







汉语拼音:gǎn shì






  1. 莫非;大概是。

    元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第二折:“这老子怎么瞅我那一眼,敢是见那个告状的人来。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“从来説做公人的捉贼放贼,敢是有弊在里头?”《老残游记》第十四回:“大哥这两天没见,敢是在庄子上么?”

  2. 犹言那就。




  1. Liu Lihua: Here I come! Are you staying at the inn?


  1. 敢是你不愿意。

    Maybe you are not willing.

  2. 敢是走错了?

    Is it possible that we have taken the wrong road?

  3. 敢是美人活了不成?

    Could the beauty in the picture have come to life?

  4. 他俩好几天没说话,敢是闹别扭了?

    They haven't talked to each other for a couple of days, is it possible that they have fallen out?

  5. 我的天主爷爷, 敢是今天的诸圣天神全疯了?

    Are the saints going mad nowadays?

  6. 你也是敢死帮的?

    You are in the death squad gang?

  7. 我发誓,你要是敢伤害他。

    I swear, if you ever hurt him.

  8. 深圳得重要经验就是敢闯。

    That is the important lesson to be learned from Shenzhen.

  9. 深圳的重要经验就是敢闯。

    That is the important lesson to be learned from Shenzhen.

  10. 你要是敢再破坏我的画

    You slash my piece one more time.

  11. 他的成功秘诀就是敢想敢干。

    The key to his success is that he dares to think and act.

  12. 他的成功秘诀就是敢想敢干。

    The key to his success is that he dares to think and act.

  13. 男人不是应该是敢做敢当?一言九鼎?

    You are not a guity man!

  14. 你要是敢耍花招, 我叫你人头落地!

    I'll chop your head off if you dare to make any tricks!

  15. 你现在要是敢食言,我就把你剁了。

    You renege now, and Im going to gut you.

  16. 你要是敢吓呼我的话小心我宰了你。

    If you're trying to scare me, I'm gonna kill you.

  17. 你现在要是敢食言。我就把你剁烂了。

    You renege now, and Im going to gut you.

  18. 我要是敢坐起来划桨, 一定能追上它。

    If only I dared to sit up and paddle, I made sure that I could overhaul her.

  19. 果然是敢闯敢做,有魄力有手段的向家人!

    Indeed as expected dare to rush to dare to do, have energy resourcefully to the family!

  20. 果然是敢闯敢做,有魄力有手段得向家人!

    Indeed as expected dare to rush to dare to do, have energy resourcefully to the family!

  21. 约翰虽然怕天黑,但还是敢在外面野营的。

    Even though he was afraid of the dark, John was game to camp out.

  22. 你要是敢对我动手, 我就让人叫警察来。

    If you lay a hand on me, I shall send for the police.

  23. 你要是敢去,我就去找教练 让他别理你。

    If you try, I'm gonna go to the coach and tell him to ignore you.

  24. 他要是敢对我蛮横无礼,我要给他点厉害尝尝。

    If he tried his insolence on me, I'll give him what for.

  25. 谁要是敢踏入走廊一步, 我就要他的命。

    Whoever steps into that hallway is gonna die.

  26. 你要是敢动我的馅饼,我把你胳膊肘咬断。

    If you touch my pie, I'll bite you off at the elbow.

  27. 你要不是敢正视你的癌症,你怎么能去战胜它呢

    How can you fight your cancer if you cannot look it in the face

  28. 在马华公会中, 有些领袖是敢怒敢言的。

    Opposition parties, such as DAP, PKR, etc. most of their leaders, like Anwar, Lim father and son, etc. dare to speak up in many issues.

  29. 他们简直不敢相信是我。

    They wouldn't have even believed it was me.

  30. 我敢打赌是政府干的。

    I'll bet it was the government.


  1. 问:敢是拼音怎么拼?敢是的读音是什么?敢是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敢是的读音是gǎnshì,敢是翻译成英文是 Maybe; possibly.