


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……





汉语拼音:méi wèi






没味 [méi wèi]
  1. 没趣、无味道。




  1. Life can be sweet , also can be bitter, only can not be to have no taste's.


  2. The weather was bad, the people were dull, and the amusements of London seemed as exciting as a glass of cold water.


  1. 鱼做得太烂了,没滋没味的。

    The fish was mushy and tasteless.

  2. 那段时间嘴里没味或苦我就吃点水果糖。

    During that time mouth did not taste or bitter fruit I eat sugar.

  3. 曾经有一次吃晚饭时,我觉得汤淡得没味。

    Once when having supper, I found that the soup tasted watery.

  4. 爱情,就想口香糖,嚼一嚼。没味了,就应该马上吐掉。

    Love, like chewing gum. chewing a chewy, not the taste. they should immediately tudiao.

  5. 伦敦的气候糟糕, 人也没劲, 各种娱乐好像没味的白水一杯。

    The weather was bad, the people were dull, and the amusements of London seemed as exciting as a glass of cold water.

  6. 浴室的管道污水味没那么大。

    Bathroom had less of a sewage pipe smell.

  7. 游览一些商业味没那么重的岛屿吧。

    Visit some of the less touristy islands.

  8. 这酱没什么味,真是没味道。

    This sauce have no taste it's really insipid.

  9. 她没一点女人味。

    There's little of the woman in her.

  10. 我没闻到什么味啊。他答道。

    I don't smell anything, he replied.

  11. 但是我的女朋友说根本没闻到咖喱味。

    But my girlfriend said there was no smell of curry.

  12. 她会问, 是否有泥土味, 有没有铁, 氟或铅?

    Does it taste earthy, shell ask. Iron, fluoride, lead

  13. 你有没有尝过草莓味的?简直可以颠覆你的人生观

    Have you tried the strawberry? it'll change your life.

  14. 这全是没味儿的话。

    All that is a lot of shit.

  15. 我的歌喉太没味儿,我甚至连自己的书房里都不敢引吭高歌。

    My singing voice is so awful that I daren't even let rip in my study.

  16. 没想到我会怀念浆糊味

    Never thought I'd miss the smell of wheat paste.

  17. 我没记错, 我嘴里还有咖啡味。

    I didn't forget. I can still taste the coffee.

  18. 碱水面没过过冷水,所以面里面全是碱水味。

    Face of buck had not crossed cold water, buck flavour is completely inside the face so.

  19. 洋葱盐使肉味变得很怪, 此外肉还没熟。

    The meat tastes strange with onion salt and, on top of that, it's still uncooked.

  20. 十一味甘露胶囊的鉴别及没食子酸的含量测定

    Identification of Shiyiwei Ganlu capsules and determination of gallic acid

  21. 他说他没闻到有烟熏味,但公司60名职员都已撤离。

    He said he didnt smell smoke, but all60 employees of the technology company were evacuated.

  22. 我搁了莱姆苦味配料, 没搁糖。

    I put lime, bitters and no sugar in it.

  23. 我没尝出来蛋糕里有甜味。

    I couldn't taste the sugar in the cake.

  24. 我没尝出来蛋糕里有甜味。

    I couldn't taste the sugar in the cake.

  25. 这场乏味的剧似乎演个没完没了。

    The dull play seemed to last an eternity.

  26. 我们没闻见那神圣的腐烂臭味么?

    Do we smell nothing as yet of the divine decomposition Gods, too, decompose.

  27. 走开!嗖!臭鼬没了。但是臭味还在。

    Go away! Zap! The skunk goes away. But the stink is still here.

  28. 工作单调乏味,让人干起来浑身没劲儿。

    The sheer monotony of the job is exhausting.

  29. 晚辈驽钝,没看出卢前辈刀的藏味来。

    I didnt descry any Tibetan flavor.

  30. 我没法在这儿呼吸,这儿霉味儿太大了。

    I can't breathe in here; it's too musty.



(1).谓品行卑劣。《红楼梦》第八八回:“他叫 何三 ,本来是个没味儿的,天天在家里喝酒闹事,常来门上坐着。”(2).无聊,没有意思。《儿女英雄传》第三六回:“忽然看见陌头一片杨柳春色,就后悔不该叫他夫壻远去觅封侯起来。那一悔真真悔得丢人儿!没味儿!”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六九回:“过了一夜,这位老太太见一个人闹的没味了,便拏了一根带子,自己勒起颈脖子来。” 李劼人 《暴风雨前》第五部分七:“他进城后,本想去找 郝又三 。继而一想,没味没味。”(3).没有滋味。《中国民间故事选·红泉的故事》:“ 玉花 给她送去的菜,咸了,嫌咸了;淡了,嫌淡了;不咸不淡的,她又说菜没味了。”