







汉语拼音:yì lì








  1. 高耸挺立。

    唐 李荃 《大唐博陵郡北岳恒山封安天王铭》:“维 恒 兮作镇壬癸,善利万物兮德配诸水,雄峯屹立而朝山邐迤。” 宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷六:“下临石壁,屹立万丈,真奇观也。” 清 黄遵宪 《哀旅顺》诗:“礮臺屹立如虎闞,红衣大将威望儼。” 鲁迅 《野草·一觉》:“我照作品的年月看下去,这些不肯涂脂抹粉的青年们的魂灵便依次屹立在我眼前。”



  1. China to take off like a dragon, he always looked toward the front, one day he would stand on the pinnacle of the world.


  2. The next few months will be tough, but giving the Civic a decent debut would at least help shore up the brand.


  3. As long as the pyramids still stand, some people will continue to pursue the matter.


  4. One bit of wall, about five hundred feet high, was still standing; it was that which she had thought was a cliff.


  5. Brian was the default candidate for CEO, the last man standing, and he was a controversial choice that not everyone believed in.


  6. A dead tree, standing in the wind, the artist's eyes are beautiful, it is luxuriantly flourishing of life with, how much more glorious past?


  7. Sixty years of the Endeavor, was like a sleeping dragon, dream wake up, stand in the east of Britain. Let the world in awe.


  8. In one sense, the bank has already done better than many rivals by the simple fact of being still in existence.


  9. Melbourne's Federation Square complex, with its sharp geometric shapes, represents challenging modern architecture in the heart of the city.


  1. 浮雕般屹立

    They stand out in relief.

  2. 我们仍会高高屹立

    And still we stand tall

  3. 屹立潮头, 挥洒青春

    Stands erect on the tide head, write the youth freely and easily

  4. 在光明中巍然屹立!

    In bright detachment stand!

  5. 巍巍宝塔屹立在山巅。

    The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain.

  6. 园主铜像, 现屹立园中。

    Now a bronze statue of the former owner of the park stands in the park.

  7. 堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。

    The dike held during the flood.

  8. 高高的橡树屹立在平原上。

    Tall oaks dominate the plain.

  9. 高高的橡树屹立在平原上。

    Tall oaks dominate the plain.

  10. 屹立在山峰之巅的大树

    a tree soared on the peak

  11. 五角大楼岿然屹立, 完好如初。

    The Pentagon stands strong and whole.

  12. 这所老学校仍屹立不摇。

    The old school still stands.

  13. 这块纪念碑屹立于圣地之上。

    This memorial stands on sacred ground.

  14. 一座白塔屹立在山丘上。

    A white tower stands on the hill.

  15. 马特峰巍然屹立在背景中。

    The Matterhorn rose proudly in the background.

  16. 一棵大橡树屹立在房子前面。

    A big oak tree stood in front of the house.

  17. 完全过时了, 但依然屹立不倒。

    Completely out of date but still standing.

  18. 教师是灯塔,屹立风雨,指引方向。

    Teachers are lighthouse, towering wind and rain, a direction.

  19. 大桥震动了一下,但仍屹立着。

    The bridge shook but held.

  20. 这座小山顶上屹立着一座庙。

    There stands a big temple on the top of the hill.

  21. 伦敦在经历考验之后仍巍然屹立。

    London had stood triumphant through all her ordeals.

  22. 塔巍然屹立映着睛朗的天空。

    The tower stands sharp against the clear sky.

  23. 两年过去了,欧元仍屹立不倒。

    Two years on, the euro is still standing.

  24. 这房子孤零零地屹立在小山上。

    The house stood by itself on a hill.

  25. 我们都伤害它, 但是它仍屹立在那。

    We all hurt it, but still It'stays there.

  26. 高耸的建筑屹立在嶙峋的悬崖顶上。

    Tall buildings perch on the top of rocky cliffs.

  27. 那面旗帜历经长夜依旧屹立耸然。

    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

  28. 你知道么有些城墙至今仍屹立不倒?

    Do you know some of those battlements are still standing ?

  29. 人民英雄纪念碑屹立在天安门广场上。

    The Monument to the People's Heroes stands like a giant on Tiananmen Square.

  30. 我们屹立于黑暗的海角,监视其通过。

    We stood on the dark headlands to watch them pass.


  1. 问:屹立拼音怎么拼?屹立的读音是什么?屹立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屹立的读音是yìlì,屹立翻译成英文是 stand



“屹立”是个多义词,它可以指屹立(汉语词语), 屹立(2010出品电视剧), 屹立(网络小说)。