


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……













  1. 本来的意思;原来的意图。

    《后汉书·冯勤传》:“ 勤 还,陈 霸 ( 侯霸 )本意,申释事理,帝意稍解。” 唐 杜甫 《诸将》诗之二:“ 韩公 本意筑三城,拟絶天骄拔 汉 旌。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷十:“ 晋 人所谓见 何次道 令人欲倾家酿,犹云欲倾竭家貲以酿酒饮之也…… 韩文公 借以作簟诗云:‘有卖直欲倾家貲’; 王平父 《谢先大父赠簟》诗亦云:‘倾家何计效 韩公 ’,皆得 晋 人本意。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○四回:“在他与 龙光 的本意,是要和医生串通,要下两样反对的药,好叫病人速死。” 鲁迅 《二心集·“硬译”与“文学的阶级性”》:“但我从别国里窃得火来,本意却在煮自己的肉的。”

  2. 主旨。

    唐 范摅 《云溪友议》卷五:“夫序者,述作之本意。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·结构》:“古人作文一篇,定有一篇之主脑。主脑非他,即作者立言之本意也。”

  3. 自己的意思,本人的意思。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·顺帝纪下》:“气絶之后,便敛以时服,殯已便关,关必便葬。上无损於国,下从我本意。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷八:“今中宫虚位, 张贵妃 有宠,恐姦人附会,请正母仪,非出陛下本意也。”



  1. Because long words are never easy to be remembered so they need to be abbreviated, it shows by it selves.


  2. 'Populism has sort of a negativity toward the high end, and that's not our intention, ' he said.


  3. A Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman simply said the Chinese students meant well, and "may have been a little over-excited. "


  4. She maintains that she should pay me for staying in the flat, whereas I argue that this would defeat the purpose of the exercise.


  5. Just to let readers know the plot of the work or to help them understand the original idea and the significance of the work?


  6. He has since said he was "deeply sorry" about the reactions to his remarks and that they did not reflect his own opinion.


  7. please forget what i said before , although this is not my intention, but I choose the only way.


  8. "I need more attention" may come out as, "You never spend time with me, " which would naturally cause you to feel defensive.


  9. I didn't mean what I said, you know.


  1. 不是他的本意

    He didn't do it on his own.

  2. 我本意不想去。

    Originally I didn't want to go.

  3. 我本意是夸奖她。

    I meant it as a compliment.

  4. 揆其本意,或非如此。

    That presumably was not his original intention.

  5. 也就是宽恕的本意。

    That process is the one of forgiveness.

  6. 我的本意是很好的

    My intentions were honorable.

  7. 这绝不是我的本意

    That was never my intention.

  8. 你曲解了我的本意。

    You've distorted my original meaning.

  9. 禅悟的心理生活本意

    On Psychological Aspect of the Zen

  10. 那根本不是他的本意。

    That is remote from his intentions.

  11. 迫于违背他本意的命令。

    Under orders and against his wishes.

  12. 他说这话不是出于本意。

    He did not say this of his own accord.

  13. 措辞晦涩,致使人误解本意。

    The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations.

  14. 图片本意不是为了挑逗观众。

    The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences.

  15. 他曲解了我的话的本意。

    He wrested my words from their real meaning.

  16. 他断章取义,曲解我的本意。

    He quoted me out of context and quite distorted my original meaning.

  17. 他断章取义,曲解我的本意。

    He quoted me out of context and quite distorted my original meaning.

  18. 这件事是违反她本意的。

    It goes against the hair with her.

  19. 这个转变不是出于他的本意。

    This conversion was not out of his own idea.

  20. 他对朋友粗鲁不是出于本意。

    It goes against the grain for him to be rude to a friend.

  21. 她结婚是有违本意的。

    She was married against her will.

  22. 这种做法与我们的本意相违。

    This way of doing things is opposite to our original intention.

  23. 我的本意只是来为你效劳。

    My initiative doesn't go beyond putting myself at your disposal.

  24. 我得本意只是来为你效劳。

    My initiative doesn't go beyond putting myself at your disposal.

  25. 我想说他本意是好的,但。

    I'd love to say he means well, but.

  26. 试问,这首怨恨之歌本意何在

    And what, may I ask, is this song of hate in aid of.

  27. 传播总是试图从本意走向反意

    Media always prefer to disvalue rather than value

  28. 这本书的本意不是抨击基督教的。

    This book is not meant to assail Christianity.

  29. 这不是我的本意,我希望你们明白。

    I really don't enjoy doing it and I want you to know that.

  30. 这本书的本意不是攻击基督教的。

    The intention of this book is not to be an attack on Christianity.


  1. 问:本意拼音怎么拼?本意的读音是什么?本意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本意的读音是běnyì,本意翻译成英文是 intention