







汉语拼音:shū dǎo









  1. 亦作“ 疏道 ”。清理水道,使之畅通。

    《后汉书·和帝纪》:“隄防沟渠,所以顺助地理,通利壅塞……刺史、二千石其随宜疏导。”《新唐书·薛平传》:“始, 河 溢 瓠子 ,东泛 滑 ,距城纔二里所。 平 按求故道出 黎阳 西南……乃籍民田所当者易以它地,疏道二十里,以釃水悍。”《朱子语类》卷二十:“正如疏导沟渠,初为物所壅蔽,才疏导得通,则水自流行。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十二:“不察天地之气,不明水土之性,不考支干之形势,尚足语疏导、辨方略乎?”

  2. 泛指疏通引导。

    宋 叶梦得 《避暑录话》卷上:“古方治暑无他法,但用辛甘发散疏导,心气与水流行,则无能害之矣。” 李大钊 《孙中山先生在中国民族革命史上之位置》:“他以毕生的精力,把 中国 民族革命种种运动,疏导整理,溶解联合,以入于普遍的民众革命的正轨。”



  1. Countries in a state of decline often look for a foreign adventure to divert the ire of their disgruntled citizenry.


  2. Control your anger and channel it out of your body in private.


  3. But the company recently said it had hired counselors, was planning to bring in monks and had set up a help line.


  4. The police are trying to keep everybody away from the burning building.


  5. Standby trains are one of the key tools for urban rail transit, which are used for running interval and evacuating passenger flow.


  6. Despite the stress of organising it, he added, he felt "a deep calm and peace" as darkness swept across the land.


  7. Most currants have self - fertile flowers, but a few cultivars are partially self -sterile , so set more fruits with cross- pollination.


  8. abstract: Objective To understand the mental health status of recruits, and to provide the basis for the psychological counseling.


  9. A thermal control system of the space camera was designed by means of thermal isolation, thermal transmission and temperature compensation.


  1. 疏导的方针

    policy of persuasion.

  2. 他们能疏导大自然的力量。

    They can canal the natural forces.

  3. 交通部增派300名交警疏导交通。

    The Ministry of Communications sent 300 more traffic police to direct the traffic.

  4. 交通部增派300名交警疏导交通。

    The Ministry of Communications sent 300 more traffic police to direct the traffic.

  5. 疏导,也包括运用法律的手段。

    But persuasion includes application of the law.

  6. 所以,必须对他们进行指导或疏导。

    Consequently they have to be directed or guided.

  7. 术前访视及心理疏导效果观察

    Effects of Both Preoperative Visiting and Intraoperative Psychological Dredge

  8. 青年学员心理教育和疏导工作浅探

    The Exploration of the Mental Education and Catharsis Concerning Youth Students

  9. 若不疏导,只能眼巴巴看着它泛滥。

    Otherwise, inundation would ensue to our dismay.

  10. 对邪教痴迷者教育疏导问题的探索

    Tentative Discussion on Education of Wicked Religion Followers to Bring Them Back on the Right Track

  11. 泥岩可以疏导地层水,只是疏导能力差而已。

    Mudstone can transport water with poor permeability.

  12. 工程师们毫不费力地就把水疏导走了。

    The engineers channeled the water off without difficulty.

  13. 真正疏导到时时畅通得时候, 还用堵么?

    Real time to ease the flow of time, but also by blocking what ?

  14. 科学调度,迂回分流,疏导,劝阻滞留旅客。

    Control the traffic scientifically, distribute traffic flow in a roundabout way, and evacuate and dissuade staying passenger.

  15. 真正疏导到时时畅通的时候,还用堵么?

    Real time to ease the flow of time, but also by blocking what ?

  16. 解决这种问题要靠疏导,而不能靠压服。

    The solution to the problem lies in persuasion rather than coercion.

  17. 中职生早恋的心理分析及教育疏导

    Psychoanalysis and Educational Guidance to premature Love of Secondary Vocational Students

  18. 结论加强换药前得心理疏导,提高耐痛阈。

    Conclusion strengthen the psychological counseling before dressing and improve pain tolerance threshold.

  19. 结论加强换药前的心理疏导,提高耐痛阈。

    Conclusion strengthen the psychological counseling before dressing and improve pain tolerance threshold.

  20. 探讨以中药配合心理疏导治疗考试焦虑症。

    Objective To explore the treatment of exam anxiety EAS by TCM and psychology explanation.

  21. 惯用手法是通过煽动民族主义情绪来疏导不满情绪。

    The standard technique is to invoke nationalism as a conduit for dissatisfaction.

  22. 旋风分离器新型减阻疏导器的实验研究

    An experimental study on a new arc inlet vane of Cyclone separator

  23. 危机持续期, 媒体应注重社会协调, 抚慰疏导

    during the crisis continuing period media should focus on social coordination, comfort, dredge

  24. 遗传算法在多播格状网络流量疏导中的应用

    Traffic Grooming of Multicast WDM Mesh Networks with GA

  25. 深圳机场口岸是以空运为主要旅客疏导方式的口岸。

    Shenzhen Airport Station is a port with airway transportation mainly.

  26. 深圳机场口岸是以空运为主要旅客疏导方式得口岸。

    Shenzhen Airport Station is a port with airway transportation mainly.

  27. 针刺加心理疏导用于化疗引起的胃肠道反应

    Acupuncture Plus Psychological Dredge to Treat Gastrointestinal Reaction Caused by Chemotherapy

  28. 此外,医疗救助、心理疏导、防疫消毒工作也正在进行。

    Moreover, the medical rescue, psychological counseling and disinfection are under way.

  29. 此外,要加强对大学生群体的心理疏导和人文关怀。

    Besides, the psychological counseling and humanistic care should be strengthened.

  30. 产房护士存在多方面的压力源, 应重视产房护士的心理疏导。

    One should pay more attention on psychological dredge for nurses working in delivery room.


  1. 问:疏导拼音怎么拼?疏导的读音是什么?疏导翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疏导的读音是shūdǎo,疏导翻译成英文是 dredge; direct; guide



疏导,指使淤塞的水流或阻塞的道路畅通;也比喻开导、打通人的思想 疏导思想。语出《后汉书·和帝纪》:“堤防沟渠,所以顺助地理,通利壅塞……刺史、二千石其随宜疏导。”