







汉语拼音:tā gù






  1. 别的原因。

    《荀子·王制》:“ 閔王 毁於五国, 桓公 劫於 鲁庄 ,无它故焉,非其道而虑之以王也。”《汉书·贾谊传》:“ 秦王 治天下,十餘岁则大败。此亡它故矣, 汤 武 之定取舍审而 秦王 之定取舍不审矣。”



  1. God did not create it, and so it is not real.


  1. 上主从未创造过那战争, 故它不是真实的。

    God did not create that war and so it is not real.

  2. 故它适用于各种通径和压力的管道连接。

    Therefore, it applies to a variety of stress path and the pipe connection.

  3. 因为它没有基金,故它没有关于基金管辖权的相应条款。

    Since it does not have a fund, it does not have a corresponding provision concerning jurisdiction in respect of the fund.

  4. 故我们将它给卡西陪葬。

    So we buried it with the boy.

  5. 因为它不能倒退,故在整个棋盘中有些方格不能达到。

    Some squares he cannot reach at all since he cannot move backward.

  6. 我碰见野花的种子荚,它是如此整齐对称,故我必须拍下它。

    I came upon this seed pod of a wild flower. It was so symmetrical that I must take a picture of it.

  7. 并且它与在整个文章内容上不能衔接,故不能填。

    Smaller whales include the bottlenose, the hum ack, the erm, and the fi ack.

  8. 它是差异透性的,故可控制分子和离子的进出。

    It is differentially permeable, hence it can control the entrance and exit of molecules and ions.

  9. 但不知何故它进了。

    Yet it somehow found its way in.

  10. 也许因为它太老太灰暗的原故吧。

    It is its being so old and grey, perhaps.

  11. 它有最浓厚的游乐色彩,故称闹元宵。

    It has the great pleasure of color, so that A Festive Lantern Festival.

  12. 这是由于它需计算许多行列式的缘故。

    It is high time costing since it need to compute many determinant.

  13. 中餐在它的故多可比在这里要丰富得多。

    Chinese food in its native land is vastly superior to what's available here.

  14. 正因为这一缘故, 它引起了很大得麻烦。

    Just for this reason, it has caused an immense amount of trouble.

  15. 正因为这一缘故,它引起了很大的麻烦。

    Just for this reason, it has caused an immense amount of trouble.

  16. 那就是我们想看见的。那就是它为什么这么艰难的缘故。

    That's what we want to see. That's why it's hard.

  17. 优美风格的标准是它的大量的引语,典故和落套辞章。

    The test of a good style was its abundance of quotations, allusions, and stereotyped expressions.

  18. 美国还在继续使用它,这是因为缺少防腐油的缘故。

    Because of the shortage of creosote in the United States its use continued.

  19. 美国还在继续使用它,这是因为缺少防腐油得缘故。

    Because of the shortage of creosote in the United States its use continued.

  20. 这也许正是许多人喜欢在它上面交流和辩论的缘故。

    That might be the very reason so many people like to talk and debate there.

  21. 小猴子会不知何故地用极大的努力去依靠它的母亲。

    The young monkey, with great exertion, somehow clings to its mother.

  22. 而高血压又是因为它很焦虑也许住在笼子里的缘故吧?

    He was anxious, maybe living in a crate

  23. 它完美地运用了大量特技效果,故成一部滑稽惊险喜剧。

    It has utilized the massive trick effects perfectly, therefore becomes a funny thrilling comedy.

  24. 但它的效率较低,故限用于小功率、大速比的传动。

    However, its efficiency is lower than that of the epicyclic gear train, so it should be used in some small power transmissions.

  25. 我使用链锯出了点小事故之后, 便再也不让我用它。

    After my little accident with the chain saw, I've not been allowed to use it again.

  26. 狗知道在外面真的是很寒冷, 而且不知何故你已经使它温暖。

    The dog knows it's really cold outside, and somehow you have made it warm.