






1. 挣 [zhèng]2. 挣 [zhēng]挣 [zhèng]用力支撑或摆脱:~脱。~开。出力取得:~钱。~饭吃。挣 [zhēng]〔~扎〕尽力支撑或摆脱,如“垂死~~”。……


1. 扎 [zā]2. 扎 [zhā]3. 扎 [zhá]扎 [zā]捆,缠束:~辫子。~腿。把儿,捆儿:一~线。扎 [zhā]刺:~针。~花。驻、扎:~营。钻:扎猛子。扎 [zhá]〔~挣〕方言,勉强支持(“挣”读轻声)。……



汉语拼音:chuí sǐ zhēng zhá








  • 【解释】:垂:将近。临死前的挣扎,妄想延长生命。比喻行将灭亡之时的孤注一掷。
  • 【出自】:冯德英《迎春花》第十七章:“不料,炸成重伤的蒋子金,垂死挣扎地用手里的小剜刀去刺好的腿。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义,形容最后的反抗


  1. Changfeng is about to fall asleep, the phone rings desperately as if a rat is struggling to get off the clip.


  2. Selling out to a foreign firm would be humiliating. But Proton's struggles are already a national embarrassment as it is.


  3. It also said, 'This is nothing but death-bed frenzy of the traitor destined to meet his end for his crimes. '


  4. What he mistook for the death throes of the capitalist era turned out to be its birth pangs.


  5. That reckoning, however, included measures of the dying Labour government adopted by its successor, which bear down on high earners.


  6. But hopes that the country's moribund wireless market will be opened up to greater competition have been dealt a blow.


  7. The death struggle only accelerates the end of the enemy.


  8. Most people in the throes of a cardiac arrest do not survive in time for emergency medical service teams to save them.


  9. v. Our army circled the desperate enemy and wiped them out in a second.


  1. 别再垂死挣扎了。

    Stop struggling.

  2. 别再垂死挣扎了。

    Stop struggling.

  3. 别再垂死挣扎了。

    Stop struggling.

  4. 街垒的垂死挣扎即将开始。

    The death agony of the barricade was about to begin.

  5. 垂死挣扎在死前的挣扎

    The struggle that precedes death.

  6. 一系列连续不断的垂死挣扎。

    a series of death struggles with small time in between.

  7. 他们并不是垂死挣扎的人们。

    These are not dying peoples.

  8. 敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。

    The enemy became more frantic in its deathbed struggle.

  9. 木材业和造纸业也在垂死挣扎。

    The lumber and paper industries are moribund.

  10. 请拯救世界上正在垂死挣扎的人们。

    Heal the dying people all over the world, please.

  11. 随处看见寥寥无几的鸟儿在垂死挣扎。

    The few birds seen anywhere were moribund.

  12. 敌人的垂死挣扎只能加速他们的灭亡。

    The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.

  13. 莫非特, 你正谋杀我, 我在这垂死挣扎!

    Moffet, you're killing me, I'm dying here!

  14. 然后她垂死挣扎,在时速80迈的撞车之后。

    Then dying, after that crash at80 miles an hour.

  15. 这魔戒是送给垂死挣扎的魔朵的礼物。

    It is a gift, a gift to the 22 throes of Mordor.

  16. 这魔戒是送给垂死挣扎得魔朵得礼物。

    It is a gift, a gift to the 22 throes of Mordor.

  17. 比如存在着忍饥挨饿的孩子或者垂死挣扎的母亲。

    Children starving, mothers dying.

  18. 这是一尊垂死挣扎的高卢人的雕塑。

    It is the statue of the Dying Gaul.

  19. 什么时候人们开始那么不合常理地垂死挣扎了?

    When did people start dying so illogically?

  20. 在那里,母亲抱着她们曾经 垂死挣扎的儿女。

    And there were mothers holding their children who had been caught in their last death throes.

  21. 即使是奄奄一息,敌人也还是要作垂死挣扎的。

    Even though at their last gasp, the enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle.

  22. 我们看见了一只飞进窗内的小鸟在垂死挣扎。

    We watched the death throes of the bird which had flown into the window.

  23. 他们的作品是对一个正在作垂死挣扎的社会的绝望隐喻。

    Their work is a despairing metaphor for a society in its death throes.

  24. 最终目的是想出一个让通用免去垂死挣扎的生存方案。

    Bottom line GM is scrambling to find a survival plan.

  25. 其一就是,分离主义是否真的如同目前所见那样垂死挣扎。

    One is whether separatism is quite as moribund as it now seems.

  26. 在这个中心避难的灾民正在垂死挣扎, 但是没有人来救他们。

    People are dying at the center and there is no one to get them.

  27. 与自由为敌的人正在那里垂死挣扎, 他们必须被就地歼灭。

    Enemies of freedom are making a desperate stand there and there they must be defeated.

  28. 每周都有一个小孩在垂死挣扎 但就跟啥都没发生一样

    A child a week was dying, but nothing changed.

  29. 犹如在走象棋, 明明早给人将死, 依然要垂死挣扎, 走上一步。

    It was like trying to make a move at chess when you were already mated.


  1. 问:垂死挣扎拼音怎么拼?垂死挣扎的读音是什么?垂死挣扎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂死挣扎的读音是chuísǐzhēngzhá,垂死挣扎翻译成英文是 be in one's death throes; put up a last-ditch s...