


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……





汉语拼音:chī xiāng






  1. 受欢迎,被人重视。

    老舍 《二马》第二段一:“ 中国 学生当然也不会吃香的。稍微大一点的旅馆就不租 中国 人,更不用说讲体面的人家了。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》三:“这年头,有枪杆子的人吃香!” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二章:“这位善于追赶潮流的‘大学士’,又赶上了办教育吃香的时候,于是他很快成为教育家。”



  1. What makes a mathematician such a hot pick are the comfortable working conditions and a nice average annual income of nearly $100000.


  2. Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be very popular.


  3. Now the magic really fast development, even hymen repair can seem to understand the magic that guy in the Storm City brothels very popular.


  4. This time brings in more bystanders, the fragrant pig might be popular by now, child adults cannot bear you hug me to trace.


  5. His bluntness played badly in Kabul, where Hamid Karzai sometimes refused to talk or eat with him.


  6. Slim figured Victoria Beckham did not fare well among those questioned being voted the celebrity with the worst figure by both sexes.


  7. Technical majors even have an advantage in fields that are typically hotbeds for liberal arts majors, she said.


  8. "If Ucits funds are paying good monthly dividends, they are usually popular, " he said.


  9. "The label 'domestic-grown' doesn't really have the same stature, " especially after Fukushima, she said.


  1. 最近哪种工作最吃香?

    What kind of job is most popular recently?

  2. 好的翻译总是很吃香的。

    Good interpreters are always in demand.

  3. 小面包车在城镇很吃香。

    Minibus is most popular in towns.

  4. 是某人得宠儿,在某人面前吃香

    Be a favorite with sb.

  5. 是某人的宠儿,在某人面前吃香

    Be a favorite with sb.

  6. 这种花布在群众中很吃香。

    This kind of cotton print is very popular.

  7. 不如以前吃香了,你太抬举我了

    Not the golden god I used to be, you flatterer.

  8. 科学方面的专门知识不吃香了。

    Scientific expertise has been devalued.

  9. 吉英那么吃香, 简直是无法形容。

    Jane was so admired, nothing could be like it.

  10. 这些公司在信贷紧缩时期很吃香。

    These companies are popular in a credit crunch.

  11. 现今, 妖艳得女演员似乎很吃香。

    Nowadays an actress voluptuous beauty seems to be very popular.

  12. 懂礼貌的人到哪都吃香。

    Courtesy and manners will get you everywhere.

  13. 在信息时代, 软件程序专家很吃香。

    Programme experts are in great demand in the information age.

  14. 那位大臣当时在宫廷里很吃香。

    The minister was in high favour at Court at that time.

  15. 吃香的, 喝辣的。指生活富裕, 非常奢侈

    Eat or live high on the hog

  16. 但有前科的父亲在法庭上并不吃香

    But a dad with a rap sheet doesn't play well in court.

  17. 小面包车在城镇很吃香。是的, 我吃得很好。

    Yes. I enjoyed it a lot.

  18. 但是,其它建议在美国和英国却不吃香。

    But others are unpopular in America and Britain.

  19. 因为嫁给我你就可以天天吃香的喝辣的

    Because by marrying me you can enjoy a lux life everyday

  20. 刘坐镇教授说, 华昌的很多教授也都很吃香。

    Professor Liu Zuozhen said that many of the a professor also very popular.

  21. 也许你们可以给我建议, 现在什么工作最吃香?

    Perhaps, you can give me some advices, what's the hottest jobs now?

  22. 你懂患上吃香的女孩和不吃香的女孩之差别吗?

    Do you know the difference between a popular girl and an unpopular one?

  23. 这是一个专才吃香而通才无用的时代。

    This is an era in which specialists thrive and generalists do not.

  24. 为什么美国口音突然变得无处不在、如此吃香?

    Why are American accents suddenly so ubiquitous and admired?

  25. 吃香的,喝辣的。过着多种多样享受的生活。日子甜甜蜜蜜

    lead a life of milk and honey.

  26. 现今,妖艳的女演员似乎比智慧型的女演员吃香。

    Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent looks.

  27. 我说给他听, 他说我是吃香喝辣的呀, 我问他是北方人吗?

    I said to him, he said I was unwelcome in the spicy drink it, I asked him a northerner?

  28. 约会时不要粗鲁也不要喝醉。懂礼貌的人到哪都吃香。

    Don't be rude or get drunk on a date. Courtesy and manners will get you everywhere.

  29. 世界鱼粉吃紧蝇蛆蛋白吃香受厄尔多诺天气的影响。

    World fish meal is critical fly maggot albumen is very popular the effect that suffers weather of ell much Nuo.


  1. 问:吃香拼音怎么拼?吃香的读音是什么?吃香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吃香的读音是chīxiāng,吃香翻译成英文是 popular




【注音】:chī xiāng



