




船。行船或飞行:~海。~空。~天。~行(xíng )。~班。民~。……



汉语拼音:qǐ háng







  1. 开船。




  1. With the king's daughter and the water of long life, the youth returned to his ship, where the old sailor was all ready to weigh anchor.


  2. A minute or two later the skiff's head was standing high up, against the boat's swell, and the voyage was begun.


  3. Without a Dream there is no place to Start, and nothing to Achieve. When I let myself Dream Anything is Possible! Gelivable!


  4. blew to give notice that the boat was about to leave.


  5. Ready to sail on the morrow, or next day at latest, God willing!


  6. Three days after we set sail, we saw a great fleet of small boats, full of savages, come paddling toward us as if to attack us.


  7. The ship is to set sail tomorrow noon. Enclosed please find copy of invoice for same to your immediate attention.


  8. If the ship had left at noon, it would be passing through the canal now.


  9. Two destroyers and a supply ship left the port of Sanya on Hainan island to join warships from other nations already patrolling the area.


  1. 船启航了。

    The ship got under way.

  2. 船启航了。

    The ship got under way.

  3. 在启航前夕

    On the eve of sailing.

  4. 我们起锚启航。

    We weighed anchor.

  5. 预计启航时间

    ETS estimated time of sailing

  6. 我们顺风启航。

    We got under way before the wind.

  7. 大船启航了。

    The great ship got under way.

  8. 船启航去非洲。

    The ship set sail for Africa.

  9. 轮船已经启航了。

    The ship has left.

  10. 船什么时间启航?

    What time does the ship leave ?

  11. 船长命令扬帆启航。

    The captain ordered to square the ship away.

  12. 我们在涨潮时启航。

    We set sail at high tide.

  13. 潮汐起,我们就启航。

    We sail with the tide.

  14. 他们趁退潮时启航。

    They set sail on the ebb tide.

  15. 船长, 可以启航了吗?

    Are we ready to sail, captain?

  16. 船长,可以启航了吗?

    Are we ready to sail, captain?

  17. 从普利茅斯启航

    to put out from Plymouth

  18. 从普利茅斯启航

    to put out from Plymouth

  19. 这艘船启航去欧洲。

    The ship set sail for Europe.

  20. 他们上周启航,前往香港。

    They launched out last week on a journey to Hong Kong.

  21. 我们将在黎明启航。

    We are sailing at dawn.

  22. 这艘货轮什么时候启航?

    When does the freighter set sail?

  23. 他们昨天上午解缆启航。

    They cast off their boat yesterday morning.

  24. 你们的轮船什么时候启航?

    When does your steamer sail?

  25. 启航前,我们补充了给养。

    Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.

  26. 是启航前一星期买的

    A week before he sailed on Titanic.

  27. 一清早, 他们启航向南行驶。

    Charlie walked southward to a bridge.

  28. 所以我们启航出海, 追逐太阳。

    So we sail up to the sun.

  29. 货船启航, 驶往非洲海岸。

    The freighter launched out, on a journey to the coast of Africa.

  30. 船启航时, 汤姆挥了挥手。

    Tom waved as the ship set sail.


  1. 问:启航拼音怎么拼?启航的读音是什么?启航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启航的读音是qǐháng,启航翻译成英文是 to set sail; to make sail; to weigh anchor

  2. 问:启航日拼音怎么拼?启航日的读音是什么?启航日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启航日的读音是qǐ háng rì,启航日翻译成英文是 sailing day

  3. 问:启航港拼音怎么拼?启航港的读音是什么?启航港翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启航港的读音是qǐ háng gǎng,启航港翻译成英文是 port of sailing

  4. 问:启航日期拼音怎么拼?启航日期的读音是什么?启航日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启航日期的读音是qǐ háng rì qī,启航日期翻译成英文是 date of sailing

  5. 问:启航时间拼音怎么拼?启航时间的读音是什么?启航时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启航时间的读音是qǐ háng shí jiān,启航时间翻译成英文是 time of departure

  6. 问:启航通知单拼音怎么拼?启航通知单的读音是什么?启航通知单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:启航通知单的读音是qǐ háng tōng zhī dān,启航通知单翻译成英文是 sailing cards



“启航”是个多义词,它可以指启航(即时航海网络游戏), 启航(澳门著名音乐创作人), 启航(汉语词汇), 启航(健康励志电视剧), 启航(科技开发公司), 启航(德国贝克曼油画), 启航(2014年拍摄的电视剧), 启航(亚洲美容美发协会技术总监)。