







汉语拼音:pò lì








  1. 突破常例。

    唐 司空图 《戏题试衫》诗:“从此玉皇须破例,染霞裁赐地仙衣。” 宋 朱熹 《答陈同甫书》:“大字甚荷不鄙,但寻常不欲为寺观写文字,不欲破例,此亦拘儒常态。” 明 张居正 《答宫端吴泽峰书》:“方欲为公昭雪,致之亨衢,而大疏适至,故特破例为请於上。”《红楼梦》第九五回:“我进京以来,素无人知,今日你来破例,恐将来缠绕不休。” 巴金 《灭亡》第六章:“ 李静淑 底要求倒有点使她底父亲为难了。在他看来,女子无才便是德,他底女儿在中学毕业已经是破例的了。”



  1. I am not likely to ask anything very unreasonable, and if I did, they might have stretched a point.


  2. Although your price is below our level, we accept, as an exception, your order with a view to initiating business with you.


  3. He tapped the sparrow on the door, and went after the house to ask for mom, in his cried, he mother promised an exception.


  4. Of course, I just talk about my experience and excuse me if it bothers you. It can be an exception for your situation.


  5. Due to the stage performance, he made an exception to the lent me.


  6. When exceptional bruise also did not cicatrization forever!


  7. He does not usually allow people to leave work early but he'll let you do it just for once.


  8. Though always on a tight time budget, he asked me out of the blue to take a walk with him that night.


  9. Now, sometimes in ordinary life we make exceptions for the general rule against lying with the white lie.


  1. 规章不容破例。

    The regulations admit of no exception.

  2. 为此我破例了

    so I'm breaking my rule.

  3. 能否破例一次呢

    maybe you can make an exception.

  4. 今晚我们打算破例。

    We are going to stretch a point tonight.

  5. 我想我可以破例一次。

    I could make an exception. I figured.

  6. 我不能为你破例。

    I cannot make an exception in your case, ie for you and not for others.

  7. 你不能破例一次吗

    Can't you make an exception?

  8. 但这次选举,我破例了。

    But this election, I'm making an exception.

  9. 我不能对你的情况破例。

    I cannot make an exception in your case.

  10. 你毫不是破例, 更未曾经伶仃。

    You are not the exception, not just a few.

  11. 好吧。这一次我为你破例。

    Fine, Iwill make an exception for you.

  12. 他们同意破例度一次假。

    They agreed to take a holiday for once in a way.

  13. 可今天,我破例铁石心肠了一次。

    Today, I had a heart of stone.

  14. 生日那天, 她破例喝了杯酒。

    On her birthday, she permitted herself a glass of wine.

  15. 生日那天,她破例喝了杯酒。

    On her birthday, she permitted herself a glass of wine.

  16. 破例的伤痕永远也没有愈合的时候!

    When exceptional bruise also did not cicatrization forever!

  17. 请理解,这是一种破例的待遇。

    Please understand this is an exceptional treatment.

  18. 鉴于你出众的才华,我们打算破例。

    An exception is being made in light of your obvious brilliance.

  19. 偶而遇到紧急情况,就得破例了。

    Once in a while, emergency justified a break with protocol.

  20. 他考虑到以后的生意,所以破例降价。

    He made this an exception with an eye to future business.

  21. 破例读到点好消息, 真让人高兴。

    It makes a change to read some good news for once.

  22. 别跟我泡蘑菇了,我不能为你破例。

    Stop pestering me. I can't make an exception for you.

  23. 对这批订货能否破例接受承兑交单?

    Could you make an exception and accept D A for this order ?

  24. 没人想破例变动他做出的最后决定。

    His decision is final and nobody wants to stretch a point.

  25. 别跟我泡蘑菇了,我们不能为你破例。

    Stop pestering me. i cannot make an exception for you.

  26. 女王破例让自己的孩子去普通学校就读。

    The Queen has broken with precedent by sending her children to ordinary schools.

  27. 假如我们为你破例, 或许我们也不得不对别人破例。

    If we say yes to you, we'd have to say yes to others.

  28. 为了我们以后的生意, 我方这次特地破例。

    It's for our future business that we make this exception.

  29. 你能否为我们破例接受付款交单或者承兑交单?

    Can you make an exception in our case and accept D P or D a?

  30. 克朗肖看他们的面子,也破例答应来吃饭。

    Cronshaw, making an exception in their favour, agreed to eat their food.


  1. 问:破例拼音怎么拼?破例的读音是什么?破例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破例的读音是pòlì,破例翻译成英文是 make an exception

  2. 问:破例的拼音怎么拼?破例的的读音是什么?破例的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破例的的读音是,破例的翻译成英文是 out-of-the-way


