




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:cāo chǎng







  1. 供体育活动及军事操练的场所。

    丁玲 《梦珂》一:“操场上的人都急速的移动,打网球的几个人也就随着大众向第八教室走去。”



  1. on a saturday. The familiar building, so unfamiliar in its quietness. Peaceful, as if time had frozen still.


  2. Just like the heat of our hearts, the sun worked so hard and warmed the playground up for the annual Campus Charity Fair in the afternoon.


  3. I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.


  4. Finding one of her students making faces at others on the playground, Ms Smith stopped to gently reprimand the child.


  5. "It's an earthquake, " he shouted, before legging it out of the door, down the stairs and on to the playing field.


  6. Adonis had them all do some stretching followed by a light jog around the pitch. While they were gone he walked over to me.


  7. This Tuesday, during the morning exercise time, the children carried out a "water war" activities on the playground.


  8. At our kid's park, the children seem to be is very happy to them in the activity on the drill ground.


  9. Please use the west-side parking lot where there are plenty of parking spaces and very easy to get in and out.


  1. 操场很湿。

    The playground was a mere sop.

  2. 室外体操场

    outdoor gymnasium.

  3. 西边是操场。

    The playground lies in the west.

  4. 操场在哪儿?

    Where is the playground located?

  5. 操场在哪儿?

    Where is the playground located?

  6. 操场在左边。

    The sports ground is on the left side.

  7. 在操场上玩。

    Play on the playground.

  8. 在操场的西面。

    To the west of the playground.

  9. 孩子们冲进操场。

    The children charged into the playground.

  10. 汤姆匆匆经过操场。

    Tom hurried past the playground.

  11. 她坐在操场上。

    She sitting on the playground.

  12. 请跟我到操场。

    Please follow me to the playground.

  13. 这是我们的操场。

    This is our playground.

  14. 操场上的蓝色的牛

    Blue Cow in the Playground

  15. 蛭石被用于操场上

    Vermiculite was in the playground.

  16. 孩子们在操场上玩。

    The children are playing on the ground.

  17. 孩子们在跑向操场。

    The children are running for the playground.

  18. 为新操场筹集资金

    Raised the money for the new playground.

  19. 操场上覆盖着草皮。

    The playground was covered with sod.

  20. 在母校的操场、在操场的黎明。

    On the playground and at dawn.

  21. 操场上的慈善义卖。

    A charity sale was held on the playground.

  22. 孩子们正在操场上玩。

    The kids are playing in the playground.

  23. 孩子们正在操场上玩。

    The kids are playing in the playground.

  24. 操场在学校的南面。

    The playground is in the south of the school.

  25. 学生们在操场上赛跑。

    The students ran races on the playground.

  26. 其他学生在操场上。

    The rest of the students are on the playground.

  27. 姑娘们在操场上跳绳。

    The girls were skipping in the playground.

  28. 教室前面有个操场。

    There is a playground in front of the classroom.

  29. 学生们正在操场上玩。

    The students are playing on the playground.

  30. 士兵们在操场上操练。

    The soldiers were at drill in the playground.


  1. 问:操场拼音怎么拼?操场的读音是什么?操场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:操场的读音是cāochǎng,操场翻译成英文是 sports ground

  2. 问:操场纪律拼音怎么拼?操场纪律的读音是什么?操场纪律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:操场纪律的读音是cāo chǎng jì lǜ,操场纪律翻译成英文是 Discipline of the Drill Ground




拼音:cāo chǎng

注音:ㄘㄠ ㄔㄤˇ