




1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……



汉语拼音:yǐ xiáng






  1. 犹以来。

    清 纪昀 《<考工记图>序》:“ 戴君 深明古人小学,故其考证制度字义,为 汉 已降儒者所不能及。”



  1. As the cost of a simple mobile phone has fallen below $20 in most of the world, mobile banking is becoming affordable in emerging markets.


  2. In the United States, the average defect staff time has now been reduced to less than five years.


  3. The cost of storing and communicating information over the Internet had fallen to almost nothing.


  4. However, it was some time later, at this time because many investors have confidence dropped to freezing point, became frightened.


  5. Violent crime is at its lowest since 1992, all the more remarkable given that police overtime has been cut as have police academy classes.


  6. While much appreciative of your order, we must point out that our price has been cut to a minimum.


  7. In Italy, where Acea said consumer confidence was at its lowest ebb in four years, the number dropped by 10 per cent.


  8. By Monday midmorning in the U. S. , it was trading below $142.


  9. In other measures, gay marriage has been legalised and religious (in effect, Catholic) education has been downgraded.


  1. 已降了许多。

    It has been reduced greatly.

  2. 烧已降下来了。

    The fever has declined.

  3. 她已降为副校长。

    She's been downgraded to deputy.

  4. 价格已降到最低点。

    Prices are at the lowest notch.

  5. 价格已降到不能再降。

    The price has already been cut as low as possible.

  6. 洪水已降至警戒水位之下。

    The flood has slipped below the warning stage.

  7. 石油的消耗已降了约40%。

    Oil consumption has decreased by some 40 percent.

  8. 数量已降至可怜巴巴得四。

    The number has fallen to just four.

  9. 数量已降至可怜巴巴的四。

    The number has fallen to just four.

  10. 数量已降至可怜巴巴的四。

    The number has fallen to just four.

  11. 正义防御降温已降至8秒。

    Righteous Defense cooldown has been lowered to 8 sec.

  12. 灾祸已降到她的头上。

    The black ox has trod on her foot.

  13. 荷兰队已降至第五名。

    The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place.

  14. SUV的需求已降至最低点。

    The demand for SUV's have bottomed out.

  15. 这个星期肉价已降了下来。

    The price of meat has come down this week.

  16. 今天的气温已降到零度以下。

    The temperature today has got below freezing point.

  17. 两国关系已降到了最低谷。

    Relations between the two countries have plumbed new depths.

  18. 大雾中能见距离已降至100米。

    Visibility was down to 100 metres in the fog.

  19. 英镑的价位已降到新的最低点。

    Things have been at a bit of a low.

  20. 但考虑到通货膨胀, 已降了近一半。

    And, taking inflation into, prices have fallen by nearly half.

  21. 气温已降至入冬以来最低点。

    The temperature has fallen to its lowest point this winter.

  22. 气温已降到零度以下, 水管冻裂了。

    As the temperature is below zero the water pipe ruptured with the cold.

  23. 今年劳动力参与率已降至1985年以来的新低。

    That number has fallen this year to levels not seen since1985.

  24. 我方报价纯系净价, 价格已降至极限。

    Our quotation is strictly net, and the price have is reduce to the limit.

  25. 价格已降下来了, 但我怀疑是否能保持这样。

    Prices have gone down but I doubt if they will remain so.

  26. 这个国家每年得进口量已降到30亿美元以下。

    The import volume of this country fell to under3 million dollars a year.

  27. 这个国家每年的进口量已降到30亿美元以下。

    The import volume of this country fell to under3 million dollars a year.

  28. 这种激光打印机价格已降到600美元并且质量很好。

    This laser printers are now coming down to600 dollars and represent very good value.

  29. 微波炉已降了价, 因此更多的人能买得起了。

    Microwaves have got cheaper and hence more people can afford them.

  30. 疟疾发病率已降到1991年得水平, 麻疹发病率也显著减少。

    The incidence of malaria has been reduced to the1991 level and measles morbidity has been reduced considerably.


  1. 问:已降低的空运系统能源消耗拼音怎么拼?已降低的空运系统能源消耗的读音是什么?已降低的空运系统能源消耗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:已降低的空运系统能源消耗的读音是yǐ jiàng dī de kōng yùn xì tǒng néng yuán xiāo hào,已降低的空运系统能源消耗翻译成英文是 Reduced Energy Consumption of Air Transportat...