


正,不歪斜:~正(a.事物不歪斜;b.正派,正确;c.使端正)。~丽。~然。~庄。~秀。~静。~坐。正派,正直:~方。~直。~重(zhòng )。品行不~。事物的一头:~的(dì)(a.事情的经过,底细;b.的确,果然;c.究竟。均亦称“端……


1. 详 [xiáng]2. 详 [yáng]详 [xiáng]细密,完备,与“略”相对:~细。~略。~情。~谈。周~。~实(详细而确实。亦作“翔实”)。语焉不~(说得不详细)。清楚地知道:内容不~。说明,细说:内~。审慎:~平(审理案件审……



汉语拼音:duān xiáng









  1. 公正全面;仔细慎重。

    晋 潘岳 《杨荆州诔》:“庶狱明慎,刑辟端详。” 元 关汉卿 《玉镜台》第一折:“大纲来阴阳偏有準,择日要端详。”

  2. 端庄安详。

    《北史·寇儁传》:“ 儁 身长八尺,鬚鬢皓然,容止端详,音韵清朗。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第二折:“大人家举止端详,全没那半点儿轻狂。”

  3. 细看;打量。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第二本第二折:“端详可憎,好煞人也无乾浄。”《 元 本 高明 《琵琶记·伯喈五娘相会》》:“细端详,这是谁笔仗,覷着他教我心儿好感伤。”《红楼梦》第四一回:“一面説,一面细细端详了半日。”

  4. 始末;底细。

    元 宫天挺 《范张鸡黍》第四折:“我这里曲躬叉手问端详。” 明 汤显祖 《紫钗记·计哨讹传》:“你同俺去他家説个端详,定不慢你。”《红楼梦》第二十回:“要知端详,且听下回分解。”



  1. Men do not like it when a woman spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror but still looks the same as she always does.

  2. An old man picked up, looks at carefully awakens suddenly quite a while, overtakes said: The girl, this be ultra-thin is easy to fall!

  3. There is a will, she discovered in a clothing store feeling the look of a sweater for a long time, finally shook his head and left the shop.

  4. They were soon able to make a survey of her face and her frock in easy indifference.

  5. He thought for a minute or two, studying my face.

  6. his head cocked to one side , studying me with his penetrating eyes.

  7. While dreading the blow, I mused on the disgusting and ugly appearance of him who would presently deal it.

  8. My mother studies her hands, clasped together in her lap. "It must have been so hard on her. Going to our funerals. "

  9. She laid down the letter, which seemed so full of love to her, and began to contemplate her sleeping cousin with the warmest kindness.


  1. 他细细端详他的脸。

    She studied his face carefully.

  2. 她微笑着端详着他。

    Smiling, she studied him.

  3. 他端详了她一番。

    He took in every detail of her appearance.

  4. 照照自己, 端详自己的美貌。

    Look in the mirror and see that you are beautiful.

  5. 照照自己, 端详自己得美貌。

    Look in the mirror and see that you are beautiful.

  6. 她在镜中端详自己。

    She surveyed herself in a mirror.

  7. 她仔细地端详他。

    She watched him narrowly.

  8. 他仔细端详了她一番。

    He took in detail of her appearance.

  9. 我在暗处端详着自己。

    I was peering about me in the gloom.

  10. 端详着她圆圆的脸蛋

    look her in the round face

  11. 你现在没时间端详自己了。

    You have no time to stare at yourself.

  12. 她急切地端详着他的脸。

    She scanned his face anxiously.

  13. 他从头到脚地端详我。

    He surveyed me from head to foot.

  14. 她盯着那卡片端详了一会儿。

    She stared at it a moment.

  15. 仔细端详你的手掌和指尖。

    Look closely at the palms of your hands and fingertips.

  16. 只要端详一下你书上的封面。

    Just look at the cover of your book.

  17. 温赖特绞着手指,端详着双手。

    Wainwright interlaced his fingers and considered them.

  18. 她探身向前,端详他们的面容。

    She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

  19. 他聚精会神地端详着相片。

    He peered closely at the photograph.

  20. 他不作声地端详了我一会儿。

    For a moment he studied me silently.

  21. 仔细端详会发现她眼角的皱纹。

    A close scrutiny will reveal the lines at the corners of her eyes.

  22. 她梳着头发端详着镜中的自己。

    She combed her hair, looking at herself in the mirror.

  23. 她梳着头发端详着镜中的自己。

    She combed her hair, looking at herself in the mirror.

  24. 她非常清楚马克斯在仔细端详她。

    She was very conscious of Max studying her.

  25. 他画好了这些草图,仔细端详着。

    He finished these sketches and studied them.

  26. 她紧紧依偎着他, 仔细端详着他的脸。

    She pressed against him and looked into his face.

  27. 她对他的脸仔细端详了一分钟。

    She studied his face very intently for a minute.

  28. 黛比仔细端详了一会她朋友的脸。

    Debbie studied her friend's face for a moment.

  29. 我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数端详。

    Ow do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

  30. 埃莱娜用冰冷, 有谋算的眼睛端详看她。

    Helene studied her with cool, calculating eyes.


  1. 问:端详拼音怎么拼?端详的读音是什么?端详翻译成英文是什么?

    答:端详的读音是duānxiáng,端详翻译成英文是 details; dignified and serene

  2. 问:端详拼音怎么拼?端详的读音是什么?端详翻译成英文是什么?

    答:端详的读音是duānxing,端详翻译成英文是 look closely


