







汉语拼音:jí hèn








  1. 憎恨。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·我怎么做起小说来》:“但我常看外国的批评文章,因为他于我没有恩怨嫉恨,虽然所评的是别人的作品,却很有可以借镜之处。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十三:“他对纠纷的真相,更了然了,这个使得他心里的嫉恨减低了不少。”



  1. but he never held a grudge against me for believing in something different from him.


  2. Then the high priest rising up, and all they that were with him, (which is the heresy of the Sadducees, ) were filled with envy.


  3. Being envious and jealous of others is just a slow method of suicide that'll kill both your health and happiness.


  4. Time flies, Simba has grown into a healthy, smart little lion, and could be his uncle Scar but have not given up his grudges.


  5. Make your confidence work for you without going over the top and alienating coworkers.


  6. for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.


  7. No telling me when an attractive woman friends you on Facebook in a lame attempt to get me jealous.


  8. Do not let their resentment over the folds of the soul.


  9. Afterwards, Shun didn't resent and was still humble to his father and loved his younger brother.


  1. 嫉恨如阴间之残忍

    Passion fierce as the grave

  2. 对嫉恨舞者的残疾呢?

    What of the cripple who hates dancers?

  3. 尤指由于嫉恨而想伤害

    To intend to harm, especially because of a grudge.

  4. 那也就是说, 确实有人嫉恨你。

    Then someone must really hate you.

  5. 受到他们的尊敬总比嫉恨好。

    Better they respect you than carry a grudge.

  6. 因为那一点小事, 她就嫉恨我。

    She envied and hated me because of such trifles.

  7. 种族间得嫉恨是一种不良得风气。

    Racial hatred is a contagion.

  8. 种族间的嫉恨是一种不良的风气。

    Racial hatred is a contagion.

  9. 看那些玩偶多么嫉恨我们。最后两行

    See how the dolls resent us

  10. 她就是那种嫉恨其他女性的女人。

    She's one of those women who just hates other women.

  11. 因为爱情如死之坚强, 嫉恨如阴间之残忍。

    For love is strong as death passion fierce as the grave.

  12. 不要让自己的心灵蒙上嫉恨的皱褶。

    Do not let their resentment over the folds of the soul.

  13. 对于年轻人他却不曾有过嫉恨的心理。

    He had never resented younger men.

  14. 事后舜毫不嫉恨, 仍对父亲恭顺, 对弟弟慈爱。

    Afterwards, Shun didn't resent and was still humble to his father and loved his younger brother.

  15. 现在你们还有几秒钟的时间来嫉恨我。

    Now here is a couple of seconds for you to resent me.

  16. 你的嫉恨,冤仇,挫败和妒忌之心终将消失。

    Your grudge resentment frustration and jealousies will finally disappear.

  17. 你的嫉恨, 仇 , 败和妒嫉之心终将消失。

    Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disapear.

  18. 你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。

    Your envy and hate, the feud, setback and the heart that envy will disappear eventually.

  19. 你没有让我失去那全部的尊严, 所以我不会嫉恨你。

    You don't let me lose that all the dignity, so I won't grudges you.

  20. 因为嫉恨乃是男人的烈怒, 在报仇的日子绝不留情。

    For jealousy is the rage of a man, And he will not spare in the day of vengeance.

  21. 如果你感到你的不快并不仅仅来自于嫉恨会怎么办?

    What if you're suffering some malaise and it's not just envy?

  22. 但是他从来不因为我的观点与他的有什么不同而嫉恨我。

    but he never held a grudge against me for believing in something different from him.

  23. 制裁体制也成为塔利班嫉恨联合国的一个重要因素。

    The sanctions regime also became one of the major grudges that the Taliban held against the United Nations.

  24. 那两个异母姐妹自己丑陋不堪,十分嫉恨灰姑娘得漂亮。

    Ugly as sin themselves,the two stepsisters hated Cinderella for her beauty.

  25. 那两个异母姐妹自己丑陋不堪,十分嫉恨灰姑娘的漂亮。

    Ugly as sin themselves, the two stepsisters hated Cinderella for her beauty.

  26. 缺少宽恕的一个迹象是, 一个人希望保持在对过去的嫉恨中。

    One sign of a lack of mastery of forgiveness is one that wishes to hold on to the grudges of the past.

  27. 正因为这样,所以马克思是当代最遭嫉恨和最受诬蔑的人。

    And, consequently, Mark was the best hated and most calumniated man of his time.


  1. 问:嫉恨拼音怎么拼?嫉恨的读音是什么?嫉恨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嫉恨的读音是jíhèn,嫉恨翻译成英文是 envy and hate



拼音:jí hèn词义:表示对他人(物)的才能的憎恨与嫉妒


近义词:妒嫉,怨恨宗教学中的嫉恨:阴阳学中认为:这个世界上没有偶然只有必然,无论多么微小的邂逅都必定会影响未来的命运,缘分缔结就不会消失。世界貌似很大,其实很小只限于自己看的见的,手摸得到的。也是因此,古人认为化解凶煞与祈福是重要的事情,需要带 昱珀 。添加“但马土佐,梦窗疏石,隐岐元简”结押从而可以祈福带来人生幸福的机遇