


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……


1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……



汉语拼音:tuī lùn









  1. 推详论述。

    《孔子家语·致思》:“ 赐 著縞衣白冠,陈説其间,推论利害。”《三国志·魏志·王肃传》“歷注经传,颇传於世。” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》:“帝每与 夏 推论书传,未尝不终日也。” 宋 秦观 《上吕晦叔书》:“某狂妄,尝以此説推论歷世豪杰之士,又以默观当今之时。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷四:“予为之往復推论,始得豁然。”

  2. 逻辑学名词。用语言形式表达出来的推理。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·文艺的大众化》:“倘若说,作品愈高,知音愈少。那么推论起来,谁也不懂的东西,就是世界上的绝作了。”



  1. "I'll grant that, " I said, "although it hardly seems to be an inference. It's really implicit in the statement. "


  2. By questioning the witness, the attorney elicited the fact that it was raining at the time of the accident.


  3. They theorize that the dieters feel anxious or nervous in the presence of foods that they like but are supposed to be trying to avoid.


  4. Domain knowledge classification is achieved by the concept of Ontology for this system, and then transform it to the engineering database.


  5. With this reasoning, will technological progress help landscape get out of the region?


  6. I distilled all that complex brainstorming and math into a single index card.


  7. But since the planets and notches do not come with labels, this has proved to be an elusive conclusion.


  8. It is all too easy to dismiss this line of reasoning as a hypocritical defence of the rich.


  9. At this point I agreed with you that it was preposterous, and was glad to find that all my deductions had been correct.


  1. 推论推论或结论

    A deduction or an inference.

  2. 修辞式推论

    deducing by rhetoric.

  3. 定理及推论

    theorem and deduction.

  4. 自相矛盾的推论

    inconsequent reasoning

  5. 推论经济转型。

    Theorizing the Economic Transformation B.

  6. 罗斯福推论

    The Roosevelt Corollary.

  7. 有条理的推论

    straight reasoning.

  8. 可推论的信息

    Deduced information.

  9. 推论上的程序

    inferential procedure

  10. 符合逻辑的推论

    a logically valid deduction

  11. 这有一个推论。

    There is a corollary to this.

  12. “因此”是个推论词。

    "Therefore" is an illative word.

  13. 他的推论毫无道理。

    His reasoning didnt make any sense.

  14. 没有依据逻辑的推论的。

    Not following logically as a consequence.

  15. 推论逻辑上的结论或推论

    A logical conclusion or inference.

  16. 表达推论的或置于推论前面的

    expressing or preceding an inference

  17. 这种推论是否太抽象了?

    Is this inference too presumptuous?

  18. 关于鞍点定理及其推论

    About Saddle Point Theorem and Its Corollary

  19. 侦探必须用推论来破案。

    A detective must use DEDUCTIVE REASONING to solve a case.

  20. 旋转体体积公式及其推论

    The formula and corollary of volume of rotating object.

  21. 你可从一般原理来推论。

    You can reason from general laws.

  22. 裁判上之类比推论辨析

    Analyses on the Analogical Reasoning in Adjudication

  23. 你的推论无疑是不合理的。

    Your deduction is definitely unreasonable.

  24. 做出笼统的推论, 指责等。

    make a sweeping generalization, accusation, etc

  25. 指出他们在推论上的错误

    Pointed out an error in their reasoning

  26. 目得论得推论得原则,我相信

    The teleological framework of reasoning, I believe.

  27. 从基本公设推论出的命题。

    A proposition deducible from basic postulates.

  28. 目的论的推论的原则,我相信

    The teleological framework of reasoning, I believe

  29. 这里可导出某些有趣的推论。

    This leads to some interesting conclusions.

  30. 你的条理清楚的推论非常正确。

    Your clear reasoning is quite correct.


  1. 问:推论拼音怎么拼?推论的读音是什么?推论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论的读音是tuīlùn,推论翻译成英文是 infer

  2. 问:推论地拼音怎么拼?推论地的读音是什么?推论地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论地的读音是,推论地翻译成英文是 deductively

  3. 问:推论的拼音怎么拼?推论的的读音是什么?推论的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论的的读音是tuī lùn de,推论的翻译成英文是 inferential

  4. 问:推论操作拼音怎么拼?推论操作的读音是什么?推论操作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论操作的读音是tuī lùn cāo zuò,推论操作翻译成英文是 inference operation

  5. 问:推论统计拼音怎么拼?推论统计的读音是什么?推论统计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论统计的读音是tuī lùn tǒng jì,推论统计翻译成英文是 inferential statistics

  6. 问:推论规则拼音怎么拼?推论规则的读音是什么?推论规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论规则的读音是tuī lùn guī zé,推论规则翻译成英文是 consequence rule

  7. 问:推论距离拼音怎么拼?推论距离的读音是什么?推论距离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论距离的读音是tuī lùn jù lí,推论距离翻译成英文是 inferential distance

  8. 问:推论统计学拼音怎么拼?推论统计学的读音是什么?推论统计学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论统计学的读音是,推论统计学翻译成英文是 Statistical inference

  9. 问:推论兴趣办公室拼音怎么拼?推论兴趣办公室的读音是什么?推论兴趣办公室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推论兴趣办公室的读音是tuī lùn xìng qù bàn gōng shì,推论兴趣办公室翻译成英文是 Office of Corollary Interest


