




就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……



汉语拼音:shì jí






  1. 犹是则,虽则。

    宋 晁端礼 《少年游》词:“是即自古常言道,色须是艰难。”



  1. GDP only measures how much is being invested, but not the return on those investments, ie, whether they are good or bad.


  2. In reality there is no such thing as out-of-the-box, once you start to configure the portal for your specific organizational environment.


  3. The dammed lakes can also be classified simply with time. The one that may be broken in several days is called as transient dammed lake.


  4. Of more concern is that the plan, if it were approved, would neither shore up the financial system nor save the American economy.


  5. Email notication and workflow are the out-of-the-box features, as well as Web service support for . NET environment.


  6. The two beneficial yeast, which create the unique character of Pu-erh tea are known as the yellow yeast and white yeast types.


  7. What I have trouble understanding is the view that new monetary easing is likely to be counterproductive.


  8. You're an object of people's projections, certainly with my husband being so famous for so many years. That's out of your control.


  9. Glue coating is the gelatinize multi-powder-a composite technology in comparison with its complex.


  1. 中庸就是即不善也不恶的人的本性。

    Mean is the poor human nature is not evil.

  2. 以这一笔数据加倍通常是即是的数据属性数据。

    Coupled with this data is usually data known as attribute data.

  3. 一念之非即种恶因,一念之是即得善果。

    An evil thought sows a bad karmic seed.A good thought reaps good karmic fruits.

  4. 真正得智慧是即要着眼于现在, 又要放眼于未来。

    True wisdom is keeping one on the hourthe other on eternity.

  5. 真正的智慧是即要着眼于现在,又要放眼于未来。

    True wisdom is keeping one on the hourthe other on eternity.

  6. 这是即能迎合对方又能相关行业的一个很好方式。

    It's a great way to ingratiate yourself gleaning relevant information about the industry.

  7. 这是即能迎合对方又能相关行业得一个很好方式。

    It's a great way to ingratiate yourself gleaning relevant information about the industry.

  8. 最坏灯距是即是或不详不小小于晒版框的对角线。

    The best light distance is size of the print, or a little box.

  9. 最坏灯距是即是或不详不小小于晒版框得对角线。

    The best light distance is size of the print, or a little box.

  10. 但试图升华马克思作为人的形象是即愚蠢又带有误导性。

    But the attempt to cleanse Marxs profile of human elements is both silly and misleading.

  11. 证据俯拾即是。

    Evidence is plentifully available.

  12. 无知即是福

    Ignorance is Bliss.

  13. 团队即是老板


  14. 数量众多, 俯拾即是

    as plentiful as BlackBerries

  15. 民间故事俯拾即是。

    Folk tales are to be found everywhere.

  16. 即是,他们是强盗!

    That is, they were bandits!

  17. 命运即是必然性。

    What is called fate is the inevitability.

  18. 这类事例俯拾即是。

    Such instances are ubiquitous.

  19. 有时得即是失。

    Sometimes gain is to lose.

  20. 存在即是被知觉

    esse est percipi ence

  21. 老年本身即是病。

    Old age is sickness of itself.

  22. 即是故事的离奇。

    They are stories with a twist.

  23. 跳舞即是分享, 分享即是传授。

    To dance is to share, to share is to teach.

  24. 非公物即是私物

    Res propria est quae communis non est

  25. 最好的即是最划算的

    Best is cheapest

  26. 即是其中一种工具。

    The Club Leadership Plan is one such tool.

  27. 不对称即是对称的缺失。

    Asymmetry is the lack of symmetry.

  28. 慈悲心即是清凉地。

    A compassionate heart is a clear and cool place.

  29. 即是340后面跟着36个零。

    Thats three hundred forty followed by thirtysix zeros.

  30. 即是作家又是踢踏舞奇才

    Published author, tap prodigy.