


1. 麻 [má]麻 [má]草本植物,种类很多,有“大麻”、“苎麻”、“苘麻”、“亚麻”等。茎皮纤维通常亦称“麻”,可制绳索、织布:~布。~衣。~袋。~绳。~纺。指“芝麻”:~酱。~油。像腿、臂被压后的那种不舒服的感觉:脚~了。感觉不灵,……





汉语拼音:má yào






  1. 即麻醉剂。




  1. Perhaps I'll jam up my freak - out dials sometime soon, but I seem to have it under control at the moment, even as we enter the busy Fall.


  2. It was impossible to arouse the girl from her drugged sleep, so she was taken to hospital.


  3. Those of this archetypal nature may be involved in drugs of any kind, legal or illegal.


  4. Today, I had a toothache and applied some numbing gel to sooth the pain. Too much came out and made my whole mouth numb.


  5. Marriage is the operation by which a woman's vanity and a man's egotism are extracted without an anesthetic.


  6. When he came out from under the anesthetic, the doctor was leaning over him anxiously.


  7. a strong-smelling plant from whose dried leaves a number of euphoriant and hallucinogenic drugs are prepared.


  8. Are there relative or absolute contraindications to the administration of a general anesthetic in the ambulatory setting?


  9. was immediate, and in this way the history of local anesthesia differs sharply from that of general anesthesia.


  1. 麻药应该生效了

    The epidural Should be working.

  2. 麻药类麻醉剂之总称

    Narcotics considered as a group.

  3. 麻药危害人生的欢乐。

    Drugs poison a persons joy in life.

  4. 麻醉师给我打了麻药。

    The anesthetist gave me an anesthetic.

  5. 麻药将使你心率缓慢。

    This drug will retard your heart rate.

  6. 他喝了带麻药的饮料。

    He took a narcotic drink.

  7. 没有安眠药, 你有麻药吗?

    If no sleeping pills, what kind of drug do you have?

  8. 给一杯酒或一剂麻药

    To give a drink of liquor or a dose of a narcotic to.

  9. 四分钟左右麻药会起效。

    The anesthetic will take effect in about four minutes.

  10. 是否用了麻药, 冬彦毫不在乎。

    Whether used anesthetic, the winter Yan cared nothing about.

  11. 不会的。我会给你打针麻药的。

    I will give you a needle to numb the tooth.

  12. 那只是麻药让我产生了幻觉。

    I was probably just hallucinating.

  13. 抽骨髓的时候可以打麻药吗?

    Can be drug made when smoking marrow

  14. 做手术打了麻药没用怎么办?

    Did an operation to make drug trashy how to do?

  15. 局麻药药代动力学研究进展

    Pharmacokinetic developments in local anaesthetic drugs

  16. 那是一杯下了麻药的咖啡。

    It is a cup of drugged coffee.

  17. 那是一杯下了麻药得咖啡。

    It is a cup of drugged coffee.

  18. 您以前对局麻药有不良反应吗?

    Have you ever had any adverse reactions to a local anesthetic?

  19. 她更像一枚麻药, 关系成瘾的麻药。

    She's a like drug. An addictive relationship drug.

  20. 虽然打了麻药,但这依然会痛

    but even with the painkillers, this is gonna hurt.

  21. 试验前是做了大量工作, 麻药会。

    Before the test is done, a local anesthetic will be given.

  22. 麻药一种麻醉剂, 尤指易成瘾的麻醉剂。

    A narcotic, especially an addictive narcotic.

  23. 您之前对于局麻药有不良反映吗

    Have you any adverse reactions to alocal anesthetic

  24. 天麻药酒具有显著的抗血凝作用。

    Gastrodia elate Blume medicinal wine has extensive applied prospect.

  25. 脊椎麻醉将局麻药注入脑脊液。

    Spinal anesthesia results from the infection of a local anesthetic into the cerebrospinal fluid.

  26. 小儿胃镜检查前使用局麻药效果的比较

    Effect comparison of applying local anesthesia before child gastroscopy

  27. 打完麻药后头晕, 恶心, 无力, 该怎么缓解?

    Hit the dizziness after anaesthetic, disgusting, faint, how should alleviate

  28. 不同温度局麻药液对痛觉的影响

    The Influence on Algaesthesis of Local Anesthetic Solution with Different Temperatures

  29. 那时候,牙科学刚起步,拔牙都不打麻药。

    In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.

  30. 全麻药用量少,苏醒彻底,迅速,可控性好。

    The general anesthesia therapy dose are few, regains consciousness thoroughly, rapid, the controllability is good.


  1. 问:麻药拼音怎么拼?麻药的读音是什么?麻药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麻药的读音是máyào,麻药翻译成英文是 anaesthetic; drug

  2. 问:麻药中毒者拼音怎么拼?麻药中毒者的读音是什么?麻药中毒者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麻药中毒者的读音是,麻药中毒者翻译成英文是 hophead


