经是宗教影响学校教育的直接表现。

    The phenomenon of children preaching is the direct representation of influencing school education.

  26. 节日期间大家停止一切活动呆在家里,或出去听念经。

    Holiday period everybody stops all moving dull at home, or exits to listen to chant scripture.

  27. 人们看到他在电视上念经似地就危机问题老调重弹。

    He was seen on TV delivering platitudes about the crisis in a monotone voice.

  28. 在我口中念出来只剩歌词了, 就像小和尚念经一样。

    I read in the mouth left the lyrics, the same as novices scripts.

  29. 你不需要去想着禅宗心印和宇宙的意义更加不用念经。

    You dont have to contemplate Zen koans or the meaning of the universe or chant anything.

  30. 因为怀念太阳, 天空整夜地在无数群星间数着它的念珠念经。

    The sky tells its beads all night on the countless stars in memory of the sun.


  1. 问:念经拼音怎么拼?念经的读音是什么?念经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:念经的读音是niànjīng,念经翻译成英文是 chant scriptures


