




1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:diān liang





diān liáng的又音。义同“掂量diān liáng”。



  1. 估量;斟酌。

    明 无名氏 《遇仙记》第一折:“我试掂量你掂量,子之玉体,如一叶之轻。”《老残游记》第十五回:“ 贾老儿 掂量这个亲事倒还做得。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“她看看我,看看通讯员,好像在掂量我刚才那些话的斤两。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第四章:“ 陈旅长 看着那些参谋们抄写的东西,一句一句地修改,掂量每一个字的轻重。”



  1. This glance means that she is checking her internal emotions, in short, she likes you but is working out how much.


  2. However, "looked" over the tragic story of that building people, the heart has its own weigh.


  3. Just think over the consequences of the matter.


  4. Wait until 11 o'clock, when the closed weigh the print, they knock out the door next to the door. How's the matter?


  5. Several weeks later, a visitor admired the stone, looked closely at it, hefted it in his hand and nearly fainted.


  6. I was a little behind in my RSS articles but I stumbled upon a report about Halloween makeup to which the Beauty Brains had to weigh in.


  7. She would wait and brood, studying the details and adding to them until her power might be commensurate with her desire for revenge.


  8. He picked up the gun and turned it over in his hands.


  9. I looked at him, his face reddening, as I tried to get my bearings.


  1. 你来掂量掂量数字。

    You crunch the numbers.

  2. 你掂量着办得了。

    Just do as you think fit.

  3. 你掂量一下有多重。

    Try to gauge its weight.

  4. 他仔细掂量了经理的话。

    He considered the manager's words carefully.

  5. 这件事可得好好掂量掂量。

    We should think the matter over.

  6. 而应该着意掂量, 仔细斟酌。

    But to weigh and consider.

  7. 他掂量了一下邮件的重量。

    He weighed the mail in his hand.

  8. 我掂量了一下我刚买的肉。

    I balanced the meat that I just bought.

  9. 她显然是在审慎地掂量我。

    It was obvious that she was cautiously weighing me up.

  10. 他说每一句话要仔细掂量。

    He pondered his words thoroughly.

  11. 但是我觉得她应该仔细掂量一下。

    But I think she should have thought it over.

  12. 我掂量了工作中那些人的品格。

    I weighed the personalities of the men on the job.

  13. 这左手可能还得重新掂量一下。

    The left hand, however, may yet have to reconsider.

  14. 你来掂量一下这本书的份量。

    Guess how much this book weighs.

  15. 他说每一句话都要仔细掂量。

    He pondered his words thoroughly.

  16. 她说每一句话都要仔细掂量。

    She pondered her words thoroughly.

  17. 你入场的时候就会更多的掂量一下自己的分量。

    Admission to the time you will weigh more about their weight.

  18. 他反复掂量着那三位议员所说的话是否可靠。

    He tried to assess the veracity of the three legislators.

  19. 她用手掂量两个苹果, 把大一点的给了我。

    She weighed two apples in her hand and gave me the bigger one.

  20. 捡起一个蛤壳,在手里掂量一下它有多重。

    Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand.

  21. 我掂量着列杰刚才说过的话,心里越来越感到欢乐。

    I was thinking about what Roggie had said with increasing jubilation.

  22. 他说,我掂量了所有的情况后,晚上就能安心睡觉了。

    When I weighed everything,'he says,'I was able to sleep at night.

  23. 掂量一下经济情况,这一计划搁浅了,只能呆在宿舍。

    Weigh up the economic situation, the plan ran aground, and can only stay in dormitories.

  24. 她还没有吃一点东西,然而她们坐在那里,心里反复掂量。

    She had had nothing to eat, and yet there she sat, thinking it over.

  25. 这就会迫使你仔细掂量一下你购买的每一件食品的价钱。

    This forces you to carefully weigh up the price of everything you buy.

  26. 他能够在开头几分钟内就可以掂量出一个人的好坏。

    He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes.


  1. 问:掂量拼音怎么拼?掂量的读音是什么?掂量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掂量的读音是diānliáng,掂量翻译成英文是 weigh in one’s hand; consider




【释义】:1.掂:托在手里上下动动以试重量。考虑 意思就是做一件事三思而後行 量力而行! 2.斟酌:再三考虑,。

【拼音】diān  liáng


【列句】 1试重:他掂量了一下西瓜,说有八斤来重。 2.斟酌:事情就是这些,各组回去得掂量着办了。 3.考虑、思考:老师的话很重要,希望大家好好掂量掂量。 出处: 明无名氏《遇仙记》第一折:“我试掂量你掂量,子之玉体,如一叶之轻。”《老残游记》第十五回:“贾老儿掂量这个亲事倒还做得。”茹志鹃《百合花》:“她看看我,看看通讯员,好像在掂量我刚才那些话的斤两。”杜鹏程《保卫延安》第四章:“陈旅长看着那些参谋们抄写的东西,一句一句地修改,掂量每一个字的轻重。”