







汉语拼音:yuán zhǐ








  1. 原来的地址。



  1. It was the nation's first planned industrial town. The site was originally settled in 1653 as a farming community known as East Chelmsford.


  2. At the plant itself, work has started on a huge new shelter the size of two football fields and the height of the Statue of Liberty.


  3. New buildings are rising in the World Trade Center complex but Cantor Fitzgerald has no plans to return there.


  4. According to a CNN opinion poll taken before the president's speech, 70% of Americans oppose the building of a mosque near Ground Zero.


  5. Nobody knew that my university had been built on the site of the palaces of Liao Dynasty for decades until it was relocated. .


  6. After the war, in 1946, the university was moved back to its original location in Beijing.


  7. According to introduction, at the original site of the camp, there are a barrack, Japanese watch room, a water tower and a chimney.


  8. This part of the increase in plant siting foreign producers have two options : First, are still in-situ production.


  9. Constructed in its place was the Palace of the Republic, abronze-and-steel triumph of boxy 1970s Soviet design.


  1. 杰尔宾特的原址、古城和城堡建筑

    Citadel, Ancient City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent

  2. 深圳国际会议展览中心原址软基处理

    On soft foundation treatment of Shenzhen International Conference and Exhibition Centre

  3. 原址扩建既有线箱型桥施工方案

    Construction scheme of existing box girder bridges with original site expansion

  4. 工人们拆毁旧屋, 并在原址上另盖新屋。

    The workers torn down the old house and built a new one in its place.

  5. 他在世贸中心原址灾难现场敬献了花圈。

    He laid a wreath at Ground Zero where the World Trade Center once stood.

  6. 被拆迁户希望能在原址附近重建,便于耕作。

    For the cultivation, the households hope that the reconstruction can be implemented around the original site.

  7. 把人们从外包中心带到原址是必要的。

    Bringing people to the home location from the outsourced centre is necessary.

  8. 原址被当地人犁过,又用做农业用地了。

    And the site was then plowed over by the local inhabitants who simply took it back to agriculture again.

  9. 原址为元大都大天寿万宁寺之中心阁。

    Yuan Dadu for the site of the Great Temple of Wanning Tianshou Center Court.

  10. 首先,他提出能否在911原址献个花环,以示敬意。

    He started by asking whether he could lay a wreath at Ground Zero as a show of respect.

  11. 五角大厦的原址上将会重建并会在一年内落成。

    The ruined portion of the Pentagon was rebuilt and reoccupied within a year.

  12. 公园中兴庆湖即在原兴庆公中龙池原址建成。

    Xingqing lake in the park was built on the relics of dragon pool in the original xingqing palace.

  13. 设计地块原址为台州烧碱厂,属于棕地改造的范围。

    Design plot of land is the site of caustic soda plant in Taizhou, which belongs to the brownfields range.

  14. 从此,本是这村子原址的陷口便一直注满着沥青。

    The crater where the village stood has been filled wish asphalt ever since.

  15. 我们的作品曾进入纽约世贸大楼原址竞图案决选。

    We were one of the finalists for the World Trade Center site design.

  16. 新八佰伴原址于下半年改为海洋之神娱乐场项目。

    The outer harbour site will be cleared before the end of this year, and restructured for a new casino project Oceanus.

  17. 灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达得希宾镇。

    The Greyhound Bus Origin Museum is located in Hibbing Minnesota.

  18. 灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达的希宾镇。

    The Greyhound Bus Origin Museum is located in Hibbing Minnesota.

  19. 展厅内坑中,有完整的殉马遗骨106具,在发现原址建成。

    Pit hall, complete sati 106 Ma remains, after the discovery of the site completed.

  20. 辟建米埔停车场及斯科特野外研习中心前的原址旧貌。

    The site of the Mai Po car park and Peter Scott Field Studies Centre before construction.

  21. 我们想在世贸大楼原址的基地 周围建筑一种哥德式教堂。

    We wanted to make a kind of Gothic cathedral around the footprints of the World Trade Center site.


  1. 问:原址拼音怎么拼?原址的读音是什么?原址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原址的读音是yuánzhǐ,原址翻译成英文是 an original location or former address

  2. 问:原址代码拼音怎么拼?原址代码的读音是什么?原址代码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原址代码的读音是yuán zhǐ dài mǎ,原址代码翻译成英文是 Primary Address Code


