


1. 稽 [jī]2. 稽 [qǐ]稽 [jī]停留:~留。~滞。考核:~核。~查。~考。无~之谈。计较:反唇相~。至。姓。稽 [qǐ]〔~首〕古代的一种礼节,跪下,拱手至地,头也至地。……


1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……



汉语拼音:jī chá








  1. 检查。

    明 张居正 《答云南巡抚陈见吾书》:“其诸未受礼仪,亦宜稽查,毋为乾没。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十一:“稽查隐漏田赋。”

  2. 指检查人员。

    洪深 《劫后桃花》四五:“ 日本 人因为我熟悉 青岛 的情形,派了我一名高等稽查。”



  1. So far, authorities have not found a culture inspection without opening.


  2. In terms of special tax audits, tax audit should be carried out to the company operations in a comprehensive way.


  3. To guide works regarding supervision, administration, emergency inspection and information construction in the matter of food and drugs.


  4. Students will learn about eco reports and an energy audits including an environmental impact statement for a range of businesses.


  5. Audit is for the system's verification, examination and computation. It is an effective supplement to the system's security.


  6. The second generation of auditing system said? He is mainly to add new's order queries, other basically all god's horse change without.


  7. More than 2000 tax inspectors will be recruited to crack down on tax evasion among the wealthiest people in the UK, the BBC reported.


  8. One day, a government auditor was conducting a routine inspection during one of their spontaneous worship services.


  9. Dangshan County in the west of a traffic inspection stations, an interview with reporters of several front-line law enforcement officers.


  1. 加强税收征管稽查

    enhance tax administration

  2. 受托方稽查局

    entrusted auditing bureau.

  3. 监狱职员稽查处

    Prison Staff Inspectorate

  4. 税务稽查的博弈分析

    The gaming analysis of the tax investigation

  5. 维护保养稽查设备, 仪器。

    Maintain audit equipment and instrument.

  6. 稽查包括日常稽查和专项稽查。

    Inspections include the daily inspections and the special inspections.

  7. 记录稽查结果并发出稽查报告。

    Record the audit outcome and send audit report.

  8. 魏这是我们的稽查通知书。

    W This is our inspection notice.

  9. 证券违法行为稽查效率研究

    Study on the Efficiency of Inspections of Illegal Acts in Securities Market

  10. 划清日常检查和稽查职责。

    Defining daily inspection and check duties.

  11. 卫生稽查员收佣金吗?

    Do health inspectors work on commission

  12. 鸡蛋已经卫生稽查员检测。

    The eggs were candled by the health inspectors.

  13. 加强检疫稽查防范有害生物入侵

    Strengthening quarantine check for preventing the incursion of harmful living things

  14. 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。

    The tax inspector agreed the figures.

  15. 支持质量控制和相关的质量稽查。

    Support quality control and quality audit of deliverables.

  16. 海关稽查的风险,会被要求追缴海关关税。

    The customs may demand to recover custom duty and tax.

  17. 纳税人有拒绝税务稽查人员违法稽查的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to refuse illegal inspection conducted by tax inspectors.

  18. 当前税务稽查存在的问题与应对之策

    Current Problems in Tax Inspection and the Countermeasures

  19. 员工调休假, 请假, 日出勤稽查统计表。

    Employees leave adjustment, private affair leave, and daily attendance statistics.

  20. 海关稽查员正在检查出关的行李。

    The customs inspectors are inspecting the outgoing baggage.

  21. 我受到税务稽查员长时间的查问。

    I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition by the tax inspector.

  22. 是否稽查生产员工来验证培训?得意思啊!

    Are employee audited in production to verify training?

  23. 是否稽查生产员工来验证培训?的意思啊!

    Are employee audited in production to verify training ?

  24. 基于企业逸出信息分析的税务稽查方法

    The Tax Inspection Method for the Analysis on the Enterprise Stilled Information

  25. 税务稽查员拥有查看公司文件的权利。

    The tax inspector hadgained access to the company files.

  26. 至今, 文化稽查部门没有发现一家擅自开张。

    So far, authorities have not found a culture inspection without opening.

  27. 你欺骗那个税物稽查员是颇不像话。

    It was rather naughty of you to deceive the tax inspector.

  28. 按稽查指导书完成对生产线的三级稽查任务。

    According to audit direct file complete product line's third class audit work.

  29. 创建联动协查新机制实现稽查工作新突破

    Establishing New System of Joint Action and Cooperating Investigation and Making Breakthrough in Drug Inspection

  30. 税务稽查税收遵从风险管理模式的构建研究

    Research on the Design of Tax Compliance Risk Management Model in Tax Inspection


  1. 问:稽查拼音怎么拼?稽查的读音是什么?稽查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽查的读音是jīchá,稽查翻译成英文是 check; customs officer

  2. 问:稽查员拼音怎么拼?稽查员的读音是什么?稽查员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽查员的读音是jīcháyuán,稽查员翻译成英文是 expediter

  3. 问:稽查证拼音怎么拼?稽查证的读音是什么?稽查证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽查证的读音是jīcházhèng,稽查证翻译成英文是 investigation certificate

  4. 问:稽查作用拼音怎么拼?稽查作用的读音是什么?稽查作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽查作用的读音是jī chá zuò yòng,稽查作用翻译成英文是 censorship

  5. 问:稽查部门拼音怎么拼?稽查部门的读音是什么?稽查部门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稽查部门的读音是jīchábùmén,稽查部门翻译成英文是 audit department



词义∶检查;盘查,与原始凭证进行比对确认,是否为账物一致; 一般分为两种形式: 1.官方检查走私、偷税、违禁等的非法活动; 2.公司企业检查/稽兑内部的违流程/反程序作业;