







汉语拼音:suǒ xìng







  1. "Though the journey was agonising, we thank our stars that the train did not run into another train, " an angry passenger said.


  2. He's ahead of schedule and was able to do conditioning drills on an adjacent field while his teammates went through workouts this week.


  3. Fortunately Kennedy and Khrushchev understood the trap they were in and did what was necessary to avoid disaster.


  4. Luckily for Mr Ryan and his party, the election that matters is still a year-and-a-half away. Time enough to go back to the drawing board.


  5. An official of the US embassy in Damascus said the embassy was attacked by a mob and sustained physical damage. No personnel were injured.


  6. He struggled to get back to his feet while people around him laughed. Fortunately, he seemed to be O. K.


  7. Luckily the state of the art is rarely hidden or inaccessible, and is often free.


  8. There was a holdup at the bank yesterday, but fortunately no one got hurt.


  9. The Jedi caught the lip of the platform and with a free hand, dragged Grievous' discarded blaster pistol to him with the Force.


  1. 所幸没有人受伤。

    Luckily there were no injuries.

  2. 所幸巡警并未受伤。

    The trooper was not hurt.

  3. 所幸的是, 损伤不大。

    Happily, the damage was only slight.

  4. 所幸的是,损伤不大。

    Happily, the damage was only slight.

  5. 所幸的是,人没有那么敏感。

    People, fortunately, are not so sensitive.

  6. 所幸他又碰到那只兔子。

    Happily he met the hare again.

  7. 所幸你的孩子住得这么近。

    It's a blessing that your children live so near.

  8. 所幸,这一次,逼洛晴琳一下。

    Luckily, this time coerce fine Lin of Luo for a while.

  9. 所幸你现在终于可以歇会了。

    Glad you're finally getting a little rest.

  10. 所幸的是,我是个善良的人,我深信。

    Fortunately, I am kind enough, I believe.

  11. 那么我感到抱歉,但所幸没有开始。

    Then I am sorry but it is better not to begin.

  12. 所幸的是 这是一个绝好的机会。

    So the great news is this is an incredible opportunity.

  13. 所幸的是,我们还是能采取一些措施。

    Fortunately, there are steps we can take.

  14. 他帮助姐姐逃了出来,所幸没有受伤。

    He helped to get his sister out and was unharmed.

  15. 所幸的是,我们的审判官,他非常爱我们。

    I am so glad that the Judge of all the earth also loves us very much!

  16. 射击使用了机关枪和迫击炮,所幸无人受伤。

    Machine guns as well as mortars were used. No one was injured.

  17. 所幸的是,美国人民不希望这种事情发生。

    Fortunately, the American people do not want this to happen.

  18. 所幸两人并未受伤。事件经过是这样的

    Luckily the two are alright! Here's what happen

  19. 所幸的是,现在已经有了一种简便的方法。

    Fortunately, an easier approach is available.

  20. 我们俩都倒下来了,所幸两人都没有受伤。

    We both fell, but fortunately neither of us was hurt.

  21. 所幸这些始作俑者亦将如他人一般受到报应。

    Happily, like others, these will recoil on the authors

  22. 所幸的是,目前科学界普遍认为这是遥远的事。

    Luckily, scientific assessments have generally regarded this as something pretty remote.

  23. 所幸的是,有一种办法可以应付这种情况。

    Fortunately, there is a way to manage this situation.

  24. 所幸的是,我的小孩正逐渐脱离他们的音乐。

    Fortunately, my kids are phasing out of the Wiggles music. Its brutally catchy!

  25. 受害者重伤被救护车带走,所幸还活着。

    The victim was taken away in an ambulance with serious injuries and was lucky to be alive.

  26. 从那以后,所幸的是爆发就没有那么激烈了。

    Since then, thankfully, the eruptions have been less intense.

  27. 所幸的是, 种种迹象显示, 这个时代已经渐行渐远。

    Fortunately, there are signs that we are fast putting this era behind us.

  28. 所幸的是, 有一系列的产品可供治疗的症状, 花粉症。

    Fortunately, there is a range of products available to treat the symptoms of hay fever.

  29. 数周以前, 他被针戳到, 所幸的是他没有被感染。

    A few weeks ago, he was lucky to avoid infection after being jabbed by a needle.

  30. 所幸的是, 所有抱怨都是针对上述订中运输的货物。

    The complaints received relate only to the shipment of watches under the order mentioned above.


  1. 问:所幸拼音怎么拼?所幸的读音是什么?所幸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:所幸的读音是suǒxìng,所幸翻译成英文是 fortunately