







汉语拼音:zhù lì








  1. 亦作“伫立”。久立。

    《诗·邶风·燕燕》:“瞻望弗及,佇立以泣。” 唐 孟浩然 《游精思观回王白云在后》诗:“衡门犹未掩,佇立望夫君。”

  2. 泛指站立。

    《资治通鉴·唐德宗建中二年》:“计 河南 诸军,朝夕北向, 恒 魏 之亡,可佇立而须也。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·画壁》:“倾耳佇立,若有听察。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“ 愫芳 佇立发痴。” 柯云路 《三千万》:“ 丁猛 凝视着窗外伫立了一会儿。”



  1. That stands to see a few birds in the branches, the view of the front at a loss quietly, waiting for it but who?


  2. There was he, motionless as was pinned, his eyes setting on the land in front of him , a fiddle drooped from his fingers.


  3. Travel to an end. But I do not know where the next stop. Stands on the platform, waiting for the next reincarnation.


  4. And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.


  5. Impelled by some sort of fascination, I approached the sepulchre to see what it was and why such a thing stood alone in such a place.


  6. The tree stood by the door of her house. All year round this tree was covered with white flowers and golden apples.


  7. My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things.


  8. The passers-by of forty years ago halted to gaze at it, without a suspicion of the secrets which it hid in its fresh and verdant depths.


  9. One unlikely answer may lie in an object that has become something of an emblem of our late capitalist economy: the sea container.


  1. 请勿伫立街头。

    Please do not loiter in the streets.

  2. 伫立,在天庭的门廊。

    Leaning from Heaven's gate.

  3. 我在那里伫立良久。

    I was standing there for a long time.

  4. 我伫立在那度日如年

    I stood for what seemed like years

  5. 他伫立在纪念碑前。

    He stood still in front of the monument for a long while.

  6. 她悲伤地伫立墓旁。

    She stood sadly beside the grave.

  7. 伫立伤神, 无奈轻寒折磨人。

    A person standing in a daze, feeling cold is not.

  8. 他伫立在门口,目送我们离去。

    He stood at the gate and looked after us.

  9. 我们俩静静的伫立在时光中。

    Soon we two are standing still in time.

  10. 在这熟悉之处, 我无法伫立。

    I cannot stand the sight of this familiar place.

  11. 她看见一座十字架伫立在花园中央。

    She saw a crucifix in the garden.

  12. 还是我伫立这里,用眼角的余光看?

    Or am I standing still, out of the corner of my eye?

  13. 我高举明灯在黄金色门旁伫立!

    I life my lamp beside the golden door!

  14. 新的一天会沉落,伫立了太久。

    And a new day will dawn for those who stand long.

  15. 新得一天会沉落,伫立了太久。

    And a new day will dawn for those who stand long.

  16. 卓琳伫立在伟人身后的温柔与坚韧

    Zhuo Lin, a mild and strong woman behind the master mind

  17. 一个苏格兰风笛手孤单的伫立着

    A scottish piper stands alone

  18. 他静静伫立在墓旁表达他最后的敬意。

    He paid his last respects by standing quietly at the graveside.

  19. 他怀着渴望和恐惧交加的心情伫立着。

    He stood in a mixture of desire and apprehensions.

  20. 你像忏悔中的苦行僧一般日日夜夜伫立着

    You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances

  21. 没有风房子后面得橡树静静地伫立着。

    There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing absolutely still.

  22. 没有风房子后面的橡树静静地伫立着。

    There was no wind and the oak tree behind the house was standing absolutely still.

  23. 在河流畔的旷野上,我和我的爱人并肩伫立。

    In a field by the river my love and I stand.

  24. 今生,我站在寂寞左岸,你伫立海角天边。

    This life, I stood lonely Left you standing Cape horizon.

  25. 在照片中, 她摆出水手伫立远望的姿势。

    In the photo she stands in the attitude of a sailor looking afar.

  26. 在正门前伫立着八根巨大的大理石柱子。

    In front of the main gate stood eight gigantic, marble columns.

  27. 在正门前伫立着八根巨大的大理石柱子。

    In front of the main gate stood eight gigantic, marble columns.

  28. 这是座伫立在安阿伯街尽头的雕塑。

    This statue is at the end of annarbor Street erected by.

  29. 伫立广场, 极目远望, 思接千载, 感荡心灵。

    Plaza stands, Yuanwang bridge view, then you're thinking, a sense of soul swing.

  30. 仿佛看到一个在海岸边伫立凝望的女子。

    Seemed at the seashore stood at the woman.


  1. 问:伫立拼音怎么拼?伫立的读音是什么?伫立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伫立的读音是zhùlì,伫立翻译成英文是 stand for a long time


