







汉语拼音:niǎn chū











  1. his father and drives out his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace .


  2. The Governor, to his credit, refused to bow to this "Arronax's" whims , and told him to get out of his office.


  3. But when the crowd had been put out, He entered and took hold of her hand, and the girl rose up.


  4. After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up.


  5. Then he was struck in the chest and thrown out of the room, and the door was shut in his face and locked.


  6. If Hareton does not turn you out of the room, I'll strike him to hell, ' thundered Heathcliff.


  7. They cannot thrust us out nor stamp us out: where God has given us a name and a place, there we abide.


  8. In the decade after liberalisation, Indian industry lost much of this shelter.


  9. They were chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy.


  1. 把某人撵出家门

    dispossess sb. from his home

  2. 撵出把赶出某建筑物

    To eject from the premises.

  3. 就把他们撵出公堂。

    So he had them ejected from the court.

  4. 他把孩子们撵出果园。

    He booted the kids out of the orchard.

  5. 那个疯子被撵出剧场。

    The madman was removed from the theatre.

  6. 这个小孩被撵出教室。

    The child was expelled from the classroom.

  7. 他被妻子撵出了家门。

    He was supplanted out of the house by his wife.

  8. 他们因为太吵闹被撵出酒馆。

    They were chucked out of the pub for being too rowdy.

  9. 约翰喝酒不付钱而被撵出了俱乐部。

    John's been turfed out of the club for not paying for his drinks.

  10. 如果我父亲知道我吸毒, 就会把我撵出家门。

    My father would turn me out if he knew I took drugs.

  11. 如果你不保持肃静, 我要把你撵出门外。

    I will turn you out of doors, if you don't keep quiet.

  12. 我本想杀了他,不过我只是把他撵出了门。

    I wanted to kill him, but instead I just threw him out of the house.

  13. 亨利因为喝酒不付钱被撵出了俱乐部。

    Henry has been turfed out of the club for not paying for his drinks.

  14. 老师威胁着要把这无礼的小学生撵出教室。

    The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.

  15. 是他们把我撵出了门, 用铁链子扣了起来。

    They turned me out of doors, and chained me up here.

  16. 侍者警告说如果我们喝醉酒, 就把我们撵出饭店。

    The waiter threatened to chuck us out of the restaurant if we got drunk.

  17. 虐待父亲,撵出母亲的,是贻羞致辱之子。

    He who robs his father and drives out his mother is a son who brings shame and disgrace.

  18. 警长和他的部下把盗马贼从镇上撵出。

    The sheriff and his men ran the horse thieves out of town.

  19. 我抓住那小男孩的颈背, 把他撵出了教室。

    I grabbed the little boy by the scruff and bundled him out of the classroom.

  20. 就因为我的卑怯和狠心,我得了报应,被主人撵出家门。

    I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

  21. 当他放弃神学院时,外祖父流下了眼泪,并把他撵出了家门。

    His grandfather wept when he quit the seminary, and threw him out of the house.

  22. 群众既被撵出,耶稣就进去,握著闺女得手,闺女便起来了。

    But when the crowd had been put out, He entered and took hold of her hand, and the girl rose up.

  23. 我被撵出了我的寄宿舍, 所以我将与我的男友暂时住一时期。

    I've been turned out of my lodgings to so I'm going shack up with my boyfriend for a while.

  24. 众人既被撵出,耶稣就进去,拉着闺女的手,闺女便起来了。

    But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.

  25. 群众既被撵出,耶稣就进去,握著闺女的手,闺女便起来了。

    But when the crowd had been put out, He entered and took hold of her hand, and the girl rose up.

  26. 魔鬼乘虚而入, 开门撵它不出。

    The devil may get in by the keyhole, but the door won't let him out.

  27. 他必从光明中被撵到黑暗里,被赶出世界。

    He is driven from light into darkness and is banished from the world.

  28. 他必从光明中被撵到黑暗里,必被赶出世界。

    He shall be driven from light into darkness and chased out of the world.

  29. 奥兰多魔术队撵走了弗朗西斯,却冒出了许多天才。

    The Orlando Magic are a bunch of geniuses getting rid of Steve Francis.

  30. 出2328我要打发黄蜂飞在你前面, 把希未人, 迦南人, 赫人撵出去。

    Exo 2328 I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.




【注音】:niǎn chū

【释义】:1.赶出 [房屋等] 使不再占有。如:因不付租金被撵出。2.直截了当地将 [某人] 赶走。如:好像要把她撵出屋子似的。3.把其人赶走。如:如果你不能自爱,我就要把你撵出去。