


1. 仅 [jǐn]2. 仅 [jìn]仅 [jǐn]不过,才:不~如此。绝无~有。~只(仅仅)。仅 [jìn]将近,几乎:士卒~万人。……


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……



汉语拼音:jǐn zhǐ






仅只 [jǐn zhǐ]
  1. 仅仅、只有。



  1. When nigh fell, he would make his home in a tent-like bamboo shed. Oh, that is something of distant past!


  2. Up till now, the scope of area he photographs is no more than a few hundred meters from his home.


  3. Then we went to the last place . It was just a few miles out of town. It was a turck stop called the Big Wheel.


  4. Losing confidence in his change up and sinker, Pettitte said he trudged on trying to rely on just his fastball and cutter.


  5. I might have one mega-counter-trending system that might be for 60 days, whelloch only makes money in periods like the last year.


  6. But even the brightest city in America, Las Vegas, emits only about a ten-thousandth as much light as the sun shines upon the same area.


  7. They did not doubt phenomena, or question propositions which, in their opinion, only expressed what we know directly concerning phenomena.


  8. You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body.


  9. All the fragment of philosophy , science , and religion , even when Unified , represent but a fractional picture of reality.


  1. 这仅只是个时间问题。

    It is merely a question of time.

  2. 但危害仅只于此吗?

    But will the damage stop there?

  3. 定罪仅只根据所谓的供词。

    The conviction was based solely on the alleged confession.

  4. 但是想像, 仅只想像, 马上有一些想像。

    But imagine, just imagine, having some right now.

  5. 大家都要去看电影,仅只他不去。

    Everyone will go to the cinema except him.

  6. 仅只下令冻结定居点是不够的。

    It is not enough to merely impose a freeze on settlements.

  7. 政党仅只植根于宋楚瑜的个人魅力。

    The party is only being built on personal magic power in James Soong.

  8. 因此仅只于此, 主阿, 我知道信仰的边界。

    Thus only is it, Lord, that I know the lineage of the faith.

  9. 但仅只外部观察员的在场, 就会改变各方的行为。

    But the mere presence of outside observers changes behaviour.

  10. 仅只减少对石油的依赖并不足以推动未来的发展。

    Just reducing Japan's overreliance on oil won't be enough to fuel growth for the future.

  11. 而长期以来对蝗灾诱因的认识却仅只限于旱灾。

    But for a long time, the common knowledge on the causes of the locust pest have been limited to the drought.

  12. 这固然不会仅只因为地球将发生极移就有所改变。

    This of course will not change just because the Earth has had a pole shift.

  13. 而且仅只稍微推挤它因为有一天他们全部将会出现。

    And just jostle it a little because they are all going to come up one day.

  14. 就此点而言我们仅只找出200位有能力的准捐赠人。

    At this point we only have identified 200 capable prospective donors.

  15. 现在这种植物仅只在布里斯托海峡的廊荻才能找到。

    This plant is now found only on Lundy in the Bristol Channel.

  16. 如果你仅只增加一个强制通风, 那就用它来排费气。

    If you only add one active ventilation, use it for exhaust.

  17. 管理着一个成功的矫正做法不只仅是理论矫正。

    Running a successful orthodontic practice is about more than just practicing orthodontics.

  18. 管理着一个成功得矫正做法不只仅是理论矫正。

    Running a successful orthodontic practice is about more than just practicing orthodontics.

  19. 但英国一只仅8周大的小猫却告诉了我们什么是例外。

    But the British one is only 8weekold kitten has told us what is exceptional.

  20. 仅一只携带传染病的狗便能引发一场瘟疫。

    It only takes one dog incubating an infectious disease to start off an epidemic.

  21. 仅管只靠著这麽微薄的薪水, 她和孩子们还是勉强过得去。

    She and her children still managed to get by on such a small income.

  22. 这种熊现仅存200只

    There are only 198 of these bears left.

  23. 在地里仅有一只羊。

    There was a solitary sheep in the field.

  24. 目前野生扬子鳄仅剩120只左右。

    Today it is estimated that only120 are left in the wild.

  25. 他有四只公猴,仅有两只母猴。

    He has four male monkeys and only two females.

  26. 所以目前出生的狮虎兽仅有两只。

    So now the only two animals were born Liger.

  27. 所以目前出生得狮虎兽仅有两只。

    So now the only two animals were born Liger.

  28. 据估计,美国的长耳大野兔仅存150只左右。

    There are an estimated 150 of these jackrabbits left in the United States.

  29. 据估计,美国得长耳大野兔仅存150只左右。

    There are an estimated 150 of these jackrabbits left in the United States.

  30. 格雷仅与几只还活着得鹿到达森林。

    Gray reached the forest with only a few deer remaining alive.


  1. 问:仅只拼音怎么拼?仅只的读音是什么?仅只翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仅只的读音是jǐnzhǐ,仅只翻译成英文是 Only a few.