


教导,教诲:~诫。~蒙(教育儿童)。~迪(教诲开导)。教(jiào )~。培~。可以作为法则的话:家~。典式,法则:不足为~。解释词的意义:~诂(解释古书中的字、词句的意义。亦称“~故”、“诂~”、“故~”)。~读(日文借用汉字写日语原有的……





汉语拼音:xùn gǔ








  1. 对字句(主要是对古书字句)作解释。亦指对古书字句所作的解释。

    《汉书·扬雄传上》:“ 雄 少而好学,不为章句,训詁通而已,博览无所不见。” 唐 杨於陵 《祭权相公文》:“帝曰丝纶,代予言语,词之颇僻,政亦乖阻,尔其专掌,尔必师古。亟换官荣,屡移星序,春泉涌溢,彩翰飞舞,丕变浇讹,裁成训詁。” 清 陈澧 《东塾读书记·小学》:“詁者,古也。古今异言,通之使人知也。盖时有古今,犹地有东西,有南北,相隔远则言语不通矣。地远则有翻译,时远则有训詁。有翻译则能使别国如乡邻,有训詁则能使古今如旦暮,所谓通之也,训詁之功大矣哉!” 黄侃 《文字声韵训诂笔记·训诂笔记上·训诂学定义及训诂名称》:“詁者,故也,即本来之谓;训者,顺也,即引申之谓。训詁者,用语言解释语言之谓。若以此地之语释彼地之语,或以今时之语释昔时之语,虽属训詁之所有事,而非构成之原理。” 洪诚 《训诂学》第一章第二节:“训诂的对象本不限于古代汉语,但是古代汉语是主要对象。阅读古代汉语,在文字语言上出现的问题,比阅读现代汉语出现的问题,要多得多……训诂是要讲通文意。有时候只要解释个别的词,全句的意思就清楚了;有时候却要加以申说,人们才看得懂。”



  1. In material, he made full use of the latest achievements in Chinese paleography and archeology in the course rectification.


  2. Huang's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods, his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation.


  3. Most of the researchers interpreted vivid charm from the text, resulting in the neglect and deviation on its philosophical foundation.


  4. In this sense, the exegesis and the philology can be regarded as the basic form of the Chinese classical literature theory.


  5. Interpretative studies is indispensible to semantics. Modern Chinese can hardly be fully understood without interpretative studies.


  6. Meanwhile, studying the property of Chinese Character and understanding meaning of a word has higher exegesis value.


  7. He was outstanding in explaining words in ancient books and emendation. He collected and preserved a number of ancient books.


  8. People of interest to academic or traditional Confucian classics Interpretations of justice.


  9. Thereafter, in order to identify when a large number of the emergence of classical Chinese classics, Exegesis is entering a boom phase.


  1. 训诂学知识

    information of exegetics.

  2. 国语的正文训诂

    An Exegetical Study of the Text of Guoyu

  3. 词典释义与训诂

    Dictionary Defining and Exegetical Study

  4. 管子正文训诂研究

    Exegetical Studies on Guanzi Text

  5. 词汇, 文字与训诂

    The Vocabulary, The Characters and the Exegetical Studies of Ancient Language

  6. 论训诂与判断句

    On Exegesis and Declarative Sentence

  7. 专书词典与训诂

    On Appropriative Dictionary and Explanations of Words in Ancient Books

  8. 词汇,文字与训诂。

    The Vocabulary, The Characters and the Exegetical Studies of Ancient Language.

  9. 训诂注意考古的新发现。

    The new discoveries in archaeology.

  10. 浅议训诂术语规范化

    Discussion on the Standardization of Traditional Exegesis

  11. 当代训诂学性质刍议

    A Preliminary Discussion on Contemporary Studies of Exegesis

  12. 训诂学史的概念与分期

    Concept and Dividing Stages of Scholium's History.

  13. 义素分析与训诂中的释义

    Sememe Analysis and Gloss Explanation

  14. 训诂学史指训诂学术的历史。

    Scholiums history refers in particular to the pratice of gloss.

  15. 异文训诂研究的回顾与前瞻

    Review and prospect for the critical interpretation of variants of The Book of Songs

  16. 词义的召唤性与训诂的创造性

    The Vocation of the Meaning of A Word and the Creativity of the Textual Exegesis

  17. 王氏父子的训诂思想和方法

    The Exegetical Thought and Methods of the Wang Father and his Son

  18. 传统训诂学的释句方法

    The Methods of Analyzing the Sentence in Chinese Exegetics

  19. 语文教师要懂点训诂学

    On Chinese Teacher Having to Understand the Ancient Text Books

  20. 他对古代典籍的训诂阐释方式。

    His scholium interpretation way to study ancient books.

  21. 古诗文名句训诂研究训诂术语札记

    Study of Exegesis of Ancient Texts Notes on the Terms of Interpretation of Ancient Language in Texts

  22. 对训诂学性质研究的审视

    An Examination of the Study of Chinese Exegetics Property

  23. 关于训诂学学科定位的思考

    A Thought on Disciplinary Positioning of Chinese Exegetics

  24. 试析朱熹论语集注中的训诂

    Discussion on the gloss of the collected notes on the analects of Confucius by Zhuxi

  25. 吸取解释学精华实现训诂学改造

    Application of Hermeneutics in the Reform of Exegetics

  26. 训诂学的现代转型与重构

    The Modern Transformation and Reconstruction of the Chinese Exegetics.

  27. 有清一代,训诂考据之学成为显学。

    In the Qing Dynasty, textology became a famous study.

  28. 训诂学与中学语文字词教学

    Chinese Exegetics and the Character and Word Teaching in Junior Chinese

  29. 汉代训诂著作中的联绵词观

    The conception of compound words consisting of two characters in the textual exegesis works written in the Han Dynasty

  30. 训诂材料的综合与词义的具体所指

    Synthesis of the Materials for Textual Study and the Real Referents of Word


  1. 问:训诂拼音怎么拼?训诂的读音是什么?训诂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:训诂的读音是xùngǔ,训诂翻译成英文是 explanation or critical interpretation of wor...



训诂,就是“解释”的意思,具体指解释古代汉语(文言文)中字词的意义。“训”,许慎《说文解字》:“训,说教也。”段注:“‘说教’者,说释而教之’”。明梅膺祚《字汇》:“训,释也。如某字释作某义,顺其义以训之。” 用现代汉语说,训,就是通俗的话去解释某个字的字义。“诂”,《说文》:“诂,训故言也。从言,古声。”段注:“训故言者,说释故言以人,是之谓诂。”