







汉语拼音:àn cì





  1. Later, Mary watches an independent film on her Internet-connected digital television, using a pay-per-view system.


  2. But this means pay-per-view movies And room service at my hotel, And that's it. I'll be good.


  3. Such addressability is absolutely required for a cable system to offer pay-per-view services.


  4. pay - per - view - television programming , usually movies or sports , for which subscribers pay a separate fee for each program viewed.


  5. In the future, those using phones should be free to swap networks and plans as they wish-from monthly bills to daily ones to pay per use.


  6. It is now turning many of its pay-per-view customers into regular subscribers, eating into Sky's business.


  7. Party A shall provide Party B with the round trip fees of home-traffic for times each season by reimbursement on actual expenses.


  8. Her receipts included pay-per-view films watched by her husband, two of which were pornographic.


  9. Many patients are not required, on time and pay-per-view medicine, resulting in HIV virus resistance of treatment failure.


  1. 按次计费率

    measured rate.

  2. 按次计费制

    message rate system.

  3. 按次计费用户

    message rate subscriber.

  4. 许多宽带市场的网站希望对访问者进行按次收费或一次性收费。

    Many players in the broadband market expect a pay-per-view or flat-rate subscription model to take hold on the Web.

  5. 耶稣吐唾抹在他眼睛并两次按手在他身上和眼睛上。

    Jesus spat on his eyes and laid His hands on him twice.

  6. 我在前门按了好几次门铃,可是屋里似乎没人。

    I stood at the front door and rang the bell several times, but the house seemed empty.

  7. 小女孩说她按了好几次门铃,却没有人来开门。

    The little girl said she had rung the doorbell several times, but nobody answered the door.

  8. 每周称体质量1次,按体质量调整给药量,连续给药8周。

    The dosage of administration was regulated as the body mass changing, and the administration lasted for8 weeks.

  9. 她把第二次门铃按得更响, 但仍然没人出来开门。

    the second peal had been louder , and still nobody came.

  10. 产品按质量划分等次。

    The products are graded according to quality.

  11. 按空格键两次, 插入句号, 下一个字母为大写。

    To insert a period, press the Space key twice. the next letter is capitalized.

  12. 有人按了我家门铃两次。

    Somebody rang my doorbell two times.

  13. 有人按了我家门铃两次。

    Somebody rang my doorbell two times.

  14. 这次按我的方式来

    This time, we do things my way.

  15. 迟到或早退三次按一次缺课计。

    Being late or leaving early three times might be considered as one time absence.

  16. 夜间救生船又一次按指示出动了。

    The lifeboat was called out again during the night.

  17. 收传真并分类,每天一次按部门分发传真。

    Receive faxin and sort by dept. Distribute fax once a day.

  18. 这次按确定得编制定额精简, 以后还有没有精简得问题?

    If now we cut back in accordance with the newly determined size and structure of the army, will we still have more streamlining to do in the future?

  19. 这次按确定的编制定额精简,以后还有没有精简的问题?

    If now we cut back in accordance with the newly determined size and structure of the army,will we still have more streamlining to do in the future?

  20. 如连续六次按入错误密码, 卡会被自动柜员机没收。

    The card may be retained by the ATM if the PIN is incorrectly keyed in for SIX TIMES consecutively.

  21. 随堂测验,每次按着特定讲义主题之随堂考,表列于后。

    The quizzes, along with the specific lectures whose topics are tested by each quiz, are included in the table below.

  22. 是啊有次一头熊把我按在蘑菇上!

    Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom!

  23. 按二次导数调节

    second derivation control

  24. 按年代次 序,按时间顺序

    in chronologic order

  25. 按上次运行时间排序

    Sorts by Last Run Time

  26. 邮递员只按一次门铃

    The Postman Only Rings Once

  27. 经费按编次和款次分列

    Appropriation part and section

  28. 请按各自道次号就座。

    Please sit down according to you Lane number.

  29. 请输入密码,再按一次。

    Please enter your code and push the buttons again.

  30. 这些空间按每次生成对调。

    The spaces swap over each generation.