







汉语拼音:xīn zhǐ








  1. 新的地址。如:本店将于下月一日起迁至 东大街 十号新址营业。



  1. A Beijing-based spokesperson said Intel routinely considered new sites for its operations and China was "one of our target countries" .


  2. She returned to her office at the bank's new site in New Jersey for a day or so.


  3. But as the pictures from inside Facebook's new offices show, the company appears to have skimped on the soft furnishings.


  4. The column was transferred bodily to a new site by the bank of the river.


  5. It was the local people's unflinching stand against the plant that ultimately resulted in its shifting from the site.


  6. Unlike many others, it has got a reasonable result: a new place a few hundred yards away.


  7. The fourth part was to choose a new site using qualitative method and quantitative method for the distribution center.


  8. Will Xi'an be considered as an alternative option, in consider of the re utilisation of the Italy Pavilion?


  9. A new T-shirt with the image of the recent CCTV fire on its front has gone on sale over the Internet (see photo).


  1. 市政府的新址在学府路。

    The new address of the city government office is in Xuexu Street.

  2. 我已迁至新址,特此奉告。

    I inform you that I have moved to a new.

  3. 本人已迁居, 来信请转新址。

    Please forward my mail to my new address.

  4. 爱正堂新址感恩献堂礼。

    Dedication and Thanksgiving Service of the new building at TCCC.

  5. 请把我的信送往新址。

    Please send my letter on to my new address.

  6. 请把我得信送往新址。

    Please send my letter on to my new address.

  7. 这家公司已经迁到了新址。

    The business had moved a new address.

  8. 她的新址是沃里克郡大厦12号。

    Her new address is12 Warwickshire mansions.

  9. 过完后面写你明天群岛新址。

    Write your rear end off tomorrow to populate the new site.

  10. 湖南教育报刊社新址景观环境设计

    Environmental designs of the new location of Hunan Educational Press Agency

  11. 把那桥一段一段地运到了新址。

    The bridge was moved piece by piece to a new site.

  12. 该公司于一九七一年迁至新址。

    The firm moved to its new premises in 1971.

  13. 预期检察官办公室将很快迁往新址。

    The Office of the Prosecutor is expected to move to the new site soon.

  14. 教育电视台新址演播用房的工艺设计

    Technological Design of TV Studio House of Educational TV Station on New location

  15. 中央电视台新址主楼灌注桩施工质量控制

    Construction Quality Control of Filling Pile of CCTV New Main Building.

  16. 武汉美术馆新址本身就是一件精致的艺术品。

    The Wuhan Art Gallery new site itself is a delicate work of art.

  17. 南京大学举行犹太文化研究所新址落成典礼

    Inauguration ceremony on a new place of institute of jewish studies held in nanjing university

  18. 对于新址搬迁给您带来的不便,敬请您的谅解!

    For its new premises in relocation to inconvenience ntact you of disputes!

  19. 这个新址将安置基金秘书处,包括投资管理处。

    The new space will accommodate the Fund secretariat, including the Investment Management Service.

  20. 那根圆柱被整体迁到河堤边的一个新址。

    The column was transferred bodily to a new site by the bank of the river.

  21. 孟淑娟于博物馆搬至新址的两个月前上任。

    Mong started work two months before the museum was due to move into new premises.

  22. 雷诺先生在14日晚从图尔来到法国政府的新址。

    Mr. Reynaud reached the new seat of government from Tours in the evening of the14 th.

  23. 雷诺先生在14日晚从图尔来到法国政府得新址。

    Mr. Reynaud reached the new seat of government from Tours in the evening of the12 th.

  24. 你搬家时最好请从前的邻居把你的信件转寄到新址。

    When you move house, you'd better ask your former neighbour to forward your mail.

  25. 这件礼物被折成几部分, 装上船运往它得新址。

    The gift was disassembled and shipped to its new land.

  26. 这件礼物被折成几部分,装上船运往它的新址。

    The gift was disassembled and shipped to its new land.

  27. 当然, 现在, 有了新址的新世界葡萄园用的还是旧世界的葡萄。

    Now of course, New World vineyards are using Old World grapes in new locations.


  1. 问:新址拼音怎么拼?新址的读音是什么?新址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新址的读音是xīnzhǐ,新址翻译成英文是 A new address.

  2. 问:新址公园拼音怎么拼?新址公园的读音是什么?新址公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新址公园的读音是xīnzhǐ gōngyuán,新址公园翻译成英文是 Saetteo Park



拼音:xīn zhǐ 释义:[new address] 某单位新的驻地。 例句:本店将于下月一日起迁至 东大街 十号新址营业。