


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn dī







  1. 预测市场价格下跌。

    茅盾 《子夜》二:“ 壮飞 ,公债又跌了!你的十万裁兵怎样?谣言太多,市场人气看低,估量来还要跌哪!”



  1. Or will it continue to look down its nose at those who are trying to help it?


  2. They shared all that they had, they did not look down on anyone.


  3. Frustrations , worry , depression and disappointment ultimately take their toll and low self-esteem is often the individual result .


  4. She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents ineligible , and for that reason her also .


  5. We marvel most, and stand in awe of you without peer, at the depth and intensity of your compassion for each other as earth human beings.


  6. I mean wanderers, the spiritual wanderers those who are walking naked, begging, they are not looked down, in fact they are looked up.


  7. Kodak's view, if low by this depends on the company's future development, will be wrong.


  8. I can't wait to see the return of lower volatility to the stock and commodity markets.


  9. We neither want to be looked up to nor down upon.


  1. 又来了,又看低自己了

    There you go,running yourself down.Well,I'm a dangerous driver.

  2. 妇女不再看低由社会。

    Women are no longer looked down upon by society.

  3. 你看低水平的书看得太多了。

    You read too much junk, ie lowquality books.

  4. 任何人都没有权利看低周围的人。

    No one has the right to look down upon anyone around.

  5. 你太看低自己了,马克斯隆

    You have very low expectations for yourself, mark sloan.

  6. 谦卑不是看低自己, 而是少想自己。

    Humility does not mean thinking less of oneself, but thinking of oneself less.

  7. 我不愿意把你的理解力看低了。

    I won't insult your intelligence.

  8. 从此,农夫马上看低了狮子,最后不再害怕了。

    Herefrom, that farmer looks down on right away the lion, is fear of him not in the least.

  9. 很多时候,是出身卑微的人是自己看低了自己。

    In many cases, is a humble person who is looked down upon his own.

  10. 兔子为她的长腿而骄傲, 她也非常看低乌龟。

    The hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon the tortoise.

  11. 谦卑不是把自己看低一些, 而是少想到自己一点。

    Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.

  12. 他们分享着自己拥有的一切, 他们从不看低任何人。

    They shared all that they had, they did not look down on anyone.

  13. 从两会看低成本有机复合材料制造技术的发展

    Impression of Low Cost Composite Manufacturing Process Developments from Two Conferences

  14. 桑尼认为, 说可口可乐公司出价太高有点看低了汇源。

    Sonne believed that said the Coca Cola Company bid too high has a little despised Huiyuan.

  15. 她憎恨人家会把她的父母当作低一等的人, 因此也把她看低。

    She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents ineligible, and for that reason her also.

  16. 很多人在砍价上犹豫是因为不想让别人看低自己。

    Many people hesitate to haggle because they dont want to seem cheap.

  17. 也许你感到被看低了,或者原来有挑战的工作现在停滞不前。

    You may feel undervalued, or a job that was once challenging is now at a standstill.

  18. 乔布的苦难使他更高看神, 更低看自己。

    Job's afflictions left him with higher conceptions of God and lowlier thoughts of himself.

  19. 由于痛苦而将自己看得太低就是自卑。

    As painful and will see their complex is low.

  20. 看着你低着头推开扬到你面前密集得话筒。

    Gloria spread their heads bowed in front of you looking at your intensive microphone.

  21. 看着你低着头推开扬到你面前密集的话筒。

    Gloria spread their heads bowed in front of you looking at your intensive microphone.

  22. 他低著头看, 以避开我的目光。

    He looked downward to avoid my eyes.

  23. 我并不喜欢她穿网眼袜。这使她看起来身价很低。

    I don’t like when she wears her fishnet stockings. It makes her look cheap.

  24. 尽管这家饭店看起来像个低档次餐馆,但做的菜很棒。

    Although this restaurant looks like a dive, the food is great.

  25. 尽管这家饭店看起来像个低档次餐馆,但做的菜很棒。

    Although this restaurant looks like a dive, the food is great.

  26. 他低低地俯下身看。

    He was bent low over a book.

  27. 奥勃良沉思地低着头看他。

    O'Brien was looking down at him speculatively.

  28. 他低着头看,以避开我的目光。

    He looked downward to avoid my eyes.

  29. 所有产品按价格分类, 可以由低到高看或相反。

    All goods are sorted by price, you can view the product list by lowest price or highest price order.

  30. 葛伦,你想看机密档案吗?低一点。

    Glen, seriously, dont you want to see something classified Yeah. Get low.


  1. 问:看低拼音怎么拼?看低的读音是什么?看低翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看低的读音是kàndī,看低翻译成英文是 for short account