




1. 似 [sì]2. 似 [shì]似 [sì]相类,像:相(xiāng )~。类~。~是而非。好像,表示不确定:~乎。~应如此。表示比较,有超过的意思:一个高~一个。似 [shì]〔~的〕跟某种情况或事物相似,如“他乐得什么~~”。亦作……



汉语拼音:xíng sì








  1. 形式、外观相似。

    宋 范成大 《吴船录》卷下:“ 巫峡山 最嘉处,不问阴晴,常多云气,映带飘拂,不可绘画……余令画史以小舠泛中流摹写,始得形似。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·高青邱诗》:“ 李青莲 诗从未有能学之者,惟 青邱 与之相上下,不惟形似,而且神似。” 郭沫若 《中国美术的展望》:“一切成品仅存依稀仿佛的形似而失去生命。”



  1. He sits for an hour or so under a machine that looks something like a hair-dryer, with him attached to it.


  2. Looking up at the sky and noticing a cloud in the shape of an angel is another way we let you know that we are with you.


  3. Among the stiff stacks of unburied corpses and the ghostlike, disbelieving living, he had been able only to think how lucky he was.


  4. You were supposed to see a vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells.


  5. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. - The sale price for a Chattanooga , Tenn. , house shaped like a flying saucer is nothing to phone home about.


  6. The wind takes the form of the beast, the Imperial Palace of Beijing Taihe temple has this monster.


  7. Five-pointed star shape of the tomato flower clumps to open up, as if in the blink of an eye to me.


  8. The museum's main structure is divided into a number of building blocks that appear like a huge cubic jigsaw puzzle.


  9. All elements of an automated system should be able to handle similar materials (see Figure 1 ). A laser system capable of cutting 1-in.


  1. 形似尖端的

    Shaped like a cusp.

  2. 形似金花鼠

    to resemble a large chipmunk

  3. 形似良性早期胃癌

    EGC with benign appearance

  4. 形似鸭脚的银杏叶。

    The ginkgo is called ducks web after the shape of its leaf.

  5. 与鹪鹩形似的新西兰鸟。

    Birds of New Zealand that resemble wrens.

  6. 与鹪鹩形似但短尾的鸟。

    shorttailed bird resembling a wren.

  7. 形似但与之无关的鸣禽

    Any of various similar unrelated songbirds.

  8. 与杓鹬形似的大型涉水鸟。

    Large wading bird that resembles a curlew.

  9. 看上去形似相爱,真的如此 么?

    It looks like love, but is it?

  10. 看上去形似相爱,真得如此 么?

    It looks like love,but is it ?

  11. 大型分叉的珊瑚, 形似鹿角。

    Large branching coral resembling antlers.

  12. 一种形似钢笔的小型手电筒。

    A small flashlight resembling a fountain pen.

  13. 近音形似词及其修辞功能

    Homonyms and Their Rhetoric Function

  14. 论形似之有限神似之可达

    On the Limitation of Being Alike in Appearance and the Possibility of being Similar in Spirit in Translation

  15. 这种行为形似兽行, 叫我们丢脸。

    Such behavior degrades us to the condition of beasts.

  16. 矶鹬科与鹬形似的滨鸟。

    Shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe.

  17. 谈英语中形似分词的从属连词

    English Subordinate Conjunctions Appearing to be Participles

  18. 矶鹬科中与鹬形似的猎禽。

    game bird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe.

  19. 上尖下圆,高约200米,形似金字塔。

    Its200 meters high and looks like the Pyramid.

  20. 与雪松太平鸟形似但体形较大。

    Similar to but larger than the cedar waxwing.

  21. 这些僚属形似人躯,头却五花八门。

    The assessors were represented in a human form with different heads.

  22. 形似头巾的结硬壳果实的笋瓜

    squash plants bearing hardshelled fruit shaped somewhat like a turban

  23. 修辞方面, 晏殊词中的比喻取其形似方面。

    Rhetoric, Yan word metaphor taken shape.

  24. 信任中心如何帮助我抵御形似字攻击?

    How can the Trust Center help protect me from homograph attacks?

  25. 南美洲形似尖鼠的陆栖有袋动物。

    Terrestrial marsupials of southern South America that resemble shrews.

  26. 澳大利亚的沙袋鼠形似野兔,有稳固的牙齿。

    The Australian wallaby resembles a hare and has persistent teeth.

  27. 馍形似炉齿,脆香可口,便于携带。

    Steamed furnace tooth shape, cui xiang delicious, easy to carry.

  28. 是一种又细又长, 形似龙须的面条。

    A thin and long shape of Gracilaria Lemaneiformis noodles.

  29. 宝瓶口是内江的进水口,形似瓶颈。

    Neijiangbottle is the inlet, the shape of the bottleneck.

  30. 红豆峡两头出口狭窄,腹地开阔,形似葫芦。

    Red bean exports two narrow gorge, the hinterland of the open, the shape of gourds.


  1. 问:形似拼音怎么拼?形似的读音是什么?形似翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形似的读音是xíngsì,形似翻译成英文是 similar; similar in appearance

  2. 问:形似性拼音怎么拼?形似性的读音是什么?形似性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形似性的读音是,形似性翻译成英文是 paralogy

  3. 问:形似词拼音怎么拼?形似词的读音是什么?形似词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形似词的读音是xíng sì cí,形似词翻译成英文是 paronyms

  4. 问:形似桨果拼音怎么拼?形似桨果的读音是什么?形似桨果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形似桨果的读音是xíng sì jiǎng guǒ,形似桨果翻译成英文是 cocco-

  5. 问:形似词形态同化拼音怎么拼?形似词形态同化的读音是什么?形似词形态同化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:形似词形态同化的读音是xíng sì cí xíng tài tóng huà,形似词形态同化翻译成英文是 paronymic attraction



基本信息 词目:形似 拼音:xíng shì