


1. 挨 [āi]2. 挨 [ái]挨 [āi]依次,顺次:~门逐户。靠近:~近。肩~着肩。挨 [ái]遭受:~打。~骂。拖延:~时间。~延。……





汉语拼音:āi cì








  1. 顺着次序。

    《元典章·兵部三·给驿》:“凡遇起马,照依元附文簿,自上而下挨次点差。”《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“请 十八姨 居於上席,众女挨次而坐。” 清 东轩主人 《述异记·自知前生》:“同行者十二人,復至一处,宪体森严,十一人挨次进去,我立於门外。” 周立波 《麻雀》:“为了提防抄靶子,信不传看,由前面房间里一个人报告,后面的这些并排着的房间,挨次有人作传达。”



  1. So the king stood beside the gate while all the men marched out in units of hundreds and of thousands.


  2. Placing the order of the page by page numbers or pasted into a book called folded edge with the book.


  3. Command Options : Commands usually accept options or parameters, which are given in a sequence beginning with a hyphen (-).


  4. Intel will stipulate according to relevant program the problem that cares to European Union committee undertakes the front rejoins.


  5. Same grating gate talocalcanealsepuent alphabetical order a set of pictures of each picture in the appropriate bit in the information.


  6. And the lords of the Philistines passed on by hundreds, and by thousands: but David and his men passed on in the rereward with Achish.


  7. Objects as well as classes can be targets on a sequence diagram, which means that messages can be sent to them.


  8. And the king stood by the gate side, and all the people came out by hundreds and by thousands.


  9. The baseline finish, and then follow the corrugated box size and then click draw on the cover, box under high line and shake cover lines.


  1. 挨次发给粮食

    serve round rations.

  2. 土瓶们挨次地在倾谈时候,

    So while the Vessels one by one were speaking

  3. 你最好按挨次等着拿票。

    You'd better wait your turn to get the ticket.

  4. 要注意挨次, 是先听后说。

    Should pay attention to in order to listen to, is said.

  5. 我感到不挨次序排队是不好得。

    I don't think it's good to jump the queue.

  6. 我感到不挨次序排队是不好的。

    I don't think it's good to jump the queue.

  7. 他们必需根据喜欢的前后挨次写下来。

    They must write them down in order of importance.

  8. 在一局中, 不错的发球挨次应该是。

    In any game, the right to serve shall pass consecutively.

  9. 我们期望第挨次订货请求预付货款。

    We expect payment in advance on first orders.

  10. 我们盼望第挨次订货请求预支货款。

    We expect payment in advance on first orders.

  11. 我盼望能遵照以下的挨次提出我们的观念。

    I would like to present our comments in the following order.

  12. 我但愿能依照以下的挨次提出我们的观念。

    I would like to present our comments in the following order.

  13. 我希看能按照以下的挨次提出我们的见解。

    I would like to present our comments in the following order.

  14. 揉压按摩得挨次, 男性先左后右, 女人先右后左。

    Kneading massage program, males to left to right, the first woman right left.

  15. 揉压按摩的挨次,男性先左后右,女人先右后左。

    Kneading massage program, males to left to right, the first woman right left.

  16. 我没听清晰你们的问题, 你能反复挨次吗?

    I could not catch your question. Could you repeat it, please?

  17. 按从角落到双方的挨次拧不松不松固螺丝。

    From the order in which the middle to wring out the drowning child on either side of solid screw.

  18. 你能按照他们现世的时间挨次把他们摆列成序么?

    Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appared ?

  19. 我赌钱他健忘了按字母挨次摆列的铸造靶标。

    I bet that he forgot the forged alphabetical targets.

  20. 他们说话兜圈子,不定时间挨次支离破碎地讲述同1个故事。

    They talk in circles and tell fragments of the same story out of chronological sequence.

  21. 于是王站在城门旁,军兵或百或千地挨次出去了。

    And the king stood by the gate side, and all the people came out by hundreds and by thousands.

  22. 在每个通道边, 以任何挨次读存色彩值都是可以剥夺的。

    In each channel, in any order read color values are acceptable.


  1. 问:挨次拼音怎么拼?挨次的读音是什么?挨次翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挨次的读音是āicì,挨次翻译成英文是 take turns; in turn



挨次释义为依次,顺次,顺序 循序, “挨次”、“循序”都是动词,都有着顺着次序的意思。但色彩不同,“循序”一般用于书面语;“挨次”一般用于口头语。