







汉语拼音:yì zhǐ








  1. 亦作“ 意指 ”。亦作“ 意恉 ”。谓意之所在。多指尊者的意向。

    《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 陆生 为太中大夫,往使 尉他 ,令 尉他 去黄屋称制,令比诸侯,皆如意旨。”《史记·酷吏列传》:“君为天子决平,不循三尺法,专以人主意指为狱。” 宋 岳珂 《桯史·乾道受书礼》:“臣之愚暗,安知时变,不过如向所陈,不敢改辞以迎合意指。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·王树勋》:“ 松公 故喜佛法, 树勋 投其意指,公大赏鉴。”《清史稿·后妃传论》:“﹝ 慈禧太后 ﹞与 德宗 意恉不协,一激而啟戊戌之争,再激而成庚子之乱。” 毛泽东 《在陕甘宁边区参议会的演说》:“它(共产党)应受人民的监督,而决不应该违背人民的意旨。”



  1. Then Samuel gave him an account of everything, keeping nothing back. And he said, It is the Lord; let him do what seems good to him.


  2. Maria, . . . it seems to be God's will that you leave us.


  3. But if he says, 'I am not pleased with you, ' then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him.


  4. Immanuel kant: the chicken, being an autonomous being, chose to cross the road of his own will.


  5. The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths.


  6. Be strong, and let us use our strength for our people and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him.


  7. Courts in many parts of the continent are packed with pliant judges keen to do their masters' bidding.


  8. Journalistic English for sports has its unique features due to its field, mode and tenor of discourse.


  9. As well as protects the work to the later Zhangjiajie forest park macaque's research the development to have the great significance.


  1. 条款的意旨

    the intention of a clause.

  2. 服从上帝的意旨

    in submission to the will of God

  3. 权力意旨的扭曲与违宪

    Distortion of Power Awareness and Violation of Constitution

  4. 神的意旨的或由神意产生的

    Of or resulting from divine providence.

  5. 我愿秉承您得意旨。

    I will be governed by you .

  6. 我不能完全理解难得意旨?

    What exactly are you trying to tell me?

  7. 我愿秉承您的意旨。

    I will be governed by you, ie will do as you suggest.

  8. 所谓的科学悖离了神的意旨!

    That which is called science perverts providence!

  9. 什么是话语场, 话语方式和话语意旨?

    What is the field of discourse, the mode of discourse and the tenor of discourse?

  10. 并照你的意旨把我当抵押品。

    And I my self am mortgaged to thy will.

  11. 我们坚定地信赖上帝的意旨。

    We have firm dependence upon the will of God.

  12. 似乎是上帝的意旨 你要离开我们。

    It seems to be God's will that you leave us.

  13. 上帝的意旨是要我们快乐地利一起。

    God wills we be happy together.

  14. 意旨, 那么, 我死了我还要更加爱你

    I shall but love thee better after death.

  15. 让我们遵照上天的意旨, 再向前走。

    Let us go on, in the name of Heaven!

  16. 神话是表达寓意、道德和意旨的故事。

    Myths are stories that express meaning, morality or motivation.

  17. 谈学报编辑主创意旨的独特性

    A Discussion on the Unique Creative Intention of School Journal Editors

  18. 风是按照他的意旨刮的,海浪是按照他的意旨汹涌澎湃的。

    The winds blow at his bidding and the waves toss and range at his word.

  19. 当人的意旨与神的意旨冲突时,应当顺从谁的意旨?

    When there is a conflict between a man's will and God's will, whom we should obey?

  20. 清代性灵派诗歌的内容意旨是多方面的。

    The contents of poems in the Xingling Poetry School of Qing Dynastywere various.

  21. 风是按照他得意旨刮得, 海浪是按照他得意旨汹涌澎湃得。

    The winds blow at his bidding and the waves toss and range at his word.

  22. 从今天起,我将在人间执行你的意旨。

    From this day, I shall carry forth your will.

  23. 既然这是上帝的意旨,我们哪能受同意或不同意。

    This is from the lord; we can say nothing for or against.

  24. 政府关于吸烟危害的意旨似乎取得了意想的结果。

    The government's message about the dangers of smoking seems to have struck home.

  25. 成就你手和你意旨所豫定必有的事。

    For to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done.

  26. 我根本微不足道是神选用我来执行它的意旨。

    I, myself, am nothing. god's power uses me to work his will.

  27. 它应该受人民的监督,而决不应该违背人民的意旨。

    It should be supervised by the people and must never go against their will.

  28. 可是,现在我不得不说了,这是神的意旨。

    However, I have to, because it is the decree of the god.

  29. 第一章意旨对目的解释的理论做一个概述。

    The purpose of chapter one is to introduce the summary theory of the method.

  30. 有人对建议的意旨和应予包括的合同表示疑虑。

    Some concerns were expressed as to the intention of recommendation and the contracts that should be included.


  1. 问:意旨拼音怎么拼?意旨的读音是什么?意旨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:意旨的读音是yìzhǐ,意旨翻译成英文是 intention; wish



意旨 :yì zhǐ⒈亦作"意指"。亦作"意恉"。2.谓意之所在。多指尊者的意向。〖intention;will;wish〗意yì(会意。从心从音。本义:心志。心意)同本义 [meaning;idea]