







汉语拼音:jiù zhǐ








  1. Where a fort had once overlooked the river now stood a broken gate, gaping open like an old man's toothless mouth.


  2. In Jackson county, Mo. , where it was revealed that Zion was to be established, Smith instituted a communalistic United Order of Enoch.


  3. In respect of Southeast Kowloon, we plan to turn the former Kai Tak Airport site into a new development area.


  4. He is the use of the money to Toronto in an urban parking lot site QYC founded the company, the production of computer graphics chips.


  5. Settled in 1649, it was the site of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, which led to the federal Constitutional Convention of 1787. The U. S.


  6. She then went to the Centers old location only to find that it had been moved to a different place.


  7. The reclamation of that land, once the site of a huge landfill , took several years and a lot of work .


  8. Moreover, it was the place that the descendents of Roman Crassus expedition Army had inhabited, as has been the focus of medium report.


  9. Gannan is the republic "the cradle" , is the Long March embarks , here revolutionizes the former site, old is in the majority.


  1. 黄埔军校旧址

    Site of the Huangpu Military Academy

  2. 高升戏院旧址

    Old Site of the Ko Shing Theatre

  3. 息烽集中营旧址

    Site of the Xifeng Concentration Camp

  4. 平江起义旧址

    Site of the Pingjiang Uprising

  5. 上饶集中营旧址

    Site of the Shangrao Concentration Camp

  6. 黄埔军校旧址纪念馆

    The Museum of Huangpu Military Academy

  7. 元代的御茶园旧址,

    The site of a Yuan Dynasty imperial tea garden

  8. 这是我们机关的旧址。

    Here's where our organization used to be.

  9. 云南陆军讲武堂旧址!

    Yunnan land force say the Wu Tang former site!

  10. 武昌起义军政府旧址

    Site of the Military Government of the Wuchang Uprising

  11. 白求恩模范病室旧址

    Bethune Model Ward

  12. 湘鄂西革命根据地旧址

    Sites of the Western Hunan and Hubei Revolutionary Bases

  13. 美国公理会布道所旧址

    Old site of the preaching house of american congregational mission

  14. 广州农民运动讲习所旧址

    Site of the National Institute of Peasant Movement, Guangzhou

  15. 一座十六世纪的修道院的旧址

    the site of a sixteenth century abbey

  16. 家具都从旧址搬到新住所。

    The furniture was delivered form the old address to the new one.

  17. 香港木球会会所旧址纪念牌匾

    Commemorative Plaque for the Old Site of Cricket Club

  18. 那个兵营位于古城堡的旧址上。

    The barracks stand on the site of the old castle.

  19. 她是内战旧址保护协会的会员。

    She belongs to the Association for the preservation of civil war sites.

  20. 红军东征总指挥部旧址建筑群研究

    Research on the architecture group in the East Journey headquarters site of Red Army

  21. 古代的漕运总督府旧址现在在江苏。

    The stadholder's mansion was originally set in Jiangsu province.

  22. 古代的漕运总督府旧址现在在江苏。

    The stadholder's mansion was originally set in Jiangsu province.

  23. 一座新医院在旧址上建了起来。

    A new hospital is set up in the place of the old one.

  24. 伦敦在一个古罗马堡垒的旧址上。

    London is on the site of a Roman fort.

  25. 林则徐销烟池与虎门炮台旧址

    Sites of the Pool of Lin Zexu Destroying Opium and the Humen Batteries

  26. 你的信已经从我的旧址转寄过来了。

    Your letter has been forwarded tome from my former address.

  27. 东吴大学旧址的历史建筑与校园环境

    The Historical Buildings and Campus Environment of the Site of the Former DongWu University

  28. 历史课后, 老师带领我们参观了农会旧址。

    After the history lesson, the teacher led us to look around the former site of a peasant association.

  29. 历史课后,老师带领我们参观了农会旧址。

    After the history lesson, the teacher led us to look around the former site of a peasant association.

  30. 它建于圣菲一特雷尔旧址之上。人口15, 427。

    It is located on the old Santa Fe Trail. Population, 15, 427.


  1. 问:旧址拼音怎么拼?旧址的读音是什么?旧址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旧址的读音是jiùzhǐ,旧址翻译成英文是 former site; old location


