







汉语拼音:kāi dǎo








  1. 启发劝导。

    《荀子·儒效》:“﹝ 周公 ﹞教诲开导 成王 ,使諭於道,而能揜迹於 文 武 。” 唐 元稹 《叙诗寄乐天书》:“由是诸侯敢自为旨意,有罗列儿孩以自固者,有开导蛮夷以自重者。” 张天翼 《儿女们》:“ 广川伯伯 得开导开导他们--让他们知道厉害。”

  2. 开浚疏通。

    《后汉书·马援传》:“ 援 奏为置长吏,缮城郭,起坞候,开导水田,劝以耕牧。” 宋 范仲淹 《上执政书》:“既已开导沟洫,復须举择令长、使询访父老,研求利病。” 宋 宋敏求 《春明退朝录》卷中:“ 汴河 淀塞,请令 河阳 节度使於 汴河 口开导。”

  3. 在前引路。




  1. I feel very depressed, later in the next I began to convince parents understand that work is the grand leveller.


  2. Meet very sad, I will tear before him, he always quiet accompany me, with me to go for a ride, slowly enlightened me.


  3. Most couples draw up divorce papers when they're missing out on an amazing moment of deepening and enlightenment and connection.


  4. Poor Harriet was in a flutter of spirits which required all the reasonings and soothings and attentions of every kind that Emma could give.


  5. It's you who are telling me; opening my eyes to things I'd looked at so long that I'd ceased to see them.


  6. enlighten and in the company of Jack, Rose, to find back long lost happiness, finally re-filled smile on her face.


  7. He went on educating and wounding her, a thing rather foolish in one whose admiration for his pupil and victim was apt to grow.


  8. Soon, however, she began to reason with herself, and try to be feeling less.


  9. The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general readers.


  1. 心房切开导管

    atriotomy catheter.

  2. 当我沮丧时开导我。

    Picking me up when I'm down.

  3. 在音箱前面板开导音孔

    to slot the front board of the speakers cabinet

  4. 经朋友们开导, 她终于想通了。

    Her friends talked her round and finally she agreed.

  5. 经朋友们开导,她终于想通了。

    Her friends talked her round and finally she agreed.

  6. 我感情受到挫折!希望有人开导我!

    My feeling gets setback! Hope somebody channel my!

  7. 你能就此给我们点启发开导吗?

    Could you enlighten us on that?

  8. 看起来你才是需要被开导的人。

    Looks like you're the one who needs checking up on.

  9. 我有一些私人的话要开导你们俩。

    I have some private schooling for you both.

  10. 想开就没事了, 我总是擅长开导自己。

    Can you feel my world? sorry, I can't.

  11. 真要我现在给你做心理开导吗?

    You really want a therapy session right now?

  12. 干吗要劳神开导这个叛徒低头认罪呢?

    Why try to get this traitor to admit guilt?

  13. 你能在这个问题上开导我一下吗?

    Can you enlighten me on this subject

  14. 他心里充满了想开导她的强烈欲望。

    A longing to enlighten her was strong in him.

  15. 我没有资格来开导或劝说英文爱好者。

    I do not have any qualification to teach or advise anyone.

  16. 我把心事诉诸好友, 她很耐心地开导我。

    I told my secrets to a good friend, and she carefully enlightened me.

  17. 我把心事诉诸好友,她很耐心地开导我。

    I told my secrets to a good friend, and she carefully enlightened me.

  18. 众人都帮忙开导她,她哭得反而更为厉害。

    Everybody tried to straighten her out,but she shed more tears.

  19. 众人都帮忙开导她,她哭得反而更为厉害。

    Everybody tried to straighten her out, but she shed more tears.

  20. 我只是为了开导你才告诉你这件事的。

    I am telling you this simply for your edification.

  21. 粗野的丈夫在妻子的开导下变得文雅了。

    The rough husband has been civilized by his wife.

  22. 许多粗野得男人在妻子得开导下变得文雅了。

    Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.

  23. 我那个儿子是鬼迷心窍了, 你来开导开导他吧

    My son's having a bee in his Bonnet. I'd like you to come over and talk sense into him

  24. 具有开导闭塞,祛寒止痛,镇静安神的功能。

    It has the function of dredging the obstruction, expelling pathogenic cold, pain and tranquilizing the mind.

  25. 后来有人耐心地开导他,他才放下了心。

    Later, someone persuaded him that his fears were groundless.

  26. 方法亲切得语言去关心,体贴,安慰,开导患者。

    Methods The kind language cared about that, sympathizes, the comfort, enlightens the patient.

  27. 方法亲切的语言去关心,体贴,安慰,开导患者。

    Methods The kind language cared about that, sympathizes, the comfort, enlightens the patient.

  28. 许多粗野的男人在妻子的开导下变得文雅了。

    Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.

  29. 建立一个博客,开导别人或者与朋友们讨论想法。

    You can build a Blog to enlighten others or discuss ideas with friends.

  30. 修行人则对俗家人施法 祝福,开导,解惑等等。

    In return, the man of practice offers pray, wish, enlighten and disabuse to the common people.


  1. 问:开导拼音怎么拼?开导的读音是什么?开导翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开导的读音是kāidǎo,开导翻译成英文是 talk … round



基本信息 词目 开导 拼音kāi dǎo 英译[enlighten] 词性动词 近义词疏导劝导 基本解释启发人明通道理也可指帮助别人离开错误的意思