如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……
1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……
汉语拼音:zhōng yào
《北齐书·祖珽传》:“ 后主 亦令中要数人扶侍出入,著纱帽直至永巷。” 唐 元稹 《五弦弹》诗:“水精帘外教贵嬪,瑇瑁筵心伴中要。”《旧唐书·张镐传》:“ 张镐 性简澹,不事中要。”《资治通鉴·唐肃宗乾元元年》引此文。 胡三省 注:“中要,谓中人居权要者,如 李辅国 之类。”
To be truly happy, you have to get your head around the idea that circumstances don't matter as much as you think they do.
要想真正幸福,你脑中要有这样一个想法,环境并不如你所想的重要。Luckily, setting up a VPN of your own is easier than it sounds, and a number of services already exist with online gaming in mind.
幸运的是,为你自己建立一个VPN比想象中要容易,而且早已有很多现成的服务存在你所想的在线游戏中。Note: All required work must be completed satisfactorily for you to receive a passing grade for the course.
注意:在课程中要得到一个及格的等级,你必须令人满意地完成所有要求的作业。In modern manufacturing, decision and control must be made under a great deal of uncertain information and experiential knowledge.
在现代制造研究中,要在大量不确定性信息和经验知识下进行决策与控制。Make sure the cursor is at the place in the label publication where you want to add a placeholder.
确保光标位于标签出版物中要添加占位符的位置。Accept that you are the man in this relationship and deal with it as you would with any other over-emotional woman.
在这种关系中,要假设你是个男性,并且要用对付过于感性的女士的方式处理此事。Reporting from Minneapolis -- Lamar Odom stared at his left leg before Sunday's game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.
明尼阿波利斯报道——拉玛尔-奥多姆在周日对森林狼的比赛中,要用他的左腿撑起比赛。It was difficult in the dark and once the fish made a surge that pulled him down on his face and made a cut below his eye.
黑暗中要这么做确实很困难,突然间,那条鱼猛然掀起一阵大浪,把他拖倒了,脸部朝下,一只眼睛下面还割出了道伤口。Miss Riggi was shorter than I remember, though unmistakable with her still-long, still-black hair and bright, intelligent eyes.