




1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……



汉语拼音:pán chá







  1. 清点检验。

    《水浒传》第一○五回:“当日 王庆 安顿了各人老小,计点嘍罗,盘查寨中粮草、金银、珍寳、锦帛、布匹等项。”《明史·食货志三》:“其在外诸布政司、都司、直省府州县卫所,皆有库,以贮金银、钱钞、丝帛、赃罚诸物,巡按御史三岁一盘查。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·小梅》:“不数日,田地马牛悉归故主…… 黄 去,女盘查就绪,託儿於妾,乃具饌为夫祭扫,半日不返。”

  2. 盘问检查。

    《红楼梦》第一○五回:“叫人来给我送出去,告诉锦衣府的官员説:这都是亲友,不必盘查,快快放出。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第三章:“我们都是儿童团……盘查行人,抓汉奸。”



  1. The two had been stopped and patted down on their way to protest against an arms show in London in 2003.


  2. Up on the road the police inventory of the moment, a series of shocking accident finally happened.


  3. Interrogation and check is an intermediate behavior between inoffensive investigation and compulsory investigation.


  4. In theory Britain's home secretary designates an area in which police may use stop-and-search powers for up to 28 days.


  5. Facing the most intense scrutiny are groups which have complained about repression, a muzzled press and a lack of civil liberties.


  6. Street stops started to go up, and overall crime dropped dramatically in a once-dangerous city.


  7. New laws make it harder to pass through checkpoints with guns, even with an official permit.


  8. 25, criminals to escape, prison officials had organized the police in Xinxiang city roads with chuck chuck, then, is not a voice.


  9. The guard is in the next car; I can hear him asking for papers.


  1. 身份证盘查

    check of ID card.

  2. 盘查的要件

    requirements of identity check.

  3. 资产盘查系统

    property interogating and examining

  4. 盘查, 侦查辨析

    Discrimination between Interrogative Examination and Criminal Investigation

  5. 警察盘查权

    the police interrogation and check.

  6. 论盘查的法治化

    Legalization of Interrogation and Examination

  7. 这个人受到警方的盘查。

    The man was subjected to questioning by the police.

  8. 警察盘查权概念辨析

    Discrimination and Analysis of the Concept of the Police Power of Interrogation and Examination

  9. 中外警察当场盘查制度比较研究

    Comparison and Study on Stopfrisk system of Domestic and Foreign Police

  10. 警察盘查行为之可诉性研究

    The Telling Study of Interrogate and Examine Behavior of the Police

  11. 我们马上就受到武装门卫的盘查。

    We were immediately challenged by armed guards.

  12. 对所有的桥梁和隧道随机盘查。

    I want random checksat all bridges and tunnels.

  13. 甚至传教士也得予以盘查, 检查其诚意。

    Even missionaries will be screened carefully, for sincerity.

  14. 我个人不愿意到这里来受盘查。

    I personally am not willing to come here to be the subject of investigation.

  15. 侦探们正在敦国家美术馆的走廊里盘查。

    SLEUTHS are stalking the corridors of Londons National Gallery.

  16. 法官向囚犯询问了一些盘查性的问题。

    The judge asked the prisoner some searching questions.

  17. 法官向囚犯询问了一些盘查性得问题。

    The judge asked the prisoner some searching questions.

  18. 被盘查的人数正在上升,同时犯罪率在下降。

    And the numbers are rising at the same time crime rates are dropping.

  19. 步巡盘查战术演练中常见问题及其对策

    The Common Problems in Interrogation Tactics in Petrol and Countermeasures

  20. 有一种是记者采访,这更像是盘查和质问。

    There are the journalist interviews, which are the interrogation that is expected.

  21. 我国警察盘查权运行及其理论研究现状

    The Functioning of Stop and Question Power by Police and Theoretical Research Situation in China

  22. 他们挑候选人时,问了一些盘查性的问题。

    They screened the candidates with searching questions.

  23. 论警察当场盘查制度及我国程序法上的完善

    Study on Police Interrogating and Examining on the Spot System and It's Perfecting in Chinese Procedure Law

  24. 一些平常不受盘查的俱乐部突然在执照上遇到麻烦。

    Clubs that had operated with impunity are suddenly having trouble with their licenses.

  25. 货仓得物料, 要定期盘查, 以保证存货数量没有误差。

    In order to preserve the integrity of stock quantities, materials in stores are checked regularly.

  26. 货仓的物料,要定期盘查,以保证存货数量没有误差。

    In order to preserve the integrity of stock quantities, materials in stores are checked regularly.

  27. 战斗状态警察战术心理战在实施巡逻盘查行动中的作用

    The Function of Tactics Psychological Warfare on Implementing the Patrol Interrogation under the State of Fight

  28. 因此,他决定对大联合企业进行盘查,以维护国家主权。

    He therefore resolved to vindicate national sovereignty by bringing great combinations to book.

  29. 如果需要, 这样的盘查将扩大到其他类型的货物和运输工具。

    This quarantine will be extended, if needed, to other types of cargo and carriers.

  30. 他们对被警察盘查,在法国社会的遭遇以及失业感到愤怒。

    They are angry about disputes with police, their treatment in French society and unemployment.


  1. 问:盘查拼音怎么拼?盘查的读音是什么?盘查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盘查的读音是pánchá,盘查翻译成英文是 interrogate


盘查读作pán chá,释义为盘问检查,出自《水浒传》、《明史·食货志三》等。