


1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……



汉语拼音:qī jiào






  1. 犹言考虑计较。

    宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·琴趣》:“鸣弦转軫,要先有鉤深致远之怀,不规规於絃手之间,期较工拙,便为造微入妙。”



  1. If the letter of credit had been valid for a longer period, we should have had time to make the matter thoroughly clear.


  2. The comparing between body weight and sternum indicated that the vigorous growth period of sternum was prior to that of body weight. 8.


  3. Those with a mind to "live for today" are apt to be indifferent to health risks that have a very long incubation period.


  4. Spontaneous combustion is one of the factors that result in the great disasters in coal mine.


  5. Buying of longer maturity Treasuries as dealers repositioned after new corporate bond deals priced helped boost the long bond, traders said.


  6. Early puberty in girls is a growing problem in the United States and around the world.


  7. Nocturnal enuresis is an ordingary disease in children, TCM has its own characteristic and superiority in treating it.


  8. Given the short incubation period, explosive outbreaks, like the one we are seeing in Haiti, can occur when the warning system is weak.


  9. Because garbage collection algorithms vary, some algorithms analyze older, longer-lived objects less frequently than short-lived objects.


  1. 两种类型种苗的物候期差异较小。

    Seedling types had little influence on phenophase.

  2. 个体较大的植株开花持续期较长。

    Larger plants displayed a longer flowering duration.

  3. 笔者认为统一命名为绝对期青光眼较其他命名合理。

    The denomination of the absolute glaucoma is reasonable than the others.

  4. 凡月经周期过短,月经期持续较长者,应予积极治疗。

    whoever menstrual cycles too short, menses elders, and last a shall be active therapy.

  5. 较高的温度,减少活性期,较低的温度将延长。

    Higher temperature will reduce pot life ot the mixture. Lower temperatures will increase it.

  6. 她的假释期较短。

    Her parole was comparatively brief.

  7. 今年的收获期较往年晚。

    The crops are backward this year.

  8. 发热期较短, 热退多数病情减轻。

    The stage of fervescence is short, the heat draws back the most conditions to reduce.

  9. 慢性静脉疾病和疤痕形成所需治疗期较长。

    Chronic venous disorders and scar formation required longer treatment.

  10. 对于大宗货物和租期较长的合同,我们都有特别的优惠。

    We have special concessions on predominant goods and longterm contract.

  11. 适用于行驶在全球各种水域中,修船间期较长的钢结构船底。

    Antifouling paint on steel ship bottoms for worldwide waters with extended dry docking intervals.

  12. 完整冰川运动期间一个相对较短的温暖期

    A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation

  13. 由于是重复订货, 我们允许有一段较长得赊欠期。

    As this is a repeat order, we could allow you a longer credit period.

  14. 由于是重复订货,我们允许有一段较长的赊欠期。

    As this is a repeat order, we could allow you a longer credit period.

  15. 间冰期完整冰川运动期间一个相对较短的温暖期

    A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation.

  16. 较短持续期检验

    shorter duration test

  17. 多尿期与恢复期亦较短。

    The polyuria time and the recovery period are also short.

  18. 开花到成熟期平均日较差

    Diurnal range of air temperature during flowering to autumn stage

  19. 在前一段统治期内生活较好。

    Life is better under the previous regime.

  20. 老战士有过较长服役期的老兵

    An old soldier who has seen long service.

  21. 活动期病变可见较多中性白细胞浸润。

    In active stage considerable infiltration of neutrophil cells was seen.

  22. 播期对播种至分蘖的天数影响较大。

    The sowing date had greater influence on the duration from sowing to tillering.

  23. 吐絮期绿洲内部的温度条件较绿洲外围好。

    In the boll opening stage, the temperature conditions are favorable in the inner areas than that in the marginal zones of the oasis.

  24. 急性感染期时, 症状常较轻微, 容易被忽略。

    Period acute infection, the symptoms often relatively minor, easily ignored.

  25. 隐含波动率在期权价格决定上影响较大。

    This is backed out of option prices.

  26. 如果中性粒细胞量较大, 表明炎症处于活动期。

    If the number of neutrophil was large, it suggested that gastritis was in active stage.

  27. 这种货号不但售价较廉而且交货期也较早。

    This article is not only quoted lower but also can be delivered earlier.

  28. 同比参照四期和三期的房子, 成交差价较大。

    Reference to the period last year and three of the four houses, closing higher price.

  29. 早期复发性流产是妊娠期妇女较常见得疾病。

    Recurrent early abortion is common in pregnant women.

  30. 早期复发性流产是妊娠期妇女较常见的疾病。

    Recurrent early abortion is common in pregnant women.