






小心,当心:谨~。不~。~重(zhòng )。~言。~独(在独处时能谨慎不苟)。姓。……


小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……



汉语拼音:jǐn xiǎo shèn wēi





原指说话、做事非常谨慎,现多指对一些事情过于小心谨慎。《淮南子·人间训》:“圣人敬小慎微,动不失时。” 清恽敬《卓忠毅公遗稿书后》:“其生平无不谨小慎微,事事得其所处。”



  • 【解释】:谨、慎:小心,慎重;小、微:细小。过分小心谨慎,缩手缩脚,不敢放手去做。
  • 【出自】:《淮南子·人间训》:“圣人敬小慎微,动不失时。”
  • 【示例】:其生平无不~,事事得其所处。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语;含贬义


  1. Formerly cautious to the point of being uncommunicative, my companions had changed out of recognition.


  2. What makes "Skin Trade" a little different is itswillingness to call out the fur industry's cagey public relationstactics.


  3. A decade of poor returns and the onset of recession are likely to make investors cautious. That would be understandable, but mistaken.


  4. Living in such a tense society, we bear the weight of too much, do everything well thought out, cautious and treat everyone.


  5. The resolution passed overwhelmingly. But Japan, acting with its traditional caution, abstained.


  6. By his own words, Cook is a cautious and meticulous man.


  7. The next steps are likely to be smaller and taken more carefully.


  8. So a careful leader becomes too cautious, an imaginative leader turns eccentric and a charming leader becomes manipulative.


  9. These haunting, painstakingly painted landscapes emit a sense of deep wilderness amidst autumn decay or just after a storm.


  1. 谨小慎微,拘于小节

    strain at a gnat

  2. 谨小慎微的或拘谨的

    Excessively or affectedly prim and proper.

  3. 她谨小慎微, 不敢作为。

    She is by nature cautious, not bold.

  4. 你对外表太谨小慎微了!

    You're so worried about appearances!

  5. 你为什么要这样谨小慎微呢?

    Why are you so defensive?

  6. 他们不过是谨小慎微的官僚。

    They're just prudent bureaucrats.

  7. 谨小慎微的极度细心的和精确的

    Extremely careful and precise.

  8. 他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。

    He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.

  9. 他谨小慎微, 从不轻易作出承诺。

    He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.

  10. 他完全是个谨小慎微的可笑人物。

    He's nothing more than a ridiculous old maid.

  11. 在这出剧中, 美国是谨小慎微的。

    America is the staid old lady in this drama.

  12. 你是我遇到过的最谨小慎微的人。

    You are the most punctilious person I ever met.

  13. 我们开始谨小慎微地对待,存款和投资。

    And we're starting to be much more careful about how we save and how we invest.

  14. 变得谨小慎微, 不敢解放思想, 不敢放开手脚。

    Become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely.

  15. 记住,海斯特阿姨有点谨小慎微。

    Remember, Aunt Hester is a bit on the prissy side.

  16. 大胆冒险胜于谨小慎微, 因为命运是弱者。

    It is better to be adventurous than cautious, because fortune is a woman.

  17. 你自我感觉不好,所以常常谨小慎微。

    You have a low opinion of yourself and so youre often defensive.

  18. 联合国安理会如同以往,谨小慎微,不愿承担风险。

    The U. N. Security Council has as usual been timid and risk averse.

  19. 经他这么一说, 大家都变得谨小慎微了。

    After listening to what he said, everyone became overcautious.

  20. 他们任命了一个谨小慎微的人担任新经理。

    They appointed a safe person as the new manager.

  21. 他是一个谨小慎微的老家伙, 但是非常精明。

    He is a cautious old bird, but as wise as they makeem.

  22. 突然间变得像僧侣一样谨小慎微, 严肃而安静。

    Suddenly subtle and solemn and silent as a monk.

  23. 使徒行事,可以大刀阔斧,主教却应当谨小慎微。

    The apostle may be daring, but the bishop must be timid.

  24. 老师任命了一个谨小慎微的学生担任我们的班长。

    The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.

  25. 不过, 这倒正符合了希尔顿谨小慎微的一面。

    However, this is in line with the Hilton down the side of caution.

  26. 他更加谨小慎微,兢兢业业,以尽力取信讨好其上司。

    He was even more cautious than ever, and did his utmost to win the trust and favour of the superior.

  27. 用库克自己的话说, 他是个谨小慎微, 一丝不苟的人。

    By his own words, Cook is a cautious and meticulous man.

  28. 此时,我仍旧对我写的任何东西抱着谨小慎微的态度。

    I was still excessively scrupulous about everything I wrote.

  29. 如果你想保住这份工作的话, 你最好谨小慎微。

    You'd better watch your step if you want to keep this job.

  30. 我们已经随同谨小慎微得罗齐尔先生前来瞻仰过。

    We once paid a visit in company with the discreet Mr. Rosier.


  1. 问:谨小慎微拼音怎么拼?谨小慎微的读音是什么?谨小慎微翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谨小慎微的读音是jǐnxiǎoshènwēi,谨小慎微翻译成英文是 over-cautious

  2. 问:谨小慎微的拼音怎么拼?谨小慎微的的读音是什么?谨小慎微的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谨小慎微的的读音是,谨小慎微的翻译成英文是 prissy



谨小慎微是成语,意思是对细小的问题过分小心谨慎,缩手缩脚。 出处: 汉·刘安《淮南子·人间训》:“圣人敬小慎微,动不失时。” 用法: 联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语;含贬义。