




1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:shuí dāng






  1. 何人。当,语助词。

    《后汉书·五行志一》:“ 桓帝 之初,天下童謡曰:‘小麦青青大麦枯,谁当穫者妇与姑。’” 唐 岑参 《陪狄员外早秋登府西楼因呈院中诸公》诗:“兵马休战争,风尘尚苍茫。谁当共携手,赖有冬官郎。” 宋 王安石 《弯碕》诗:“永怀 少陵 诗:‘菱叶净如拭’。谁当共新甘,紫角方可摘。”

  2. 何为,为什么。

    唐 沉佺期 《拟古别离》诗:“奈何生别者,戚戚怀远游。远游谁当惜,所悲会难收。”

  3. 安得,怎得。

    唐 刘长卿 《酬李侍御登岳阳见寄》诗:“谁当北风至,为尔一开襟。” 唐 韦应物 《三月三日寄诸弟兼怀崔都水》诗:“对酒始依依,怀人还的的。谁当 曲水 行,相思寻旧跡。”



  1. 'How can I know who I am, when I am all this? ' he said, sweeping the surroundings with a gesture of his head.


  2. Never thought about flowers, dresses, who I'd have as bridesmaids -- none of it.


  3. Whoever is the Republican candidate has to run against the very disciplined, intelligent, well-prepared, charismatic president.


  4. He explained that he'd rather have this wish than a new vaccine or medicine or even choose the next several American presidents.


  5. But I will show you whom you should fear: fear Him who, after killing, has authority to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, fear this One.


  6. Volunteers were assigned to be managers or subordinates at random.


  7. The only thing we know for sure is that whoever becomes president will have to earn it.


  8. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as your dinner guest? as your close friend? as your lover?


  9. I can't imagine that when you know who I am what reaction when you are.


  1. 今天谁当主席?

    Who is in the chair today?

  2. 现在谁当导演?

    Who directs the firm these days?

  3. 你选谁当总裁?

    Whom have you chosen president?

  4. 你们选谁当主席?

    Whom have you chosen chairman?

  5. 我们选谁当班长?

    Whom shall we choose as our monitor ?

  6. 演讲比赛谁当裁判?

    Who will judge at the speech contest?

  7. 今年比赛谁当裁判?

    Who is adjudicating at this year's contest?

  8. 你想选谁当总统?

    Who are you going to vote for as president?

  9. 皇上还选谁当皇后?

    But who do you choose to be the empress?

  10. 他不关心谁当总统。

    He does not care about who will be the president.

  11. 我们抽签决定谁当队长。

    We drew lots to decide who would lead the team.

  12. 你选谁当我们的队长?

    Whom did you choose for our team leader?

  13. 今天委员会开会谁当主席?

    Who will preside at the committee meeting today ?

  14. 我们选谁当足球队长呢

    Who should we elect to be the football team leader

  15. 还没决定谁当会议主席。

    It is not decided who will chair the meeting.

  16. 我们选谁当学校足球队长。

    Whom shall we choose for our school football teamleader ?

  17. 那试演完, 谁来决定谁当伴娘?

    So, okay, so after this audition, who decides who gets it?

  18. 谁当下届总统还在竞争之中。

    Who will be the next president is at issue.

  19. 你认为他们班会选谁当班长?

    Who do you think the class may select as their monitor?

  20. 那你到底要给谁当导游呢?

    Who are you going to guide anyway?

  21. 你将选谁当我们的新班长?

    Who will you choos as our new monitor?

  22. 大家看谁学习好就选谁当班长。

    Let's see who studies well, then elect him as our class monitor.

  23. 你选谁当建设委员会的新委员?

    Who did you choose as the new member of the construction committee ?

  24. 关于谁当班长的问题出现了矛盾。

    I want to find out as to whom this bicycle belongs to.

  25. 你是否已决定提名谁当候选人了?

    Have you decided whom you are to nominate as your candidate

  26. 让群众评议一下谁当先进工作者。

    Let the masses discuss who will be chosen as an advanced worker.

  27. 谁当我们校长这个问题还没有确定。

    The problem who should be our headmaster is not decided.

  28. 他们选了谁当他们的新国会议员?

    Who did they choose to be their new member of Parliament?

  29. 但问题是,你没法选择谁当你爸爸。

    But the problem is, you can't pick your dad.

  30. 先用黑白板的方式, 决定谁当瞎子。

    Use first black and white board way, decide who when blind.