


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……


排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:fēn liè







  1. 分别排列。

    唐 权德舆 《答杨湖南书》:“初不敢以制集自命,但全其文而已。因其猥多,分列卷第,又靦然以序引奉烦者。”《痛史》第十回:“ 天祥 下马登坛,众将分列左右,军中鼓角齐鸣。” 周瘦鹃 《观莲拙政园》:“从东部新辟的大门进去,迎面就看到新迭的湖石,分列三面,傍石植树,点缀得楚楚可观。”



  1. The Poor Fellows shoved men aside to open a way through the crowd whilst the Swords fell in on either side of her.


  2. Symptoms of malware vary greatly. Some common symptoms which may be observed in the case of New Malware. hi detections are as follows.


  3. Various parts of the legislation, such as a cut in payroll taxes, will probably now be separated out for consideration.


  4. Ask him to help you fill in each column for all of the items you spend money on each month.


  5. The company has used its established newspaper brands to build websites that rank first and second in Scandinavia for visitors.


  6. The reparse attribute cannot be set as it is incompatible with an existing attribute.


  7. Instead, ask to see the desegregated test results that break out various student populations.


  8. U. S. schools topped the list for places to send their kids, but schools in the U. K. and Canada followed as second and third picks.


  9. The major component parts of a LINK control system are listed below.


  1. 这本词典的一个与众不同的地方是它将词按义项分列。

    The separation of words into sense groupings is one of the things that sets this dictionary apart.

  2. 关于列分块矩阵广义逆的一种算法

    Generalized Inverses of Column Partitioned Matrices

  3. 除了舞台魔术,观众们对一些列动物表演十分感兴趣。

    In addition to stage magic, audiences were also diverted by a series of animal acts.

  4. 除了舞台魔术,观众们对一些列动物表演十分感兴趣。

    In addition to stage magic, audiences were also diverted by a series of animal acts.

  5. 大部分更新涉及少量的列。

    Most updates involve a small number of columns.

  6. 差分法解递推数列问题

    Using Difference Method to Solve the Problems of Recursion Sequence of Numbers.

  7. 他不在那列火车上,我十分失望。

    To my disappointment, he wasn't on the train.

  8. 基于混沌多相序列的差分混沌键控方案

    Differential Chaos Shift Keying scheme based on chaotic polyphase sequences

  9. 在多列报表中指定每列或每页是否分组。

    Specify whether to group per column or page in multicolumn reports.

  10. 这列火车预定于8。45到达,但是它误点了二十分钟。

    The train is scheduled to arrive at8.45, but its running twenty minutes late.

  11. 他本来列在我们数中,并且在这职事上得了一分。

    For he was numbered among us and was allotted his portion of this ministry.

  12. 这些活动应限于上文第5款所列的活动或其中的分项。

    Such activities shall be limited to those, or a subset of those, listed in paragraph5 above.

  13. 表示数据列用于在聚合查询中创建分组的结果集。

    Indicates that the data column is being used to create a grouped result set in an aggregate query.

  14. 要设置在每一个分项目检查时,检查的列标题复选框。

    To set a check in every subitem, you check the checkbox in the column header.

  15. 其中一些写字板出现了词汇列表,分两至三列写成。

    Some of tablets appear to be Lexical Lists, written in two or three columns.

  16. 分位数统计信息提供关于一个列中的值是否聚合的信息。

    Quantile statistics provide the information whether the values of a column are clustered or not.

  17. 矩阵理论在求分式线性递推数列通项公式中的应用

    Application of matrix theory to solving the general formula of fractional linear recursive series

  18. 务必要让两个分栏都列有这些视频格式的使用说明。

    Make sure these video format commands line up on both sides of the page.

  19. 用二阶矩阵乘方统一求分式线性递推数列的通项

    The Common Formula of Fractional Linear Recursive Series Solved by the Power of Second Order Matrix Uniformly

  20. 分组的个数可能多于三个,这取决于列中的非重复值。

    The number of groupings can be more than three, depending on the distinct values in the columns.

  21. 为包含分组重复项的规范值的列输入一个描述性名称。

    Enter a descriptive name for the column that will contain the canonical value for the grouped duplicates.

  22. 行与列往往是分开驱动的,其时序由时序信号发生器来控制。

    The rows and columns are usually driven separately, with timing controlled by the timing generator.

  23. 这一系列的不均衡, 致使在女性人群中, 绝大部分无读写能力。

    One consequence of this imbalance higher rates of illiteracy among women.

  24. 首先用等间距步长将距离和时间分为一系列的离散节点。

    Firstly, the distance and time are divided into a series of discrete nodes with evenly spaced increments.

  25. 差分直接序列扩频

    differential direct sequence spread spectrum

  26. 士兵们分成为五列横队。

    The soldiers were distributed into five ranks.

  27. 连中一系列打中或得分。

    A successful sequence of shots or points.

  28. 此列表并不十分详尽。

    This list is not exhaustive.

  29. 函数的差分与数列求和

    Function Difference and the Summation of Sequence of Numbers

  30. 经脉交会穴之分经列表

    The list of the crossing points in every channe


  1. 问:分列拼音怎么拼?分列的读音是什么?分列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分列的读音是fēnliè,分列翻译成英文是 To arrange separately.

  2. 问:分列式拼音怎么拼?分列式的读音是什么?分列式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分列式的读音是fēnlièshì,分列式翻译成英文是 march-past

  3. 问:分列账户拼音怎么拼?分列账户的读音是什么?分列账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分列账户的读音是fēn liè zhàng hù,分列账户翻译成英文是 fanout




拼音:fēn lìe 基本

解释: [code]按照一项准则分级或分类,尤指以利于制表 把词…分列为数字,以便把答案打在制表卡片上并有机器制成表 详细解释“ 分别排列。 唐 权德舆 《答杨湖南书》:“初不敢以制集自命,但全其文而已。因其猥多,分列卷第,又靦然以序引奉烦者。”《痛史》第十回:“ 天祥 下马登坛,众将分列左右,军中鼓角齐鸣。”民国二十二年《河南通志·睢县采访稿·袁可立大石坊》:“明袁尚书可立‘三世司马’、‘宫保尚书’两石坊,规模高大,雕工精巧,额字亦佳,分列县公署两旁。” 周瘦鹃 《观莲拙政园》:“从东部新辟的大门进去,迎面就看到新迭的湖石,分列三面,傍石植树,点缀得楚楚可观。”