




处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:cāo bàn








  1. 筹办。

    浩然 《石山柏》:“我们两个负责操办小学。”



  1. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was enjoying a birthday party organized by his staff only a few hours before the announcement.


  2. Then he said there was more, and advised me to speak to the other friends who had helped arrange the memorial service for Henry.


  3. Mummy of a woman worthy of the name, the marriage age of orphans, their marriage is a woman-sponsored.


  4. The 30-year-old wedding organizer said anyone marrying a younger woman had to be prepared to demonstrate his love with his wallet.


  5. We support you to take the money you make arrangements for the club, instead released, take-funded children in need of help!


  6. He set up all the overseas tutoring stations of Falun Gong and managed to have Research Society of Falun Dafa successfully registered.


  7. I've run conferences before which do do this and that's fine but this was a volunteer event.


  8. In his free time, the young schoolteacher runs a design community in a loft in the capital's hip 101 District.


  9. And I had the wonderful experience last summer of working on my daughter's wedding.


  1. 一切都已操办。

    It had all been arranged.

  2. 我们来操办这个婚礼。

    We wiII then set the marriage.

  3. 用这些钱去操办操办吧。

    With this try to manage.

  4. 他父母给他操办婚礼。

    His parents made all the arrangements for his wedding.

  5. 他父母给他操办婚礼。

    His parents made all the arrangements for his wedding.

  6. 我正在操办一个画廊。

    I manage an art gallery.

  7. 自愿操办圣诞节表演的人

    Volunteers to run the Christmas show

  8. 这些都是她一手操办的。

    She made all this food.

  9. 许多人自愿操办圣诞节表演。

    Many volunteers wanted to run the Christmas show.

  10. 那儿是你一手操办起来的。

    You helped build that place.

  11. 聚会已操办妥当, 她却一无所知。

    The party was organized without her knowing anything about it.

  12. 昆比一手操办自己的商务出行。

    Mr. Quinby handles all his own business travel.

  13. 等着看我操办你的生日吧

    Wait till you see what I do for your birthday.

  14. 格林夫妇不遗余力为女儿操办婚宴。

    The Greens shot the works on their daughter's wedding reception.

  15. 这是首次由私人公司操办冰灯节。

    It is the first time a private company has run the ice festival.

  16. 经理已把这次宴会交给秘书操办。

    The manager has left the arrangements for the banquet in his secretary's hands.

  17. 家长经常一厢情愿极力为子女操办一切。

    Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children.

  18. 我知道这样一来我们有更多事需要操办

    I mean, I know it's a lot more work for us.

  19. 所以你可以自己操办这个教师答谢晚会。

    So you can do teacher appreciation night on your own.

  20. 那个我雇来操办预演晚宴厨师的事情

    The chef I hired to cater the rehearsal dinner

  21. 但是为什么呢?你可以为全世界操办晚会。

    But why? You organize parties forthe whole world.

  22. 今天是不容错过的吉期,适于操办婚事。

    Today is an unmissable auspicious day, suitable for holding a wedding.

  23. 今天是不容错过的吉期,适于操办婚事。

    Today is an unmissable auspicious day, suitable for holding a wedding.

  24. 每年我都被拉来帮忙操办校运动会。

    Every year I was roped into helping with the school sports.

  25. 因此, 他们一般自己操办婚礼, 并支付婚礼的费用。

    So they often organize and pay for their own weddings.

  26. 没有人为我操办场面热闹得大型婚典仪式。

    No huge, clamorous clan wedding for me.

  27. 没有人为我操办场面热闹的大型婚典仪式。

    No huge, clamorous clan wedding for me.

  28. 村里人操办红白事是有很多讲究的。

    The villagers are very cultured regarding weddings, and funerals.

  29. 村里人操办红白事是有很多讲究的。

    The villagers are very cultured regarding weddings, and funerals.

  30. 请她帮忙操办婚礼,那时正是个合适的时间。

    It was a fitting and proper time to ask her hand in marriage.


  1. 问:操办拼音怎么拼?操办的读音是什么?操办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:操办的读音是cāobàn,操办翻译成英文是 make arrangements


