





思念,想念:~念。~旧。~乡。~古。缅~。包藏:~胎。心~鬼胎。胸~壮志。~瑾握瑜。~才不遇。胸前:~抱。抱在~里。心中意:心~。胸~。正中(zhòng )下~。耿耿于~。安抚:~柔。归向,使降顺:“~敌附远,何招而不至?”……



汉语拼音:xiōng huái







  1. 胸襟;胸中所怀者,指抱负。

    汉 王充 《论衡·别通》:“故夫大人之胸怀非一,才高知大,故其於道术无所不包。”《宋书·萧惠开传》:“人生不得行胸怀,虽寿百岁犹为夭也。”《朱子语类》卷三二:“亦见得 子游 胸怀也恁地开广。” 巴金 《怀念鲁迅先生》:“但先生‘吃的是草,挤出来的是奶和血’这是多么优美的心灵,多么广大的胸怀!”

  2. 犹心中。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉书·献帝纪》:“时上年十五,每事出於胸怀,皆此类也。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·书志》:“斯皆不凴章句,直取胸怀。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷一:“丈夫临大事可否,当自决胸怀,乃来家间恐怖妇女何为耶!” 王西彦 《古屋》第二部三:“我的胸怀里充满着轻快静谧的感觉。”

  3. 怀抱着。




  1. Face, a pair of arms, resting for a mind, standing on her street, waving called a taxi.


  2. And if you think I forget it, listen. Open your body in the wind of the night. Close your eyes.


  3. Cao is one of the sea, like the broad-minded gentleman I would like to, I mean, and what?


  4. It was a blue sky over the sea than in a broad sense of caring has more than than the sun is a candle is also a great selfless gesture.


  5. If there is only a single-boarded bridge between you and others, please try to broaden it with your great sympathy.


  6. She bared her bosom and looked at her arms, so flawlessly modeled, and was instinct with an exquisite caress.


  7. Eagles hit the sky is how broad-minded, desert camel involving patient perseverance admire how people, animals like this, people ?


  8. My Lord, Mister Zhu-ge has come before you with a plan for fighting Cao Cao. It would not hurt to hear him out.


  9. It is not for nothing that he does not leave us. He loves to rest his head on mother's bosom, and cannot ever bear to lose sight of her.


  1. 宽宏的胸怀

    Breadth of mind.

  2. 他胸怀大志。

    He has great ambitions.

  3. 他胸怀壮志。

    He cherishes a great aspiration.

  4. 红星灿灿,暖胸怀。

    The red star flickers, warming our hearts.

  5. 年轻人,要胸怀大志。

    Young people, be ambitious.

  6. 他胸怀坦白, 光明磊落。

    He was frank, open and aboveboard.

  7. 我的胸怀就是蓝天。

    My heart is the blue sky.

  8. 胸怀蓝图大展宏图

    Develop grand prospect with blueprint in mind

  9. 将军的胸怀无比广阔。

    The general has a very broad mind.

  10. 我胸怀大志的第一天

    The big first day

  11. 他这个人胸怀敞阔。

    He has a great breadth of mind.

  12. 他向众人袒示胸怀。

    He bared his bosom to the crowd.

  13. 你胸怀应该更宽大些。

    You should be more lenient.

  14. 约翰乃是耶稣胸怀中的朋友。

    John was the bosom friend of Jesus.

  15. 胸怀崇高理想立足本职工作

    To Cherish Lofty Ideal in Mind and Base Ourselves upon Own Jobs

  16. 在宽厚的胸怀里燃烧。

    Which in the generous bosom burns.

  17. 成功就是心灵明净,胸怀宽广。

    Success is being big of heart and clean and broad of mind.

  18. 我们必须胸怀祖国放眼世界。

    We must keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.

  19. 他是个胸怀开阔的政治家。

    He was a statesman with a great mind.

  20. 他是个军人而且胸怀大志。

    He was a soldier and an ambitious one.

  21. 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。

    He flew high though he was of humble origin.

  22. 蟋蟀总是胸怀宽广。谁知道呢?

    Crickets are really roomy. Who knew?

  23. 美国需要你们高瞻远瞩、胸怀大志。

    America needs you to reach high and hope deeply.

  24. 她是个胸怀磊落的人。

    She's a good sport.

  25. 坦开了胸怀没一点污斑!

    Unmasked, and being seen without a blot!

  26. 我选择了保持激情 敞开胸怀

    I have chosen to stay passionate, engaged with an open heart.

  27. 它是否能实现胸怀的鸿鹄之志?

    Can the aspirations it has raised be met?

  28. 胸怀祖国, 忘我工作, 为国争光

    With motherland in heart, hardworking to win honour for her

  29. 诚,是弘宇人真挚的胸怀。

    Honesty, presents Hongyu people's sincere mind.

  30. 你有世界上最宽广的胸怀!

    You have the biggest breast in the world.


  1. 问:胸怀拼音怎么拼?胸怀的读音是什么?胸怀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸怀的读音是xiōnghuái,胸怀翻译成英文是 heart

  2. 问:胸怀大志拼音怎么拼?胸怀大志的读音是什么?胸怀大志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸怀大志的读音是xiōnghuái dàzhì,胸怀大志翻译成英文是 have a big heart



胸怀,指胸襟,博大胸怀。古有《聊斋志异·促织》:“隐中胸怀。”汉 王充《论衡·别通》:“故夫大人之胸怀非一,才高知大,故其於道术无所不包。”宋 司马光《涑水记闻》卷一:“丈夫临大事可否,当自决胸怀,乃来家间恐怖妇女何为耶!”《三国演义》第二一回:“夫英雄者,胸怀大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志者也。”