


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng cè








  1. 高明的计策或办法。

    《汉书·沟洫志》:“今行上策,徙 冀州 之民当水衝者,决 黎阳 遮 害亭 ,放 河 使北入海。”《魏书·崔浩传》:“今不劳兵马,坐观成败,鬭两虎而收长久之利,上策也。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷十:“ 璟 ( 宋璟 )曰:‘ 建康 与敌境隔 江 而已,又在下流,吾今移都 豫章 ,据上流而制,根本上策也。’” 沈从文 《我的小学教育》:“不理是为一个不愿眼前吃亏的上策。”



  1. To have something that unreliable included in a product they're marketing as enterprise-grade software is not the best idea.


  2. Even in the United States, where tax revenues add up to less than 30% of GDP, simply raising tax rates is not the best answer.


  3. It has now, quickly think of a way the best thing is to get out of minefields.


  4. When it comes to human rights, too, the US seems to have drawn the conclusion it is not good policy to bad mouth its chief creditor.


  5. At this point, the best course of action for miners in Australia is to decide which of the two to pursue, then pursue it coolly and jointly.


  6. Trying to encourage different types of activity is a great strategy for long-term wellbeing.


  7. I learned a valuable lesson: No matter how cruel the truth might be, honesty is always the best policy.


  8. The best policy: the wash site for a period of time, more points proper business, the stock market is not the only avenues.


  9. Perhaps it would be best not to see Mary at all.


  1. 诚实是上策

    Honesty is the best policy.

  2. 诚实为上策。

    Honest is the best policy.

  3. 中庸之道为上策。

    The middle course is the best

  4. 诚实才是上策。

    Honesty is the best policy.

  5. 道歉方是上策。

    The best thing to do is to apologize.

  6. 那无疑是上策。

    That is indubitably the best course of action.

  7. 品质竞争乃上策

    Quality Competition as Optimal Policy

  8. 沉默似乎是上策。

    it seemed politic to say nothing.

  9. 他去才是上策。

    It is expedient that he should go.

  10. 对抗并非总是上策。

    Confrontation is not always the best tactic.

  11. 诚实仍为上策吗?

    Is Honesty Still the Best Policy?

  12. 你开车去是上策。

    Your best plan would be to go by car.

  13. 预防疾病才是上策。

    The best way is to prevent disease.

  14. 防御的上策为攻击。

    The best way to defend is to attack.

  15. 防御的上策是进攻。

    The best way to defend is to attack.

  16. 想出了一个上策

    hit upon a best plan

  17. 诚实未必永远是上策。

    Honesty is not always the best policy.

  18. 上上策是不予理睬。

    The wisest course would be to ignore it.

  19. 席间心情愉快是为上策

    It is good to be merry at meal

  20. 上策是完全不予理睬。

    The best plan would be to ignore it completely.

  21. 尽量少说并不是上策。

    It's not a good policy to speak as few words as possible.

  22. 牧民在草原上策马前进。

    The herdsmen pranced on the grasslands.

  23. 遭到不幸时,沉默是上策。

    Silence in times of suffering is the best.

  24. 避免权端,忍为上策。

    Moderation Avoid extremes, forbear resenting injuries as much as you think they deserve.

  25. 大家都知道, 诚实是上策。

    It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.

  26. 是不是有时候诚实不是上策?

    Are there times when honesty is not the best policy?

  27. 告诉你的丈夫不失为上策。

    It might be a good idea to tell your husband.

  28. 武力不是解决争执的上策。

    Violence is not the best solution to an argument.

  29. 三十六记, 走为上策。

    Of all the strategies, to know when to quit is the best.

  30. 三十六记,走为上策。

    Of all the strategies, to know when to quit is the best.


  1. 问:上策拼音怎么拼?上策的读音是什么?上策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上策的读音是shàngcè,上策翻译成英文是 the best plan


